Trading Places

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After have such wonderful holidays and getting to spend Mallory's birthday where she always dreamed of being it was back to reality. I start up with school and enroll in some online classes to finish up my education and be able to get a higher paying job. Not that Anthony doesn't take care of me so I would have to keep working but a big point to my whole rebellion situation was that I can make money doing what I love and it would be stupid to give up on that now. So I was going to get my last few credits and graduate in May then I would be a officially official photographer... one month before I have my second child and would probably have to me on maternity leave anyway.

And before I go back to work I wanted to check up on my growing baby, maybe get some pictures and hear the heartbeat. Anthony leaves for spring training soon and wouldn't be around the city for the checkups so he really wanted to come to this one today.

"Alright pretty mamma, how are you feeling today" my doctor asks as she sits me onto the examination table.

"I'm feeling pretty good! I think I've got the morning sickness under control and I already have plenty of maternity things from the holidays" I laugh.

"Well that's good! Let's get the boring and sometimes gross part of this thing over with then we can get a look at your little baby" she says and I smile really big.

"That sounds great."

Anthony sits in the corner and closes his eyes as I get examined. With the amount of times he's seen my lady area you would think this wouldn't bother him, but he was the most squeamish man I've ever met. So once that was all done and it's decided that I'm healthy and the baby is in the position it should be this far along we get to the sonogram.

He returns to my side before grabbing my hand as he starts to run his thumbs across my knuckles. The doctor starts to look around for the baby before she finds it sitting there peacefully. It was just a little thing, I was only ten weeks along but it was starting to look like a baby now.

We get to listen to its heartbeat but I get broken from that sound when I hear sniffling. I turn to see Anthony wiping away a tear with one hand as he squeezes my hand with his other.

"Oh baby, why are you crying" I ask.

"It's so beautiful. Like a song I want to play over and over and will never get tired of" he claims and I smile.

"Awh, aren't you the sweetest" I tease.

They give us some pictures but it's kinda hard to tell what it was, but we knew. We thank the doctor and schedule the next check up before heading home. We pick Mallory up from the baby sitters and head the the apartment. I had today off and was planning on spending it with the people I love most.

"We can't stay here" Anthony randomly says as we chill out on the couch and I look at him weird.

"What" I ask.

"Like in this apartment. We don't have a room for the baby in here. We need it to have a room of its won right next to ours so we can get to it. We need a room that's big enough to put a crib in so we won't even have to worry about trying to get to it. We need a place where Mallory and the baby can make memories in... this isn't it" he claims.

"Getting a house is a big deal" I try to explain to him.

"I know, but I think it's something we kind of need to consider now. Do you think we can raise a kid here" he questions.

"Well... no. But this isn't something we can just do on whim like getting married or going on a honeymoon. This is going to be our forever home" I insist.

"And I'm ready for that... I'm not so sure you are though" he admits.

"This is just... a lot. To build a home, to build a family, it's going to be hard. And I already messed this up once, I can't be another problem in another household" I whisper.

"Baby you're what's keeping us together. Without you I don't have Mallory and we don't have a baby on the way. I know you're scared, you just got your family back and you are finally getting settled into the life you thought you would have. But there's nothing good in a life that doesn't make you uncomfortable. If you're comfortable then you're doing something wrong. You're supposed to be unsure about things, you're supposed to be scared.

But you need to know that everything that happens, there's a reason for it. And that reason is because you're strong enough to get through it, whatever it is. Whether it be us moving or having a kid, I know that you've got this. I believe in you" he says as he rubs my arm softly.

"I think I'm just a little emotional from all these hormones because now I'm ready to find a house" I claim and he laughs at me.

"We can go look, but first I think we should go walk Addison so he doesn't use the bathroom in here" he insists.

So we grab my child and our fur child and go away. We walk to the nearest park because it's late January and pretty cold still. You couldn't see my baby bump under my clothing but it was getting there. I kinda missed being pregnant, sure it can suck sometimes but it can be pretty cool too. Plus people get really excited for you and the baby is so loved before it's even born.

"Do you want a boy or a girl" I wonder and Anthony shrugs.

"I don't know, I kinda want both" he admits.

"I cannot carry twins" I insist. I'm sure I could but I really don't want to.

"I don't mean now, I mean eventually. We already have a perfect girl, I think having a boy would be great. But I also think it would be awesome to have three girls I love more than anything. We really can't go wrong here" he admits.

"That's very true" I agree.

"What about you? Do you care about what it is" he questions.

"Not really. I would like to have another girl because Mallory has been so much fun. But a boy would be a nice change of pace, a whole different set of problems to come across" I giggle.

"Well whatever the baby is, it's loved" he says and I smile big.

"That it is."

Crazy In Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now