Father Figure

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After the incident at the bar I decided I needed a few days off from work. I was getting worked up and stressed out and needed a break. The condos I bartend for was kind enough to let me leave with pay and they actually felt bad for me. Most of the people I work with was there during the incident and the boss felt bad for letting him in even though he didn't have a reservation there. I was going to miss being there for a few days but I'll be back.

And as far as taking pictures, well I was going to do that, but not on my camera. I take them on my phone so I can keep them forever.

As for today I slept in for the first time in forever. I didn't have a photo shoot on the sunrise or a raining bean day. Nope, this morning I woke up with my baby girl by my side and a smile on my face. I spend the morning listening to her talk about what she wanted to be when she gets older and I find myself thanking god for blessing me with this child.

After that I decide to pamper her and go get her nails done and a hair trim. She wants her hair to be long and it was, but she watched tangled a million times and wanted to look like rapunzel, but she's got a long way to go from here.

After we get her nails and hair done we go shopping. I let her pick out all the sparkly things before we get to the section of Macy's that had Cubs stuff. She runs up to a picture of Anthony and starts dancing around him like he was really here. I take a video and send it to him because it was just too cute and I know he would love that. I tuck my phone away before finishing up my girls day.

I get back to the apartment and find Anthony sitting on the couch with my brother. Mallory runs in and jumps on Anthony's lap. He starts to tickle her as she giggles uncontrollably. I drop her bags inside the door as Timothy comes to help me out.

"How long has Anthony been here" I ask.

"Since you guys left. He brought over some movies we were watching" he claims.

"You two are awfully chummy" I notice.

"He's a great guy. He knows what I'm going through and how to make me feel better. Plus he's really funny" he claims as we toss Mallory's things into her room.

"I know these things" I smirk.

"And you've been hogging him this whole time" he fake shuns as I roll my eyes.

"You're the worst" I shake my head.

We go back to the living room where Mallory was sitting on Anthony's lap. She was showing him her nails and he was holding her little hand in his. All I wanted for that little girl was a father figure she could look up to and she finally has it.

"Hey princess, can I talk to you" I ask as I sit on the couch. I pat the spot next to me and Anthony sits her there.

"Hi mommy" she smiles and I laugh.

"Hey baby" I reply as she looks up to me with those eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes. "I wanted to talk to you about your father" I say

"Daddy" she perks up and I sigh.

"Yeah... him" I shake my head. Anthony reaches around her and starts to rub my back. "I don't really know how to tell you this.

I never wanted to tell my you that your father is a bad guy. That he would rather spend his money on beer than supporting your dreams. I never wanted to tell you that your dad doesn't want to see your smile light up a room or go to daddy daughter dances with you. I never wanted to tell you that your mommy should have never meet your daddy because it sounds like I don't want you.

But you're the only reason I don't completely regret meeting your father is because he gave me you. He's taken a lot from me, but you more than make up for it. I look at you and I don't think about how much I despise your father. I see how god has blessed me with the one thing a woman could ever want, and that's a perfect baby girl.

I don't want you to hate your dad. I don't want you to think that you were some mistake, because you most certainly are not. I want you to know that I love you so so much and that will never change. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

But I need you to know why you have never met your father. Why I never talk about him much and why I told you he was a good guy. I know you deserve so much more than what I can give you by myself. And after running into your dad the other day I decided I had to tell you. I don't want him to stop me or you from doing anything that can be good for us because I'm scared that he will ruin it. And the first way to getting towards that is tell you what happened" I say looking down as she stares up at me. She wasn't sure what to think and I'm sure she has about a million questions, she always does.

"It's okay mommy" she insists as she leans over and grabs my hands that were practically shaking in my lap. I was not expecting that reaction.

"It's not baby, but thank you" I say trying to smile.

"Where is my dad" she finally asks.

"Right now he's in jail" I explain and she nods.

"Was he naughty" she asks and I laugh. You have to laugh.

"Very" I assure her.

"Then can Anthony be my daddy" she asks and I freeze. I turn to Anthony who was looking down at her. She turns to him and gives her best begging face. She really didn't need to because he would do anything for her and she knew it. "Will you be my daddy" she asks and I could throw up at that moment. There was so many ways this could go wrong and that was the absolute last thing I needed right now.

"Of course Mal Pal, there is no better honor than being your father" he claims and I let out the breath I was holding in.

"Can I call you daddy" she asks.

"You bet" he assures her.

"And we can do a daddy daughter dance" she asks.

"Nothing would make me happier" he claims.

"And you're going to marry mommy" he asks and we all freeze. I hear my brother start to laugh in the background and I send him a glare.

"One day our kingdom will be complete. I promise" he smiles and she perks up. She turns to me with the biggest smile ever.

"See mommy, everything is going to be okay" she tries.

"You really think so kiddo" I ask.

"I know so."

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