8. Shop

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» Grei's POV «

I'm now going to the cemetery, I have to go there for my family. Since, today is there death anniversary.

I stepped out from my room and saw Baekhyun also walks out from his room.

"Where are you going?" He asked, "I'm going to the cemetery."

"Cemetery? Why?"

"My family's death anniversary." He stopped for a second, "O-oh... Can I come with you?"

I was about to say no when he spoke up again, "We're going to the cemetery, I think people out there is not that many."

He has a point, "Ok." I replied, he smiled and went back to his room. I took my keys.

I waited for Baekhyun outside his room and he smiled when he's out I smiled back to him, "Let's go." I said.

We went out and hopped on the car, I was about to enter the driver's seat when Baekhyun stopped me.

"I'm a guy, I'll drive. Keys?"

"Being a guy does not measure if you can driver or not." I said.

My eyes widened when he suddenly leaned towards me, I stepped backwards and felt the car behind me.

"It is. Because that measures you for being a gentlemen, so please give me the keys."

My heart beat was fast, I don't know that this guy can make me feel like this.

I felt this one last 4 years ago...


His name is Xi Luhan, a chinese guy that is more beautiful than me haha. He's my boyfriend back then, but he suddenly left, and I don't know why.

After he left, I didn't heard any news about him anymore...

I handed Baekhyun the keys as he smirked and pulled away. I moved aside and went to the front seat.

"Baek," I called him when he entered the driver's seat. "Hmm?" He asked.

"Can you... Can you stop doing that thing again?" I asked.

"Why?" And he smirked.


"Yah, Luhan! Give me that." I whined as I ran after him.

He just continue running around the teacher's table.

"Come and get me." And he laughed.

"I'm tired." I said and sat on the chair.

"Yah," Luhan called me, I didn't bother to raise or look at him since I'm really tired of running.

He held my chin and made me look up on him, he's in front of me staring at me.

He leaned closer, "I'm sorry." He pecked my lips that made me flinched.

He chuckled, "You're really cute. Sorry." He kneel down in front of me and held both of my hand.

"Did I made you tired? I'm sorry, I won't take your necklace again." He made me stood up and he went behind me.

He put on my necklace as I felt his warm breath on my hair.

I turned around to face him, "Yah, I love you." He said.

I smiled, "I love you too."

»End of Flashback«

I rolled my eyes when I remember those.

"Yah, why are you rolling your eyes? Something bothering you?"

I shook my head, "Nothing, can you bring me to the flower shop before heading to the cemetery?"

"Sure, just tell me the way."

"I told 'ya, I'm the one who should drove."

"Don't care." I rolled my eyes, this guy is just so... rude!

I told him the way towards the flower shop until we reached the shop.

"Yah, stay here I'm just going to buy—"

"I'll come with you, there's no people here."

Yeah, there's none because flower shop is only full when it's valentines or Holy week.

"Fine." I said and went out from the car as we entered the shop together.

"Hey, Baby Grei this flower is more better."

"Baby Grei? How dare you call me that one."

"Why not?"

"I just hate it."

"Why? Is there anything precious about it or anything that hurts you about that word?"

I looked at Baekhyun, "Stop it."

"Ok." And he shrugged but still smirking. Arrgghh! He's really crazy!

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