34. Saw

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» Grei's POV «

"Ihhhhh!!!!!! GREI! Just stay pleaseee!!!!"

"Argghh! Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Sehun! Can you just let her go to school?! She's schooling and we're the one who disturbed her here to stay."

Did Xiumin really did that? Xiumin is childish as you know, but I didn't know that he can act matured sometimes.

Baekhyun stood up, followed by the two kids. "Fine, but don't let yourself be in sick again, ok?" Baekhyun said childishly.

I nodded, "I won't. Take care, guys." I smiled at them before turning around and leave the condo.

I reached the school and Cyan was the first one who approaches me, "Good morning, Grei!" She said smiling widely.

I smiled back, "Good morning, Cyan." As we both headed towards our classroom.

We reached the classroom and all of them looked surprise when they saw me.

They looked at their phones and then to me and then to their phones again. What is their problem?! It's so irritating.

"Grei," I look at my classmate who named I don't know, I'm not good with recognizing names, I only know that she's a nerd.. "Is this you?" She asked and showed me her phone.

I want my eyes widened but I stopped myself before they noticed it, "Who is she and he?" I asked, pretending.

"Oh... It not must be you, the guy is the world's kpop star idol, his name is Byun Baekhyun. But we're still not confirming it yet, since SM is not announcing anything, they just said that EXO is preparing for their comeback."

I nodded and pretend that I'm not interested, I went to my seat and sat beside Cyan.

"Good thing they didn't knew." Cyan whispered to me, "Shhh, keep quiet." She nodded and shut her mouth up.

*   *   *

I'm walking now in the hallway I just came from the library, Cyan didn't come with me because she hates library. Super.

I saw a girl running towards me, she's not my nerdy classmate. And she's not familiar with me.

"Are you Ms. Grei Sandoval?" I just looked at her and didn't replied. "Silence means yes! Come with me."

No one can drag me like this but this girl is so strong and she almost carry me.

We reached the field and I frowned when I saw many girls all around the field, and they're all screaming.

"He's so handsome right?"

"Yeah, no one can resist this guy."

"Is he a new student?"

I found the girl that took me standing in front of me, she's inhaling and I don't know why.

I turned around and was about to leave the field when...


I immediately stopped and turned around, wtf?! Is she out of her mind.

All of them looked at her and the girl turned to me. OMG, we got all of there attention. I HATE ATTENTIONS!

"I hope this girl won't hurt him."

"I hope she will take a good care of him."

Because of my freaking curiosity, I didn't leave the field.

I frowned when the loud field suddenly became silent.

They're all now looking at me, someone grabbed my arm and made me turned around.

My eyes widened when I saw...


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