Graduation Day

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"Maybe we should let her sleep a little longer" Anthony whispers as he lays in bed next to me. I felt him get up a while ago but I wanted to sleep a little longer. Guess I was wrong.

"But I want to eat the cake now" Mallory whispers as Anthony starts to laugh.

"I can hear you, you know" I mumble as I open my eyes. I sit up in bed and see Anthony and Mallory on either side of me watching me closely.

"Good! Mommy is up. Now we can eat the cake" Mallory claims.

"What cake" I ask.

"A graduation cake" Anthony announces and I laugh.

"What in the world are you talking about" I question.

"I might have accidentally seen that you got a piece of mail from the university of Alabama and opened it and saw that you graduated with a 4.0 and a degree in art" he claims and I smile.

"You accidentally opened my letter and read my mail" I ask.

"Sure, let's go with that" he claims and I laugh.

He gets me out of bed and Mallory crutches behind us as we go downstairs. Anthony was close to getting back to baseball but he still wouldn't go to the field so he could avoid the reporters. We've had plenty of calls asking from words from me or Anthony about the accident but neither of us speak. The investigation was still ongoing and we didn't have anything to say that people didn't already know. So once Anthony returns he will say what he needs to say, but until then I was going to enjoy maternity leave at home with my husband and my daughter. Now that school is over I can focus on making sure we're in the best position to have this baby, and even with the crash I believe we are.

We all get downstairs safely and I see graduation balloons and cake sitting there and I laugh. I would find any reason to have cake at this point.

"Why did you do this" I ask as I walk over to the table.

"Because I know this doesn't mean as much now as it would have six years ago but I think it's even more impressive now. I mean you're married to me and you just lost your brother and you have two kids. Well... one here and one on the way. But you were able to stay focused on your dreams and now you can go get them. I'm really proud of you" he insists and I smile.

"Thank you baby" I say as I pull him into a side hug. I was way past the front to front hug phase.

"Can we eat the cake now" Mallory asks as I just shake my head. Nothing comes between that girl and her cake.

"Yeah, come on" I insist as I pull a chair out for her. She sits down and Anthony grabs some plates and a knife. He cuts the cake and gives us all a piece before joining us.

"When can I get my cast off" Mallory asks as she reaches down to mess with it.

"Not for a while sweetie" I tell her.

"But my foot itches" she whines.

"Use a fork" Anthony says and my eyes go big.

"No fork. I had two of my brothers get a fork stick in their cast. I don't need a third relative the fall a victim to that" I insist.

"Then how do I itch it" she asks.

"You don't" I tell her.

"That's not fair" she pouts. She loved that line.

"Yeah, you get used to it after a while" I tease.

After we eat cake for breakfast we clean up and take Addison out back. The worst part of Mallory being hurt is that she just wants to ride the horses but it wasn't suggested. But she can still help take care of them and do some of the farm work. So we head to the stables to feed them and I let her brush my horse. Anthony finally broke and got her one but it's just a foal so she usually rides mine until hers gets bigger. She named hers Princess and even though it's a boy she really doesn't care. She wanted a pony to make pretty and now she has one.

"When is the baby going to be here" she asks me as she looks at my belly. 

"Soon" I say.

"Can I hold him when he gets here" she wonders.

"If you're really careful" I insist.

"How do you make a baby anyway" she questions and I hear Anthony start to laugh.

"Alright. This conversation is on hold for the next 12 years" I say and she gasps.

"But I want to know now" she begs.

"You're six... you really don't" I assure her.

After we have some family fun on the farm I start to get tired and was technically supposed to be on bed rest so we head inside. I make us some fresh lemonade like I used to as a kid and we chill out in our larger than life house.

"So now that you're all big and bad and have a degree, what are you going to do" Anthony wonders.

"I don't know. I kinda want to stay with the company I'm with and just move up to a higher position. They're already really good with working with me and my schedule thanks to you. They let me have my space and get creative with my pictures. They like what I do so I want to stay, just make a little bit more money" I shrug.

"You know you don't have to worry about that right" he asks and I smirk at him.

"I know that you can more than take care of me financially. But do I seem like the girl to sit back and let you have all the fun" I question and he laughs.

"Absolutely not" he admit.

"Exactly. Plus I don't see you out there buying me pads and tampons and girly things" I tease.

"For you I will do anything, get you anything" he promises.

"How about some ice cream" I ask.

"Ice cream" Mallory repeats and I giggle.

"Well... it looks like I'm going to get ice cream" Anthony laughs.

"Get some hot fudge too" I add.

"And marshmallows" Mallory says.

"Alright. Ill be back in like 20 minutes" Anthony promises. He gives me a kiss goodbye before driving to the nearest Walgreens to pick up our things. I wait patiently for him to return with some ice cream and he keeps his word. So we have a ice cream night and watch the Cubs game together.

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