Just Like You

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While being in Arizona reminded me a lot of being back home in Georgia, I was still supposed to be taking pictures for my job, and luckily for me that's exactly what I wanted to do. So I finish up my online classes and grab my daughter before heading out into the city. I've never been here before but Aliya and Dexter stays in Vegas for the offseason and Kris and Jess are from Vegas so they told me of some good places to get some good pictures.

So while Anthony was out making the Cubs fans proud I take our growing family to some of the natural landmarks out here to try and capture Arizona into a picture or two. I couldn't climb the rocks being almost four months pregnant and all and it being so hot, but I wanted to get some awesome shots and I'm sure my boss would love them.

"Why do you like taking pictures" Mallory randomly asks and I smile.

"Because I love making memories, taking pictures makes it so I'll remember them forever. Like the pictures in our lockets" I say as she grabs her locket that rested over her heart.

"I want to take pictures like you when I grow up" she claims and I smile at her.

"Why is that" I question.

"Because they're pretty and I want to remember you forever" she claims.

I swear to you that girl melts my heart. She says the sweetest things and she means them. I haven't allowed her to be ungrateful no matter how good life may seem or to dream small no matter how dark the times may get. She's my star who lights my world and I would do anything for her. Luckily for me she doesn't ask for much, she had to grow up pretty quickly and I wish it wasn't that way, I wish she didn't have to know the things she does. But she's real happy, not fake happy. She's the strongest little girl and I am so blessed that god gave me a forever best friend.

After taking a bunch of pictures we go get some ice cream and sit outside and enjoy the decently warm weather. While I grew up in the warm south my little girl hasn't gotten to experience the warm temperatures in February so I wanted her to enjoy the nice weather and use all the bathing suits Anthony bought her last year.

Finally it was time to head back to the hotel. The organization was holding a event for the kids to try out some baseball things and play in the field so us adults could all hang out together for once. Even through we're all in the same place we don't get to see each other unless something was set up. But they set up jump houses and a tball game for the kids so us parents can go drink and play golf or do whatever it is they enjoy. Naturally the boys wanted to golf and us wives and girlfriend go and watch because that's what we do. So I pull on a maternity dress that was all grey with some colorful flowers on it and pull my hair up because I get hot easily, especially now that I'm pregnant.

"Are you comfortable" Anthony asks as we get on a golf cart.

"I'm pregnant, of course I'm not comfortable" I laugh.

"Anything I can do to make it better" he asks and I smirk.

"Kiss me" I say and he laughs. He happily pulls me into a kiss and I did feel a lot better.

"Alright you two, knock it off. I need my golf partner to be on his A game" David claims as he sits on the back of the cart.

"I think I can make him play better" I tease.

"You know what, you're right. Continue" he jokes.

We take off to the course where all the guys compete for whatever money they put into the bucket. A lot of the guys are pretty good, Jon was the best by far but they could all at least hit the ball. Anthony was in a group with David, Jon, Kris, Dexter and Kyle Schwarber and they played against Jason Heyward and Hammels, Javy, Kyle Hendricks, CJ and Pedro. Us girls watch from the sideline and let them talk their talk.

"Can I pretty please organize your baby shower" Jess begs and I laugh.

"Why do you want to do my baby shower" I wonder.

"I love organizing things. To get a cake made and make treats and goodie bags. Help you set up for the baby to get here and maybe even get to see it when it's born" she smirks.

"Well Anthony can't even be in the same room as me when I get my examinations so I sure can use you when the baby comes to help me or at least help him. He wants to be there when the baby is born but I don't know" I laugh.

"So is that a yes" she questions.

"Of course. We can have it at our new house" I say and everyone stops.

"You guys moved into a house" she asks.

"Well yeah. We have a dog and about to have two kids, we had no business trying to make a living in a apartment. And although I was a little skeptical of moving into a house at first, Anthony's made it into someplace I never wanted to leave. He's done a great job with it" I admit.

"Well this I need to see" Aliya admits.

"When we get back to Chicago I'll be five months so I can go find out the gender and we can get something set up at the farm" I say.

"I'm sorry... did you just say farm" Jess asks.

"Well not a farm technically. We don't have any animals or anything like that, but I do want my horse back" I admit.

"Okay, I feel like I don't even know you guys" Jons wife Farrah says.

"Honestly it surprised me too. But I guess Anthony has a good time down on my farm back home and wanted one of his own. If you think about it, it actually makes sense. He likes being away from everything and he likes that he can make his home into anything he wants to. He can focus on our family and we can grow there. I think it ended up pretty well" I admit.

"I'll say. Can we come stay with you" Jess asks and I laugh.

"We have enough room" I admit.

"I would stay just to hanging out with Mallory. Naya says they're best friends and that daddy isn't allowed to play anywhere else unless Mallory comes with her" Aliya claims and I laugh.

"She's my special little girl" I smile.

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