Back to Work

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After we get back from Hawaii I take the time get settled into this new life I was embarking on. I throw myself into photography and even think about finishing up my last semester of college up here to get my art degree and actually be able to get paid more for my work.

But until then I was trying to keep my feet under me. I go to my regular photography job and leave Mallory at home with Anthony as he probably lets her watch cops and chase her around the apartment. At least I know she will still have her best friend with her at least until he leaves for spring training.

I get in to work and sit at my desk. I upload the pictures I had taken since I last uploaded pictures to my computer and start to edit them. I had a maternity shoot later on today and might go to the zoo and take some pictures there before all the animals leave for the winter.

I see my favorite co-worker peak his head over the wall separating out cubicles and I start to laugh. Ryan always kept this place interesting and I couldn't wait to see what he has to say. I kinda missed him.

"I can't help but notice the ring on your finger" he says pointing to the simple diamond and I smile.

"You do like sparkles" I tease.

"Is that a promise ring" he asks.

"Nope" I shake my head.

"Is it a engagement ring" he gasps and I laugh.

"Nada" I reply.

"Oh my god" he nearly yells and I quickly shush him. "I'm sorry. But are you telling me that's a wedding ring? That you and Anthony are married" he asks and I smile.

"Yes. But you gotta shut your mouth" I beg.

"How am I supposed to keep my mouth shut!? This is huge" he exclaims.

"Because we only got married because my brother wanted to see us get married before he passed away. We were going to get married eventually but so my brother could be there we eloped at the courthouse and he was Anthony's best man. That's all" I explain.

"So you guys are married without having a proposal or engagment" he asks and I shrug.

"Pretty much" I admit.

"Woah... this is some crazy shit" he admits and I laugh along with him.

"I've always wanted a life of adventure... looks like I've got my hands full" I admit.

"I'll say. Are you going to keep working here even though you have a famous husband" he asks.

"I really want to. Maybe move up but I still want to be here taking pictures. Maybe do some for the Cubs too" I admit.

"I can't believe I have a famous friend. And I can't believe you didn't invite me to you wedding" he pouts.

"I'm sure we will renew our vows one day and you'll be in my bridal party" I promise.

"Don't fuck with me" he threatens.

"I'm serious! You can stand up there with Mallory, she'll love it" I insist. Whenever I have to bring her to work she always loved hanging out with Ryan. They both loved makeup and dancing, a match made in heaven really.

"I'm going to keep your word for that" he threatens.

After I was done with uploading and editing I head to the studio to do a maternity shoot. I wish that I was more excited when I was pregnant with Mallory, I would have loved a maternity shoot to remember being pregnant with her. But I guess it's good I didn't do one so I didn't have to sit there and cut mister dick for brains out of all the pictures he was in.

I get started on the shoot and I had a lot of fun. The mom was so happy to be having a baby and the father kept looking at the mother like she was the best thing that's ever happened to him. It was a real strong connection and I was able to capture these moments in my camera for them to cherish forever, that's what this was really about.

After I finished the shoot I was done for the day. I pack up and head to my car. I see my phone start to go off and I see it was my mother. It was still weird to think that my parents were in my life again. For a while I thought they would want nothing to do with me, but as it turns out all they wanted was to be a part of my life again and I never knew because I never asked.

"Hey momma" I answer as my southern accent starts to shine. It happens whenever I'm around my family.

"Hey baby girl. How was your day" she asks.

"Pretty good. I got to shoot someone's maternity pictures and it was the most precious thing ever" I explain.

"Well that's good sugar" she says.

"What's up with you" I wonder.

"I was wondering what your plans for the holidays were" she claims.

"Well for the most part in December we are going to be in Florida. We're spending Christmas at Anthony's parents place then for Mallory's birthday we were going to Disney" I say.

"That sounds great! What about for Thanksgiving" she wonders.

"I don't know, we didn't really talk about it" I admit.

"Why don't you come home for a little bit" she asks and I stop.

To me Chicago was home, Georgia hasn't been home since I was in college, maybe even before. This is where my life seems to be taking place and therefore it was home to me. But I did miss being warm and at the farm.

"I'll talk to Anthony about it, but I'm sure he'll love to come down. Actually get to meet everyone officially and once I tell him you make the best pies I won't have to tell him any more" I assure her and she laughs.

"Alright, well let us know. You guys can even have your old room. We haven't touched it since you left" she tells me.

"Really" I smile.

"Yeah. Everything is still here down to the Aaron Carter poster" she claims and I laugh.

"Maybe take that down before Anthony gets there" I tease.

"Of course sweetie" she promises. "I love you Lissa" she says and I smile big.

"I love you too momma."

I drive back home and find my loves messing around in the living room. They had blankets put up like tents all over the place and all the lights off. I flip the lights on and I hear them start to whine from inside the blankets.

"Sorry for breathing" I joke and I see Anthony pop his head out of one of the tents they made.

"The Queen is home" he cheers and I start to giggle. He comes over to where I was before picking me up bridal style. He brings me to what I assume is a blanket castle where my princess was waiting for me with a crown on her head and a doll in her arms. Always a doll in her arms.

"Mommy" she cheers.

"Hey baby. What's going on" I ask as Anthony softly sets me down.

"I don't really know" Anthony admits.

"Well I have some pretty big news" I admit since I had everyone's attention for once.

"What's up" he wonders.

"My mom just invited us to our farm in Georgia for Thanksgiving" I say and his eyes go big.

"Can we go" he asks like a kid asking his parents to go hang out with his friends.

"If you want to we can" I say.

"I want to go. Then Mal can see where you grow up and I can get to know your parents better" he claims.

"My whole family will be there" I tell him.

"Even better" he smiles.

Crazy In Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now