6. Games

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» Grei's POV «

"You and Kyungsoo looks good together." Suddenly, we became silent because of Kai's words.

Me and Kyungsoo looked at each other, and then chuckled. "Hmmm? Did you guys saw that?" Sehun asked.

"Yeah! Kyungsoo smiled!" Suho said and he had a high five with Sehun.

I shook my head, I hope this 1 week will be happy especially with this guys.

*   *   *

"Who's going to wash this dishes?" Kai asked. "Just like the old ones, let's play!" Chen exclaimed.

"And you're going to cheat again?" Xiumin said glaring at Chen. "Nah, I won't especially Grei is here."

"Well then, we're so many here. We need two losers that will wash this dishes." Suho said, writing something on a paper.

"What game are we going to play?" I asked.

"Simple, you will find a partner how many are we in here?" Baekhyun asked. They count all of us here.

"We're 9 here, so there is 1 person that will left an that's me, I will be the referee" Suho stated.

"Come here, get your papers for who's your partner. Grei, you're first." Suho said and mixed the papers on his hand.

Suho stood up and walk towards me, he stretched out his arm for me to reach his hand.

I took one paper and opened it... They all looked at me, waiting for what I'm going to say.

"Baekhyun." I said, and look at Baekhyun who smiles widely.

"Next! Kyungsoo, your turn." Suho said and he walk towards Kyungsoo.

After some minutes, we're now going to have a game.

"The two teams that will play," Suho announced. "Grei's team and Kyungsoo's!"

"Baek, who's the first player?" I asked. "Do you want to go first?" He asked, and I nod.

I stepped forward and to my surprise, Kyungsoo is my opponent.

"Ok, we only have three rounds." Suho announced. "Let's start, ready your fists."

I balled my fist and stretched out my arm, Kyungsoo's and my fist touched.

"1... 2... Go!" *BAM!* 1st round!

"1st Round, Grei wins!"

"Go Grei!" I heard Baekhyun cheered me up.

"2nd round!" Suho announced, so I prepared myself. "1... 2... Go!" *ANOTHER BAM!*

"2nd round, Grei wins!"

"Go Grei, go Grei!"

"Kyungsoo never had lose on this game before, right?" I heard Sehun whispered.

Oh? Is that's so, why is he losing then?

"3rd round!"

"1... 2... Go!"

"3rd round, Kyungsoo wins!"

"And the winner is... Grei!"

"Good job, Grei!" Baekhyun smiled, and I smiled back.

"Be ready next team!"

*   *   *

That game was good though. "Who wants to watch a movie?" Baekhyun asked, and everyone raised their hands even me.

"What movie are we going to watch then?" Chanyeol asked, helping Baekhyun to fixed the TV.

"I've brought a USB." Chen said, "Get it." Chanyeol told him. Chen stood up and went upstairs.

There bags is on Baekhyun's room...

"Hey, Grei. What movie do you want to watch?" Baekhyun asked as I shrugged, "It depends on what this guys want."

"Horror?" -Xiumin

"Soap Opera?" -Kyungsoo

"Action?" -Chanyeol

"Romance?" -Suho

"That's boring." Kai commented on Suho's suggestion.

"Cartoon?" We all looked at Sehun, "Seriously?" -Baekhyun

"Baek, catch." Chen threw the USB on Baek, good thing he caught it.

They inserted the USB and they start choosing movies.

And they also start from fighting of what they're going to watch.

"No, Horror!" -Xiumin. "I'm with him." -Chen.

"Action!" -Chanyeol. "Agree." Baekhyun said with a nod.

"Let's do this with a game!" *FACEPALM*

I'm with the guys in the age of 20's but their minds were like an elementary students.

They really love playing games...

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