Football Girl

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Since we were down south I decided that I should take Anthony to the Florida-Alabama game in my territory the weekend of Thanksgiving. So we leave Mallory with her grandparents for the day and take the four hour drive over to Tuscaloosa for the game. I was going to meet up with some of my old friends to tailgate but actually go inside to watch the game since I couldn't drink anyway.

As I pull up to my old stomping grounds I couldn't help but smile. There were so many good memories I had here I couldn't help but feel like a kid in the candy store to be back. I mean, college is nothing like high school, the popular kids were all jocks here and god forbid you actually come here for an education. But here I found my love of photography, a real purpose if you will. And being back makes me so freaking happy.

"So am I going to get to meet the crazy party girl version of my wife today" Anthony asks and I start to laugh.

"I'm pregnant Anthony" I remind him and his eyes go big.

"Right. So maybe just crazy" he says and I nod.

"I can do crazy" I promise.

We find a place to park then walk over to the football stadium. There was already a crazy amount of people there grilling and playing bags and drinking. I missed the college days of not really caring about getting my feelings hurt... those were the days.

After searching for a while I find my friends and introduce them to Anthony. He was welcomed with open arms... even if he was in a Florida jersey. But he was still Anthony Rizzo so they treated him well and I got to catch up on my past life, something I've been doing a lot of lately.

"So tell me how you ended up leaving here on top of the world then get married to a professional baseball player and somehow get even more on top of the world" one of my best friends Sarah asks.

"Well I had to lose it all first. After Brady got me pregnant then turned into the biggest asshole in the entire world I learned how to survive on my own. My whole life I had people watching over me and within three months by myself I managed to screw everything up. But then god told me that it's going to be okay, he was going to give me everything I needed in Mallory and he was right. That little girl gave me strength, she gave me love and she gave me a life that's worth living.

Then Anthony comes along and he answered all my prayers. He was everything I wanted Brady to be and more" I explain.

"Where is he" she wonders and I scoff.

"Jail" I tell her and she gasps.

"Oh no... what did he do" she whispers.

"He came to where I was working and was threatening me. Then he grabbed me making Anthony mad and they started to fight. Once I explained that he had been harassing me and stalking me they dropped the charges against Anthony and Brady was sent to jail. He should be out soon but hopefully he will leave me be" I sigh.

"I am so sorry. I should have never let you get hung up with that guy. He was awful but everyone else liked him so I thought I was just being over dramatic. But he was real bad" she admits.

"It's all good. I have a beautiful little girl now and I wouldn't change any of that just so I can keep her" I admit.

After a while I find my lovely husband doing ski shots with some of my friends and I shake my head. He was a big guy and he liked to drink a lot, and since I couldn't drink he was more than making up for it.

"There she is! Come one Mel, it's ski shot time" my friend Andrew says as I shake my head.

"Sorry Drew, but I can't" I insist.

"What's do you mean you can't" he asks.

"Because that woman is having my baby" Anthony cheers as everyone starts to cheer with him. Half of them don't know why they're cheering but it's a football game, you don't really need a reason. Sarah turns to me with big eyes as I smile at her.

"What the hell! Why didn't you tell me" she asks.

"I'm like a month along, I'm not supposed to be going around telling people. But this is Anthony's first kid so to say he's excited is a understatement" I admit.

"The guys really like him. I've never seen a guy wearing a opposing teams jersey and not be instantly hated" she claims.

"It's hard not to love him. He's one of those people you can't dislike" I claim.

"Well I'm really happy for you... even if you didn't invite me to your wedding" she teases as she points to my finger.

"Hey! I didn't even know I was getting married until the day before. But my brother wanted to see us get married before he died and I figured why the hell not? I wanted to one day be married to Anthony... it just ended up being a lot sooner than anyone thought" I shrug.

"That's actually really sweet. Are you guys going to stay married, like did you change your last name and all that stuff" she wonders.

"I actually did. Not too long ago he gave me this new ring and assured me that we weren't going to separate, not now not ever" I explain.

"My god. I always knew that your life was going to be like something out of a movie, never had I thought that you would be having such a happily ever after" she admits and I smile.

"Yeah, I've been pretty lucky. Looks like I found my happily ever after."

After Anthony calms down a little with the drinking I get him into the stadium and to our seats. They were right by the field but not so close that you can't see the plays developing. Florida wins the coin toss and chooses to receive the second half kick, Alabama chooses the north end zone and we were off.

Although I didn't care much about professional sports, I did put my life into college sports. And in my time here I was into them all, football, baseball, basketball, hockey, gymnastics, tennis, you name it. I've always was a tomboy in the sense that I loved sports and I knew all about them. And I don't think Anthony has experienced my love for the games since he doesn't see me at his games so this should be fun for us.

"Oh come on! That was a blatant holding call, he was on our guy like butter on toast" I scream as I stand up in my seat. My accent coming in thick as I throw my imaginary flag onto the field.

"Woah there girl, calm down. I'm the one that's drinking here" Anthony says as he pulls me back while people start to stare.

"I'm annoyed! How are we supposed to use our run game if we're getting held at the line? Of course the hole is plugged because we can't block if the zebras don't know the difference between a hold and a hug" I grumble.

"Holy shit... are you like this at my games" he gasps.

"Only when I'm watching at home and Mallory is asleep so she doesn't go walking around calling everything "horseshit" again" I explain and he laughs.

"I didn't know you knew so much about football" he claims.

"I went to school at Alabama, I was dating the star football player, what did you expect" I ask and he shrugs.

"Not for you to be frustrated about a missed holding call" he claims.

"They're easy calls. They're quick to call pass interference when someone touches someone without turning around but it's okay to hold someone like he's feeding a baby" I ask and he laughs.

"I have to admit, it's really attractive when you talk football" he claims as I smirk at him.

"Careful, talk like that gets you a kid" I joke and he laughs at me.

"Thank god" he jokes.

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