Thank You

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Timothy eventually gets released back to Melissa's place where someone would be there every once in a while to check on him. And whenever I could be there I was to keep a eye on him and spend as much time with him as I can. I haven't known him all that long but I was going to make memories with him that would last forever. He was someone who was important to me and I wanted him to know that, unfortunately I didn't have a lot of time to show him.

I read through his bucket list and as scary as dying is, he had some cool things in here. He wanted to throw out the first pitch at mlb game and be the bat boy and to go sky diving. He had the places he wanted to see and the things he wanted to do all lined up. He had a lot of it figured out before he got sent to the hospital but this is the first time he materialized a list and started to do some things.

And the last thing he had written down stopped me. He wrote "even though I won't last forever, I want to create something that will" on the back of the page all by itself.

"What does this mean" I ask ask I show him the back of the paper.

"Melissa said it and I kind of loved it.

It's basically saying that when I'm gone I don't want to be gone forever. It's not so much of a legacy than leaving a imprint on people. I don't want people to look at me and feel sorry for what happened to me, but rather be happy of what I've accomplished.

When I pass, I want some part of me left here that will never die. Something that everyone who has touched me can see and smile because it represents the good times and something happy" he explains.

"That's really deep" I admit.

"It is, but it's important to me. We judge a person by how they touch others. That's what makes someone who is deceased great. It's how they are remembered when they're gone, what they leave behind" he shrugs.

"Oh, well then I guess you have some work to do" I tease and he laughs.

"If you had two months to live... what would you do" he asks and I pause.

"Oh man, I don't know" I admit.

"It's hard, I know. But when time has a limit the things you want most never seemed so clear. So if someone told you right now you had three months to live, what are you going to do" he asks.

I sit there and think about it. It was almost impossible for me to think about it because so many of my plans are so far off into the future.

"I think I would probably stop playing baseball" I admit.

"Really" he asks.

"Yeah. I mean I want to be remembered for what I did, but with only two months left that's not where I want to be. I would want to help out in a cancer center. Not be a nurse but at least be there to make people smile, help out as much as I can" I explain.

"I like that, what else do you got" he asks.

"I would spend all my money, and not on stupid stuff like cars or nice material things, but give it to someone who will need it. Help build houses where they need it or pay off someone's medical bills" I say.

"Even better. What else" he questions.

"I would marry your sister" I admit and he laughs.

"Seriously" he asks.

"Yeah. I would really like that. Even if it's just for a little, I know for a fact that I love your sister and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Whether it's two months or two decades. I just know that regardless of what happens, I want her to be there with me" I insist.

"I know I'm not gone yet, but I just wanted to say thank you" he claims.

"For what exactly" I wonder.

"For making your mark on my sister and my niece. There isn't two people in this world I love more than them. Melissa has been nothing but great to me since I moved here. She has been so strong through learning about herself and how to be a mother and how to take care of me. There isn't a thing I would want more than for my sister to be happy.

And in walked you and something in her changed. She used to laugh every time someone said the word love. I've watched many men try to do what you've done with her then ultimately fail. But you were different, she saw something in you she didn't see in other guys. She found someone who could love her and her daughter unconditionally and accept her for who she is.

So I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for making my sister and my niece happy. Thank you for spending time with me even though I'm dying. Thank you for being a father to Mallory because I will forever be the fun loving Uncle" he smiles and I laugh.

"I am very fond of all of you guys. And I don't want you to worry about a thing. So I'm going to take this list and I'm going to make it happen. I don't care what Melissa says, I'm doing it" I insist.

"She might never talk to you again" he laughs.

"I'll let her help, but this is something I want to do. She'll get over it eventually" I claim.

"I might be dead by then" he jokes causing me to laugh.

"I can't believe how at peace with this you are. I mean you're joking about it" I shake my head.

"Me being upset only makes it harder. I can't change whats happening, but I can change my attitude towards it" he claims.

"I think you're leaving behind something pretty amazing already" I admit and he looks at me weird.

"Really" he asks. "Because I don't have a job and I don't have a girl or kids. No real purpose" he lists off.

"You are one of my favorite people ever, and it's no coincidence. I think you are so funny and so freaking cool. I'm not sure what your purpose is or what you're going to leave when your gone, but I promise that you will stay with me forever" I assure him.

"Thanks. To make a impact in the life of someone like you... well I must be doing something right."

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