And You Must Be Going

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"I don't know Anthony" I sigh.

"Just think about it" he suggests.

Anthony wanted Mallory and I to come down to Florida for the holidays. Then for her birthday we would go down to Disney World to celebrate. And I know she has always wanted to go and she would love to go, but I don't want him doing all of this for us. It was a pride thing but it was also a I don't want to get her hopes up in case something happens from now to then type of thing too.

"I don't want to push you into this. It's July and I don't expect a answer right now. I wanted to give you time to think it over" he insists and I smile.

"Thank you" I sigh.

"You know... we've been dating for three months now" he mentions.

"Yeah" I ask.

"Yeah" he smirks.

"Are you going somewhere with this" I ask.

"Kind of" he admits.

"Let me get this costumer and we'll finish this conversation" I promise.

"Okay. Don't miss me too much" he smirks and I roll my eyes.

I walk over and take care of the couple that had sat down. It was kind of busy but there was no game on right now so the people were pretty low key. Plus I had someone working with me so that helped.

I serve them their drinks before coming back to Anthony. He smiles as I lean against the counter next to him.

"So where were we" I ask.

"I wanted to talk to you about the future" he claims and I squint at him.

"What about it" I wonder.

"Well I feel like you're not someone who likes to plan too far into the future" he admits.

"And what makes you think that" I question.

"I asked you about plans for Christmas and you crunched up on me" he admits.

"I wouldn't call it not planning for the future. I would call it living in the moment" I claim.

"Okay then. Tell me if that exact moment when we met three months ago you thought we would be here" he asks.

"I was just hoping you weren't trying to get in my pants" I admit and he laughs.

"I was" he admits and I gasp. "But then I started talking to you and getting to know you and I saw a future in you... but I'm not sure you see the same in me" he admits.

"I do, I really do" I insist.

"But..." he trails off.

"But I'm scared. I've never had a future let alone one I could look forward to" I admit.

"I was kind of hoping I was something you look forward to" he says and I smile.

"I love you Anthony, I really do. But I have been hurt so deeply and I don't want to believe that my life can be this Disney movie I said it would be. I really wish it was but it's not. I don't want to get my hopes up because what if I get let down again" I ask.

"And what if you fly" he asks and I stop. I send him a smile as he smiles back at me.

"I guess you're right" I sigh and his smile turns into a smirk.

"What was that" he teases.

"Don't be like this" I beg.

"Like what" he asks.

Crazy In Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now