36. Exercise

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» Grei's POV «

I woke up happily not minding that I got suspended yesterday, so what I bet in 2 or 3 days I'll get back to school.

I went to my balcony and let the wind touches my soft skin, did I just praised myself? Oh well, that's the truth.

"Psst!" I looked around and I didn't saw anyone. "Pssst!" I looked around once again.

"Psssst!" I balled my fist, "If you won't show up, I'l get rid off of your head."

"Down here." I looked down and saw Baekhyun with the boys.

"What are you all doing there?" I asked.

"Want to have some exercise?" Xiumin asked.

*   *   *

It's been a long time since I took a better exercise.

"First game is marathon, the first pair is Chanyeol and Sehun. The second pair is Kai and Baekhyun. The third pair is Xiumin and Chen." Suho announced.

"To our first round, first player on each pairs please go to the center now." Suho said while gesturing.

Oh! We're now here in front of my condo since my condo is inside the village. So, we don't have to worry about the fans.

For the first pair, Chanyeol is the first player. On the second pair is Kai. On the last pair is Chen.

Did you noticed something? Chen is the one who's small XD. Ok, sorry Chen.

"Ok, position please." The players went to their position and kneel on the ground as if they're really on a contest.

"Ready... Get set... GO!" And they started to run.

Woah! Did just Chen is on the second place? And Chanyeol is on the first place. And then, Kai... Is on the last XD. I'm such a bully.

Let's see who's going to win. The small one, the black one, or the giant toothpaste model?

They're now coming near to the finish line, who's going to win?

"YEHEYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!" Xiumin suddenly yelled, so it means Chen won.

I want to laugh so hard, can you believe it? The smallest was the terrible?

"I can't believe that the smallest one beats a giant toothpaste model." Sehun said while patting Chanyeol's shoulder.

I chuckled when I saw that Chanyeol punched his shoulder. "He cheated." He said that's why I laughed while watching them both throw some trash talks on each other.

I shook my head while watching the other members to ready for the round 2.

After the game, Baekhyun won and I congratulate him. And you know what? He almost dived in the ground when he's running.

Next game is badminton, me, Suho and Kyungsoo will be the player.

On the first round, the person who will win will remain while the person who will lose will be exchange with the another person and that will be the second round.

Kai will be the announcer, Chanyeol will be the scorer since he has a big eyes. And Sehun will be the referee.

"For the first round, Kyungsoo vs. Grei!" Kai announced, smiling proudly.

Well, badminton is really my sport.

"Go Grei!" I heard Baekhyun yelled behind me.

I went to my position, Kyungsoo did the same. "Let's start." Kai said.

Sehun whistled signalling that Kyungsoo is ready to hit the shuttle cock.

Kyungsoo hit it and it passes the net, I went towards it and suddenly spiked it. Causing Kyungsoo to didn't catch it.

"1 point goes to Grei!" Chanyeol said.

"Go Grei!" I yelled Baekhyun cheered again.

The game goes on and on until only one point and I'll win. 15 is Kyungsoo's score, while mine is 19 and only one point I'll win the round one.

I hit the shuttle cock and...


I went towards Kyungsoo and gave him a hug, "I didn't expect that coming." I heard Chanyeol spoke behind us.

I pulled away as we both smiled on each other.

"Ok, let's move to the next game!"

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