Little House on the Prarie

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"How many rooms should the house have" I ask Melissa as we chill out on the couch. Mallory was off on a play date with one of her friends so we were taking this rare free time to watch spongebob without her and house hunt like all adults our age do.

"Well one for us and one for Mallory then a nursery for the baby. I would say at least three, four to make it more comfortable" she says.

"What if you have another family member come to stay for a while" I ask and she laughs.

"Please don't give them that option, they're never going to leave" she giggles.

"I kinda dreamed of having a farm like your family has, or at least a ranch" I claim and she raises her eyebrow at me.

"You... want a farm or a ranch" she asks and I nod.

"I do. I loved being where you grew up. I loved the animals and the fact that it was so far away from everything. You're family was basically like it's own ordinance and it made you guys closer. I would love to have a house that looks and feels like a home. A brick house with a circle drive and a big front yard. We can put up a tire swing in the front and I can come home from a game and find Mallory there waiting for me to push her. Then you and the baby will join us and we can watch the sun set over our land" I smile.

"That's really cute Anthony" she coos and I shrug.

"It's just a dream" I say.

"I think it would be a lot of fun to live on a farm again. But I don't see how we can take care of the farm or the animals with how much time and effort that takes and both of us either working or watching the kids" she insists.

"I don't think we would have anything... besides horses. I would like some horses" I smile.

"I think we could do horses" she agrees.

"You know how to take care of them... right" I ask as she laughs.

"I do. I would even see if I can bring my horse from home because I love her. I was there when she was born and I raised her. She's my baby" Melissa insists.

"Alright. So let's find ourselves a farm" I cheer.

We spend the afternoon looking for a farm here in Chicago, which is just as difficult as it sounds. After being really really picky we find one close to a good school since Mallory was set to start pre-k in August and it was near Wrigley for traveling purposes. It was two stories tall and all brick with a nice fireplace. There was a few trees good for a tire swing and a nice backyard for Addison to play in. Plus there was space for horses and places for us to ride them. To say I was excited to find this place and for it to be available is a understatement.

"Let's go see it" I cheer.

"What? Right now" she questions. 

"Yeah! The people who built this place says there's a 24 hour viewing opportunity so I can just call them up and they'll take us to see the place whenever we want" I explain.

"Well what about Mallory" she wonders.

"We can pick her up on the way over" I insist.

"Alright, let's let Addison out and you can call them to see if they're available for a walk through. If they are open then we can pick Mallory up on the way over and get some pizza on the way back in" she suggests.

"Man... I am so happy I'm married to you" I sigh and she giggles.

"The feeling is mutual" she assures me.

She goes and walks Addison because she said walking makes her feel good and I call the number in the website. They tell me that there would be someone who would meet us there in about a hour to let us in and answer our questions. It's a brand new house so there no real backstory to it and has furniture in it already that's been untouched. It was freshly painted and newly insulated so it keeps both the heat and the cold in. In order for us to move in all we had to do was put down a payment and get the water and electricity and gas turned on and we should be good to go. And even though we should be looking at other houses too I had my heart set on this one.

Once Melissa comes back we swing around the corner to pick Mallory up and we head a little outside the city to where the house is. After we punch the address into my phone we come up on the two story brick house with a circle drive. I smile to myself as I start to plan the rest of my life here after just one glance. I get out the car and grab Mallory from the car seat before setting her on my hip. She wraps her little fingers in my coat as we walk up to the door. I knock on the front door and someone lets us in. There was a woman standing there in a suit and a clipboard by her side welcoming us inside. We get a little warmer as I set Mallory by my side so she can look around. She grabs my hand and her mothers hand so she felt safe in such a familiar place. But she looks around to see if she liked it or not before she smirks to herself and that makes me happy.

The woman shows us around the first floor where there was a spare bedroom and the living and dining room and a bathroom. There was the laundry room and the kitchen too, all filled with brand new appliances. The living room had a couch and a love seat and some other things that made it so we knew this was the living room. It'll still need some stuff to make his place feel like home but it was pretty well done.

Upstairs there were four bedrooms and a bathroom. The master bedroom had a bathroom if it's own and was between two other bedrooms, then there was another bedroom that can be used for whatever. I know one reason Melissa really liked this place was because it had the master bedroom between two other rooms where the baby can be on one side and Mallory on the other. It's important to her that the baby gets the care it needs but Mallory is still getting taken care of too. So this place was just as important to her as it was to me.

"So, what do you guys think" the woman asks us as we return downstairs.

"This place is incredible" Melissa admits.

"It's one of my favorite houses to show. A lot of people have looked at this place but usually get intimidated by it" the woman says.

"I think it's perfect" I claim and Melissa smiles at me.

"What about you Mal, what do you think" Melissa asks her daughter.

"Can I get a horsey too" she asks and I laugh.

"Yeah, you can get a horse" I promise her.

"Then I love it" she cheers and I laugh. Of course she does. Anything for a horsey.

After talking it over for a little we decide that this was going to be our home. I sign a agreement and a big check to put a down payment on the house. They still had to turn on the gas and water and heat and all that stuff so we couldn't move in just yet but it won't be long until we make this house our home.

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