Name Game

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Once Anthony returns from the opening road trip and the home opener was under our belts it was time for the baby shower. I was 6 months along and doing good. I was still able to take pictures and I enjoyed doing that while finishing up this degree and going to games while I can. I plan on working until I can no more but this little one is a lot more active than my last little one so I don't anticipate lasting until the very end of this pregnancy like I did with Mallory. Once things settled down we finally started to look around at things for the nursery and throwing out some name ideas. We knew we wanted it's middle name to be Timothy and his last name is Rizzo, we just needed a first name now.

"What about Dexter" Dexter asks as we sit around the house. Jess has the place looking good with the light blue and silver decorations up. There was a cute cake she made and a bunch of other good treats like chocolate covered strawberries and blue and white puppy chow. Those who can had some wine and I sipped on water and whatever else was good for the baby. Mallory has taken her little friends from the organization and was taking them around the farm. The part we were using was fenced in so I'm not worried about it.

"I love you, but I'm not naming my kid after you Dex" Anthony tells him as his friends starts to pout from his side.

"Come on. It's a good name" he claims.

"It is. But it's your name. Not my kids" Anthony insists.

"What about Mathew" Kris suggests.

"Why Mathew" I wonder.

"I don't know. I kinda just liked the name" he shrugs.

"I like Michael. Like Michael Jordan or Michael Jackson. There's a lot of cool dudes names Michael" Anthony says.

"Plus it's a M like me and Mallory" I tease.

"Michael Timothy Rizzo. I think that has a good ring to it" he admits.

"It does sound pretty good" I agree.

"Did you guys just pick a baby name in like 2 minutes" Aliya asks and I shrug.

"I guess so" I admit.

"How is it that you guys always work so well together? I've never seen you guys disagree about anything" she insists.

"Because even though Anthony and I are coming from two different places in our life's we still want to get to the same place. And we understand each other well enough that we know that simple disagreements aren't going to do us any good. So what he forgot to put the toilet seat down? He's human, I can't get mad if he forgets. Little things like that don't bother me. He's far better than anything I would have ever asked for and I would be a idiot to throw that all away because of something as silly as that" I insist.

"Man I wish I could think like that" Aliya admits.

"Yeah... me too" Dexter jokes and she sends him a stern glare.

"Kidding! I'm kidding" he insists.

After sitting around and talking for a while we decide to eat cake and open presents. So Anthony and I sit down in front of our friends and look at all the baby stuff we got. Eventually Mallory joins us because she looooves opening presents and we let her tear into them.

"I can't use this" she claims as she looks at a bunch of baby things that she pulls out of a bag from Grandpa Rossy.

"Maybe it's because it's not for you, it's for the baby" I tell her.

"Why does he get a bunch of things if he's not even here yet" she questions.

"Because we need this stuff before he gets here so that when he does we can focus on giving him love instead of trying to go out and get him baby bibs" I explain.

"Will you still love me" she asks softly before I pull her into my lap. Well, the best I could at least.

"Baby you were my first love. Nothing can ever replace you. We will always be best friends, I'll always find time to make you Mac and cheese and have a dance party and sing you to sleep. I promise that I will never love anyone the way I love you and that will never change for a million years" I insist.

"Well in that case I'm excited for the baby to come" she claims and I smile.

"Me too" I agree.

"But when am I getting a sister" she asks and my eyes go big. I had some of my friends snicker because to her that's just a innocent question but to me that's nine more months of being pregnant.

"You're getting a sister when I say so" I reply as she pouts.

We finish up with the baby shower and I thank everyone for coming out. Our farm has been the gathering place for plenty of things now like get together and cooking out. I don't leave all that much and I loved when people came over.

After everyone was gone and the decorations were down and we hide the leftover cake from Mallory I head up to the babies room to store some things away. The room wasn't done but we had plenty of stuff to put in there now. Anthony wanted it to be cubs themed but I convinced him to do a grey and a light green so should we need a nursery again we won't have to worry about it.

"Are you ready for a baby" he questions and I laugh.

"More than the first time yes, but still not ready enough" I insist.

"If it makes you feel any better you look stunning" he claims and I laugh.

"It does help" I smirk.

"I can't wait until he gets here. He's already so loved and the boys are so excited to have a little guy running around" he claims.

"They're helping raise this kid" I ask.

"I mean if we ask them to I'm sure they would" he admits.

"I don't know if that should make me happy or scared" I admit.

"They have some great kids" he reminds me.

"And they weren't all trying to do it at once" I say and he nods.

"Alright, you got me there" he chuckles.

"But they are more than welcomed to come by and give a helping hand" I say.

"Are you sure" he teases.

"Nope. But I'll need all the help I can get" I admit.

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