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"Where are we going" Melissa asks as we walk out to the city.

It was July now and Michael has been with us for 10 whole days. We don't get much sleep now-a-days, but it's worth it to see little Michael calm down once he's in our arms.

"We are going on a date" I say.

"With the kids" she questions as she points her head to the back seat of my minivan. After the crash my car was totaled and I bought a van because it's safer for the kids in the back and it has room for more people. You know... farther in the future.

"Yes with the kids. It's a special date" I insist.

"Well what is it" she questions.

"We're going to go have a picnic on the beach" I explain and she smiles.

"Oh that sounds like fun. I can't wait" she cheers and I turn to her. She smiles up at me and I find myself really excited for what's about to happen.

We get to the beach and Melissa carries the baby and it's stuff and I get the food and blanket and Mallory too. Mal picks out a spot for us and I set the blanket out. Melissa sits on top as she holds Michael in her arms. He had on a cubs onesie and a beach hat, he was honestly adorable.

Mallory sits in my lap as I hand out some food and drinks. I had Aliya make us food because she's better at this than I am and she always asks for ways to help us out. She's always been rooting us on and trying to help me and Melissa and she does. She's great. And when I mentioned that I wanted to do this today she helped me plan it out and set it up. I just hope everything turns out how we hoped.

We much on sandwiches and chips and once we were done eating I get to feet the baby since Melissa wasn't comfortable breast feeding in public and we had a bottle of her breast milk prepared. So she messes with Mallory in the water and I have some father son time. I look in my basket and see a little baby onesie that I was supposed to change Michael into. So I do that and I smile when I see him all dolled up. He was honestly so adorable and I'm just happy I wasn't around when Mallory was a baby because with her eyes and blonde curly hair... I surely would have lost it.

I look over and see Dexter, Aliya, Jess and Kris standing behind one of the lifeguard towers and I smile. I give them a little wave as they wait for my cue.

Today I decided that I wanted to propose to Melissa. I know what you're thinking... I'm already married, why am I proposing? And while our wedding ceremony was special and really nice, I wanted more for us. We have a family now and we can actually plan a wedding with a reception and chose our song for our first dance. We can pick out our attire and parties and colors for the wedding. Mallory can be our little flower girl again and Michael can be our ring barrer. I know we don't need a big wedding to be married, we've been married for almost eight months now and she already has my last name. But I know she wanted to have a real wedding, we've talked about it. She's happy we were married with her brother here but she was still a girl with some big dreams. And that includes walking down the isle surrounded by friends and family somewhere down south in a really pretty garden surrounded by nature and warmth. And I was going to do anything to get that for her.

So I call her over and put the plan into play. I sit her on the blanket and she easily complied. I then tell her to close her eyes and that's when she starts to ask questions.

"This isn't a date, is it" she asks and I laugh.

"It is. But it's a special one, and not just because the kiddos are here. There's something that I've been planning for a while now and it's time for it all to fall into place" I explain.

"Alright" she says reluctantly. She covers her eyes with her hands and I smile that she did that with little fight.

I grab the kids and head out to the beach. I call our friends over and get them lined up correctly. Kris has a sign that said "will" and Jess a sign that said "you" then Dexter with a sign that read "marry" and Aliya a sight that said "me". Finally I carefully hand Mallory Michael who had on a onesie that said "again". Once we make sure Mallory has a good hold on the baby I run back over to Melissa who had no idea what was happening. I dig into my basket and grab a ring box. Inside was a simple band that goes with the wedding ring she already had. In the inside it had "crazy in love" engraved in it. I take the ring box before getting on my knee next to her.

"Alright, open your eyes" I say.

She takes her hands down and looks around. She gasps loudly when she sees her friends and family standing on the beach with the cute signs Jess and Mallory made at Kris' house not too long ago. She covers her mouth with her hands before turning to me. Even though we're married I can tell this meant a lot to her. Getting proposed to is a huge thing and I wanted it to be special for us. And I think it's turning pretty great.

"Anthony" she squeaks out.

"I know you hate it when I do things for you, but this is for us. For our growing family and our future. We don't have to get married again, nothings going to change if we do. But I would love to share a first dance with you and have everyone watch us dance together. Then they'll say "they're so meant to be together" and I have to agree with them. We are. And I would love to do this all over again with you. But the right way. So Melissa Rizzo, will you marry me. Again" I say and she giggles. She wipes away a happy tear from her face as she nods her head.

"Yes" she whispers and I smile back. I slide the band right next to her old ring and it looked so good next to it.

I pull her into a kiss and I hear people clapping. I look over and see Kris holding Michale and Aliya holding Mal and I smile bigger than I've ever smiled before. This moment was perfect and I was going to remember it for the rest of my life.

Crazy In Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now