26. Bake Not Baek

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» Grei's POV «

"Let's start to bake?" I nodded at Kyungsoo as we start putting the ingredients on a mixing bowl.

"Did I just heard my name?" Baekhyun suddenly appeared.

"It's Bake not Baek." I said.

"What?" Baek asked, confused. I'm also confused of what I've said.

"I mean baking not you."

"Ouch, you hurt my feelings." I rolled my eyes. "If you won't help, you may now leave."

"Your so harsh!" I just gave him a nod, I thought he will leave but he just grabbed a chair and put it in front of me.

Is he teasing me?!

"Kyungsoo, can you hand me over the scissor?" I asked.

Kyungsoo handed me over the scissor, "What are you going to do with a scissor?" Baek asked.

"I'll cut your head off."

"You're really harsh." I rolled my eyes on Baek.

*   *   *

We're only waiting until the cookies were baked, and Baekhyun is still here. He's just scrolling on his phone.

I don't know but my eyes were locked on him... Why am I so attract to him?

» Kyungsoo's POV «

I look at Grei and I saw how she stare at Baekhyun who's busy scrolling on his phone.

Does she like Baekhyun? If she is. I will stop her.

If you're going to ask me if I like Grei, I'm not going to deny it anymore. I like Grei.

I sat beside Grei and cleared my throat to get her attention, I didn't failed and got her attention. I gave her a smile, as she smiled back.

Because of her, I knew how to smile...

» Baekhyun's POV «

I looked at Kyungsoo and Grei that is now smiling each other, is there going on between this two?

I cleared my throat and they both looked at me, "Where's the water?" I asked and stood up.

"In the ref." Grei said, I took a glass and also a pitcher as I poured the glass with water.

I glanced at them while drinking, I rolled my eyes when I saw Kyungsoo is so close to Grei.

I suddenly remembered when me and Grei was from the airport and we're stuck on a traffic.

I smiled when I remembered that, I was spacing out that time.

» Grei's POV «

"Finally we're finished!" I said and stretched my arms.

"I'm just going to bring this to them." Kyungsoo said and left.

I took an empty pitcher and one pack of ice tea, I put a water on the empty pitcher and add the powdered ice tea and mixed it with a teaspoon.

I saw on my peripheral vision that Baekhyun is staring at me so I looked at him.

"Why are you staring?" I asked.

He smiled and shook his head, he went towards me and I stopped from mixing the juice.

My heart suddenly went crazy when he leaned his face a little to mine.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked.

He messed my hair up and smiled. He moved his face away and smirked before leaving.

I shook my head and went back to mixing the juice.

I felt something again when he did that...

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