Familiar Faces

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We arrive in sunny Mesa Arizona early in the morning hours the day after Valentine's Day. It was a quick turnover from yesterday to today but we made it in one piece. Anthony jumps right in to training since he was the last one to get here and I make myself comfortable in the hotel room setting up my school stuff and making sure Addison knows not to use the bathroom in the room.

Later on in the day the wives and girlfriends that were here all decide to go for lunch and talk about things for the upcoming season like stuff with the charities, parties, birthdays, post season, all the good things that await us. So I grab Mallory who was already in her Rizzo jersey and take her downstairs to the restaurant in the hotel. We leave Addison in the room m and pray to god she doesn't make the hotel regret letting her stay with us.

We get down the restaurant and the first girl I see is Dexters wife Aliya. I immediately get confused because Anthony just texted Dexter congrats for being signed with the Orioles not even a whole day ago. No one thought he would come back even though we all loved him last year because he deserved a big long contract. But his wife is here so that means he is too.

"Aliya" I ask and she turns around. "You're here" I gasp.

"You're pregnant" she counters as she points at my barley noticeable baby bump and I smile.

"Yeah... I was planning on telling everyone today since I didn't get to make it in to the Cubs Con and see everyone. What in the world are you doing here" I question and she laughs.

"It's a long story but someone spread that rumor that Dexter signed with the Orioles even though he never did. So Theo decided to make a dramatic entrance and sign him today before bringing him in to start spring training" she explains.

"Oh my god, that is amazing. I'm so happy you're here" I insist.

"Alright alright, enough about me. What about you? You're glowing, how far long are you" she wonders.

"About fourteen weeks so a little over three months" I explain.

"Wow... you look great" she claims.

"Thanks. Anthony takes great care of me" I admit.

"I know, he's always asking Dexter for ideas of things to do to make you happy or what to do for Mallory but I think he's doing fine by himself. He showed Dexter what he did in your room with the pictures, that was pretty great" she admits.

"That as incredible. I'm kinda sad we just moved in and now we have to leave. But I'll have plenty of time sitting around here to look at stuff for the nursery and you guys can maybe help me" I insist.

"Oh I would love too. I've been dying to design another nursery" she claims.

"Oh yeah" I ask as I raise a eyebrow at her and she laughs.

"Alright, not that much" she claims and I nod. Too bad too, I loved her daughter. I think they would have a lot of fun with another kid.

We join everyone at the table and I tell everyone the exciting news. Once the initial shock sets in everyone was really excited for our little family to be growing. Mallory goes off with Aliya's daughter and a few other kids to play and I join the mommy's and girlfriends and wives. I get to say hi to everyone and I have to admit, it was good to see everyone again.

"Alright, you have got to be the sexiest mommy ever, wow" Jess claims as she sits next to me and I start to blush.

"I don't know about all of that" I insist.

"Are you kidding me? When I was pregnant I constantly looked like a water buffalo" Jake's wife Britney claims making everyone chuckle.

"What does that even mean" I giggle.

"It means that Victoria secret would ask you to walk the runway at this point and if I was in your position right. Is I would be locked up in my house as a wild animal" she claims.

"Please, if I complain about anything, and I mean anything, Anthony is there with whatever he thinks will help. I could say there's a eyelash in my eye and he would be there with a rag and some fake eyelashes to make up for it" I laugh.

"Well you don't gotta rub it in" she teases as she nudges me.

"Come on, for as long as you've known Anthony would you have thought he would have been this great of a husband or a father" I ask. It's not like we ask knew he was going to be like this, I'm just happy he is.

"I didn't even think he knew how to do laundry" she admits.

"Well he didn't, but that's not the point. That man always surprises me because even though he's loud and silly and often times passive, he's also soft and sweet and kind. He is sometimes too sensitive but I have to love him for it" I insist.

"Jakes like that too... on days he doesn't pitch" she giggles.

"Yeah. Anthony gets in his moods too. But he is so much more than a baseball player and he knows that more than just the fans and his teammates rely on him. There's a little girl who worships him like her own father and I need him to be everything my ex failed to be. There's a bunch of little kids at the children's hospital that need him to be their friend, not some super hero. And he knows that baseball is important but it's just a game. He still has a life and I just so happen to be lucky enough to be a part of it" I smile.

"So are you guys ever going to have a wedding, you know, like a actual one" Irmarie wonders and I shrug.

"I mean we talked about it and it would be nice to find a dress which wasn't the first one that fits" I laugh.

"I think it would be fun" she admits.

"I have to agree."

Instead of making any plans for the season we all just catch up. This was the first time we really got to see each other since last season so it was nice to talk to people who understand you and you're going to be seeing a lot over the next eight or so months.

After we were done I grab my girl and bring her back to the hotel. When we get there we find Anthony messing around with Addison as they played tug of war.

"Aren't you supposed to be working" I ask and he laughs.

"It was the first day so we didn't do anything. We had a meeting and the greatest thing happened" he claims.

"Dexter was there" I smirk and he looks at me.

"How did you know" he pouts.

"Aliya was at our meeting and she's upset that you didn't say anything to Dexter about having a kid" I tell him.

"You should have heard what David said when I told him" he mumbles making me laugh.

"I can imagine" I assure him.

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