Love You Too

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"Hey, is everything okay?"

That's kind of a funny question isn't it? If you have to ask then I can almost assure you that everything is not okay. Is anything every truly okay? I imagine most situations where you would ask that question things are not going to be okay. I mean you find your girlfriend in front of you apartment building waiting for you to get home from your million day long road trip and she's sitting there crying and the first thing you ask is if she's okay? I mean it's not Anthony's fault, we as humans have a serious problem of asking questions that we don't really need to, but to seem more caring we ask anyway.

I slowly shake my head no as he pulls me off the ground. He pulls me into a big hug and I break down into his arms.

Eventually he gets us inside and into his room. He sits me on the bed before bending down and resting his hands on my knees.

"Baby, what's wrong" he asks softly and I sniffle.

"My ex showed up at my work the other day" I choke out and I see his expression grow from concerned to pissed off.

"What was he doing there" he snaps.

"He wanted to talk" I sniffle.

"About what? What possibly did he have to say unless he is apologizing" he insists.

"He most certainly did not apologize" I assure him.

"What did he say" he asks and I remain silent.

I stare at my hands as they shake in my lap. I knew this was going to happen, but I got selfish. I thought that maybe I wasn't such a fuck up, maybe he would just let me be happy. But maybe I was wrong.

"You can't keep me out Melissa" he insists. "You came to me and I want to help, let me help you" he begs.

"He said that he would leave us alone if you paid him off" I whisper.

"I'll do it" he responds without hesitation.

"You can't do that. He's just going to use you" I insist.

"I won't let him" he claims.

"If you give him that money he already has" I explain.

"A quarter of a million dollars and you will never see him again" he claims.

"That's not how this works. He takes and takes and takes and it never stops. He will want more until he sucks the life out of you. That's what he does. You give him that money and he won't leave, he knows he can get what he wants from you. It will never end" I insist.

"I'm not going to let him show up whenever he wants and say whatever he said to make you feel like this. I won't let him hurt you or Mallory or even be a part of your lives" he claims.

"How though? How are you going to get him to stop. He has nothing to lose and everything to gain" I explain.

"I... I... I don't know. Honestly. I really don't. And I don't really care, I will do anything to make sure that you guys are safe" he claims and I let out a sigh. My head falls as I stared at the floor. I let the room fall silent as the only thing moving was our brains going a million miles per hour.

"You know... I almost ran away" I tell him and he stops.

"To where" he asks.

"I'm not sure. Away" I shrug.

"Well I'm really happy you didn't" he says softly and I look up at him.

"And why is that" I ask.

"Because Melissa, I love you" he says softly and I look up into his eyes. I stare at him as he waits for me to respond.

"What" I ask.

"I love you. I love how you make me feel, I love how you think, I love your daughter and your brother and what you were able to create.

You weren't handed things and it was never easy for you, but you never stopped trying. You wanted to get better and nobody was going to stop you. I was entranced by you from the moment I laid eyes on you. I loved you then and I love you even more now.

And when times are rough you don't let them beat you. You don't throw in the towel or wave the white flag. You're so strong and that's one of the many reasons I've fallen in love with" he says.

"I'm still here because I love you too" I claim and he smiles.

"I know now is not the time to smile, but I can't help it" he claims.

"It's okay, I don't really want to talk about that anymore. I would much rather talk about the fact I love you" I admit.

"I would too, but I'm still worried. How do I know if this guy is going to leave you alone" he wonders.

"He's not. He never does. He doesn't know where I live but he knows I work at the bar and no matter how many times I change my number he finds it. And I know the court will never let him take Mallory but I can't have him finding her. He knows that and he holds it over my head. But she can't know he's her father, that she is related to someone who is so mean and ugly on the inside. I know if she ever does anything good he's going to show up and take it away because no matter how much I hate it he is her father. I can't change that. I'm just stuck, I have nowhere to go" I whisper.

"Of course you do, you're here aren't you" he asks.

"Yeah, I guess I am" I smile.

He rests his hands on my thighs as he moves his hands up my legs. He starts to rub my legs as I let out a long breath.

"What are we going to do" I ask.

"I'm gonna beat this guy to a pulp" he claims and I giggle.

"I'm serious" I whine.

"So am I" he claims.

"We'll figure something out" I assure him and he nods.

He slowly moves his hands up my legs and grabs my waist. He pulls me on top of him as he leans against the chair by the couch I was occupying. I straddle him as he keeps his grip on my waist.

"What do you think you're doing" I whisper as he takes his hand and starts to touch my face.

"I'm getting a really good look at you" he claims.

"Do you like what you see" I smirk and he nods.

"I love it" he claims.

He starts to kiss my neck and I was going to stop him but I realized that this is what I wanted. He was always what I wanted and even though it's not what I'm used to, it's still pretty great.

"Can I tell you something" he asks as he holds me tight. "I've always wanted you" he claims.

"I'm yours" I assure him.

He presses his lips to mine with more passion than ever before as he flips me over. He lays me on the floor as he continues to kiss me. My fingers get tangled in his hair as he pulls at my shirt.

"You're not a virgin right" he smirks and I smack his chest.

"You're terrible" I giggle.

"I love you too."

Crazy In Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now