King Anthony

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There are two good reasons I am really excited for today. One was that Kris finally got called up and he gets to play here at home tonight. And second is that today I get to meet Melissa's daughter and show her family around the field. I've seen pictures and heard stories but I haven't met her yet.

I'm not going to lie, I was kind of nervous. Kids can be pretty picky and she really loves her mom, I can just tell. But I really wanted this to go well so maybe we can be a family of our own someday. I don't know.

I pull on some jeans and my jersey so I don't have to change my top when we get to the field. I do my hair so it's cute and curly and throw on some cologne. I grab some flowers and pick up my gifts for them on my way over. By 2 I was standing in front of her door excited for this moment of truth. I swallow hard before knocking three times and holding my breath.

Eventually the door swings open and I smile big. Melissa sat there with her long blonde hair curled and light makeup on like always. She had a cubs shirt and jean shorts on and I think it was cute that she probably had to go out and buy that just for me.

"Hey Anthony" she smiles causing me to smile back.

"Hey Mel. How has your day been" I ask.

"Well this morning Mallory decided she was Disney princess for the rest of the day so she's been running around in all her dress up clothes singing Disney songs. Basically a typical day for her" she explains.

"That honestly sounds like a great day" I admit.

"We have fun" she shrugs.

"Where is she" I ask setting my things down once I get inside.

"She should be around here somewhere" she admits looking around. "Watch this" she smirks.

She goes to the freezer and grabs something out of it. She places a packaged ice cream cone on the counter before putting the rest back in the freezer. She hands it to me and I look at her weird.

"Open it" she says with a smirk. I do as I'm told and I hear little feet hit the floor rapidly.

A little girl with curly blonde hair appears and she stops at the end of the hallway.

"Ice cream" she asks and I start to laugh. That was pretty funny. She stops walking when she sees it was me with the ice cream and looks up to me with the biggest eyes.

"Come over here" Melissa insists and she runs over to her mom. She had a Elsa dress on and her hair in a braid over her shoulder with a few curls set free like Elsa. She had bright blue eyes like her mom and a Olaf doll in her arms. She was kinda like this perfect little kid everyone dreams of having, who in their right mind would walk away from this?

"Mallory, this is Anthony. He is the nice man who invited us to watch him play and hang out for a little" Melissa explains. Mallory gets out out her moms grasp and walks over to where I was before stopping in front of me. I bend down so I can see her better as she stares up at me.

"Are you a real life King" she asks and I smile.

"What makes you ask that" I wonder.

"Because you're handsome and you make my mommy happy" she says and I look over to Melissa. She blushes as a smile comes on to her face that makes me feel so good.

"I am a King. And every King dreams of one day having a princess, and I would love for you to be mine" I say and her eyes light up.

"You think I can be a princess" she gasps.

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