23. Smile

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» Grei's POV «

I'm passing over the kitchen when I saw Kyungsoo, so I entered the kitchen.

"Hi, Kyungsoo." He looked at me and smiled, "Hello." He bring back his attention to the stove.

"Do you also know how to bake?" I asked.

"Hmmm... A little."

"Can we bake sometimes?"

He stopped for a second and glance at me and then back to the stove, "S-sure." He said.

After he cooked, he start preparing the food so I help him.

I put the pitcher and glasses on the table as Kyungsoo put the plates down.

"Kyungsoo," He looked at me with an asking eyes. "Smiling suits you well."

He looked at me for a while and suddenly smiled, I just smiled back. "And your smile is attractive." I added and turned around to call the boys.

I entered the living room and saw Baekhyun on the couch, he's alone scrolling on his phone.

"Uhmmm... Baek, let's eat." He raised up his head and looked at me, he just gave me a nod and stood up.

I continued passing over him to went to his room maybe the boys is on his room.

"Grei," I turned around to face Baekhyun. "I-I will call them." I nodded and went back to the kitchen.

I thought he's going to say something... *sighed*

"Where are they?" Kyungsoo asked when I entered the kitchen. "Baekhyun called them." He nodded and sat on the chair.

I sat on the chair opposite of Kyungsoo's. I heard some footsteps and I think that's the boys.

"Wow! The smell is so delicious." Chanyeol said when he entered the kitchen as he sat on my left side.

When we're completed we start eating, I don't know but I automatically smiled when my eyes met Kyungsoo's.

Kyungsoo is smiling as well, gosh he's more handsome when smiling.

"Hmmm? Kyungsoo what's with that smile?" Kai interrupted causing me to look away.

"H-huh? Nothing." I don't know but I smiled again when I heard Kyungsoo stuttered.

"Grei, do you want some?" I nodded at Kyungsoo as we smiled at each other, as he add some dish on my plate.

» Kai's POV «

I looked at Kyungsoo and Grei as Kyungsoo added a dish to Grei's plate.

Why does Kyungsoo and Grei smiling at each other? They're both weird.

I can feel that the other members noticing what's happening too.

I cleared my throat, "Let's start eating." I said and put a rice on my plate as the other members starts eating too.

I glanced at Kyungsoo and Grei once again. Yesterday, the issue is Baekhyun and Grei. Now, Kyungsoo and Grei?! Oh c'mon!

» Grei's POV «

"I'll wash the dishes." I said, "I'll help you." Kyungsoo volunteered.

"No, I'll help Grei." Kai said, we looked at him he's glaring at Kyungsoo.

Ok, what's going on?

*   *   *

I put the rubber gloves on and Kai did the same.

"Kai, do you have a quarrel with Kyungsoo?" I asked Kai while we're washing the dishes.


"Then why are you glaring at him a while ago?"

He suddenly put the glass that he's washing down and suddenly faced me.

Am I a victim of 'face-inches-apart'?

"It's because I'm jealous."

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