I Do... Again

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There's been something that's been bothering me recently. While I love that I am married to Melissa, I wished it was under better circumstances. I don't think she's upset about how it happened but I feel like she deserves more. I'm happy we got to be married before her brother died and he got to be by my side when we said "I do". But it all happened so quickly I couldn't even process what was going on. So I wanted to right some wrongs I was feeling about the whole thing.

While Melissa went out to work for the morning I grab Mallory and head to the woodfield mall a little outside of Chicago. We go shopping and we plan a big night in the city. I rented a nice boat and got a bunch of decorations to make it look really nice. Then I head into a jewelry store to find a real wedding ring and not the one that I saw first and decided to get it because it was good enough. It wasn't anymore.

As we look around I see Mallory looking at a necklace and I look at it too. It was a pretty silver locket and I smile to myself.

"Do you like that necklace" I ask.

"Its really pretty" she admits.

"You're supposed to put a picture of something really important on the inside and whenever you feel sad you open up the locket and look at and it'll make you feel better" I explain.

"Why is it in a shape of a heart" she wonders.

"Because whatever you put in there you love the most. Whatever you keep in your heart, you keep in the locket" I say.

"Woah" she gasps and I smile.

"How about this, you help me find a ring for your mother and I get you that locket" I promise and she gasps.

"Really" she squeals.

"Yeah, come on squirt. Lets go find us a big wedding ring" I insist.

We set out to find the perfect ring for me to give Melissa on our special date tonight. I try to find something that stuck out but I couldn't quite find anything. But then I remembered something that she said back when we first started dating, how she wanted to go someplace that was so dark that you could only see all the stars. To be surrounded by nothing but the light from the sky. I wanted to incorporate that into her ring somehow some way.

I stop looking for a second and look down but don't see Mallory anywhere near me. I start to freak out because of I lost her kid I won't need a ring because Melissa would disown me. But I finally find her looking at a ring on a fake hand in a display case all by itself.

"Mal Pal you can't run off like that. I almost had a heart attack" I insist as I approach her.

"But I found mommy's ring" she says.

"How" I ask.

"Because it's pretty and sparkly and unique" she claims and I look at her weird. How does she know these words?

I look into the display case and I see the words "wandering star opal ring" and I smile big.

It wasn't like any wedding ring I've ever seen, but I didn't want her ring to be like the others

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It wasn't like any wedding ring I've ever seen, but I didn't want her ring to be like the others. I wanted it to be one of a kind like her and this one was stunning. When you walked around the ring the opal changed colors and it was kind of the most amazing ring I've ever see. Plus is was called the wandering star and I think that fit her perfectly.

"Good job kid, you found your mom a ring" I say.

"And I get a necklace" she squeals and I nod.

"Yup. Come on Mal, let's get out of here before I spend any more money" I insist.

I purchase the ring in its case and get Mallory the locket. I let her go through my phone and pic out which two pictures to put in each side of the locket. The first one was of her and Tim at the pier looking out over the water from earlier in the summer and the other was of her and her mom and I at the beach in Hawaii that was super cute. Once the pictures were in I wrap the necklace around her neck and she smiles down at it. She struggles at first but eventually gets the heart open. She smiles big when she sees the pictures before turning to me.

"Thank you dad" she says as she wraps her arms around my legs. I hug her back as she squeezes me tight.

"Anything for you kiddo" I say. Literally anything...

After that was done we head to the boat to decorate it. We hang up lights and put flowers everywhere on the boat. Once it was all done up to our liking we go to pick Melissa up from work. She was a little confused as to why but she was going to find out soon enough.

I take us all to the boat and get them on. She starts to complain because this set up was so nice and she was in jeans and a sweater, but I assured her she looked great. She always did. We take off for a little and I even let Mallory drive for a little since she learned with Tim not too long ago. Once I find a good place to stop I kill the engine and I join my girls on the deck. I see Melissa bent down with Mallory's locket in her hand. She had her hand over her mouth as she looks at the pictures.

"Pretty great, isn't it" I ask as she sharply turns her head to me.

"This is soo beautiful. Why did you do this" she asks as she looks at the locket.

"Because I got you something and I figured I had to get her something too" I say and she starts to shun me.

"I hate when you get me things" she reminds me.

"This was something I really wanted to do" I insist.

"Alright, I guess if it means that much to you the least I can do is hear you out" she teases.

I reach in my pocket and grab the ring box. I open it up before showing it to her and she gasps.

"Anthony" she whispers.

"I know we're already married and I know you already have a ring, but hear me out" I say as I get down on one knee. "Our wedding wasn't anything we thought it would be. We didn't have time to think things out or even wrap our heads around the fact that we legally got married. It all happened in the blink of the eye and the next second we were trying to spend our last hours with Tim. It sucked that I didn't get to do this elaborate proposal and you didn't get to look for dresses for months before finding the perfect one. We didn't get to sit and talk to our families or have our friends give us a toast.

But I have no regrets marrying you. I'm happy we did it and that your brother was there for it. I don't think getting married without your brother there would have been anything worth remembering, he really was my best man and he made it all worth while. But I want to stay married to you forever. Usually these kinds of quick moving relationships don't last, but like this ring our relationship isn't like the others. I haven't a doubt in my mind that we can't get through anything, I mean look how far we've come already.

I want to stay married to you from now until forever. I don't want to say that the marriage was a spectacle because it's not, Tim knew it wasn't too. That's why it was so special for him to be there. And it's been about a month we've been married now and I think it's about high time we made this really official" I say taking the ring out.

"Are you asking me to marry you" she teases and I shake my head.

"I'm asking you to be mine and stay mine for the rest of all time" I insist and she smiles.

"Yes Anthony. I do... again" she says. I take off her temporary ring and slip the real one on there. I smile as the stars in her eyes shine so bright.

"I love you Anthony Rizzo" she says and I smirk.

"And I love you... Mrs Melissa Rizzo."

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