33. Private Talk

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» Grei's POV «

After the game, I immediately went to my room where there's a balcony. Seeing this view here in the balcony is so refreshing.

But, refreshing here still didn't changed the fact that... He forgot me.

I sighed, I closed the door of my balcony and went out from my room.

I saw Baekhyun and remembered something, I took a deep breath and went towards him.

"Hey, Baek." He looked at me and smiled, "Hi, Grei!" He cheerfully said.

"Can we... talk?" He's with Kyungsoo and Kai right now, and I caught their attention when I said that to Baek.

"Sure." He stood up as I turned around and went in front of my condo. I sat on the stairs before the door.

Baek sat beside me, "What are we going to talk about?" He asked innocently.

How I missed this side of yours...

I can't stop myself anymore! I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him towards me and now I'm embracing him.

I can feel how the cold wind touches my skin, I can feel the silent night, and I can feel peace... Far away from everything/everyone.

I pulled away and then I realized that my cheeks is wet, I was about to wipe it when Baekhyun do it so.

I looked at him puzzled, why did he changed so sudden?

"What are we going to talk about again?" He asked for the second time.

I smiled... Your so innocent to knew it. Maybe this is still not the right time. Maybe I should talk to him first, before you. Maybe I should let him know, before you.

I sobbed and smiled as I shook my head slightly, "I forgot it already." I lied and looked at the sky that was full of stars shining brightly along with each other.

I hope we're like the stars...

I hope we're shining together...

I hope we're together 'til the end...

But I think, I'll end up on hoping... Because I can't force you to bring IT back and just tell you everything without HIS permission. HE might het mad.

» Baekhyun's POV «

I stared at her while she's staring at the sky, I can sense that she wants to tell me something. But, there's also something bothering her to prevent her from saying it.

Do I have to know something?

Why did she suddenly hugged me?

Does she have a problem that she needs a person to be with her?

I might be get crazy if I won't get an answer, but she keep on saying she forgot it when I'm trying to ask what is it.

Is this the right time to say it?

I shook my head slightly and look at the sky along with Grei.

I looked at her using my peripheral vision, she sobbed silently and wiped her tears secretly.

Do I have to know something?

She's acting weird... Even when we were playing a while ago.

» Grei's POV «

"I'm sorry about what I acted, I just need to let all my problem out. Sorry if I disturbed you." I said and bowed to him.

He held both of my shoulders, "Don't bow, it's ok. It's overwhelming that you ask for me than the other members because it means, you're comfortable with me."

I smiled, That's not the only reason... Baek.

» Kyungsoo's POV «

I'm not comfortable anymore since Grei and Baekhyun went out to talk, it brings nervous inside me.

"Yah, Kyungsoo. Don't move, I'm busy here." Kai said while playing on his phone.

Then I immediately looked up when Grei and Baekhyun entered, I frowned when I saw Grei's eyes swollen.

Did Baekhyun made her cry?

"Grei, are you ok?" I asked, she looked at me and smiled before nodding. I'm not fine with her answer, she immediately entered her room.

I looked at Baek, he sat beside me. "What happened? Why is her eyes swollen?" I asked.

"She has a big problem, but she didn't tell me because she kept on crying." He explained looking at the ceiling.

Who is he talking to? Me or the ceiling? Stupid Kyungsoo! Aish, Chanyeol's stupidness is a virus!

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