All New Everything

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I walk around home goods with Mallory in the cart chilling out in front of me. Anthony was out finalizing things with the house and I was looking for stuff for the living room and our bedrooms to make it feel more personal. We didn't want to start on the nursery just yet but I can look around and get some ideas so it'll match the rest of the house. So Mallory sits in the cart and helps me pick things out by pointing to it so I can get it or sneaking it in the cart herself. She finds some stuff she wants for her room and smile when I realize it's all pink. I know she'll change it when she gets older but she's forever my little princess.

"Why can't I have the room next to the baby" she asks and I start to laugh. She was mad that she couldn't have the same room or even the room next to it.

"Because you don't need a master bedroom with a personal bathroom" I insist.

"But I want to be next to the baby" she pouts.

"You can visit the baby whenever you want. Plus the baby will probably spend a lot of time in Anthony and I's room and you're always welcome in there" I remind her. I might regret saying that later but it gets her off my case for now.

"But I cant sleep in there, daddy snores" she whines and I laugh.

"I know, but luckily for me a baby won't care" I explain.

We continue to look around and I grab a lamp and some little foot stools for the living room. It had a light blue and navy blue theme to it and it was pretty cute. The furniture in there was light grey so it had the calming feel to it. It was a great set up they had and I was actually pretty excited to move in. I just hope I don't mess this up.

After spending wayyy too much money on things for the new house we head back to the apartment where everything was being boxed up. We were hoping to move by the weekend and if not I'm gonna need some of my clothes back for the near future.

When we get to the apartment I see Anthony wasn't there yet so I give him a call to make sure everything went okay with the house.

"Hey baby" he answers.

"Hey babe. Where ya at" I question.

"I am... doing something" he claims making me giggle.

"No way" I fake gasp and he starts to laughs at my sarcasm.

"It's nothing bad, the house is taken care of and we can start putting things in there whenever we want. I'm just out getting something done for the house but it's a surprise so I can't tell you quite yet" he explains.

"Alright. Well get home soon, Mallory misses you" I insist.

"You said your name wrong" he accuses and I smile.

"Alright... I miss you" I admit.

"I miss you too Mel. I'll be home soon, I promise" he says and I let out a long sigh.

"Alright. I'll be waiting."

As for Mallory, today she learned what the phrase shop till you drop means. And since the stuff in her room was in the process of being packed up she decided to crash on the couch for a nap. I join her on the couch as we cuddle together trying to keep warm this brittle January day. Addison joins in on the fun as we all take a nap until Anthony got home.

I wake up a little while later but this time I was by myself. I hear music softly playing around me and faint giggles that made me smile. I wake up and look around to see the tv off and the lights on in the kitchen. I slowly sit up and look around before I see the best sight I've ever seen.

I see Anthony and Mallory dancing around in the kitchen trying to keep quiet so they don't wake me. Anthony spins Mallory around on his finger as she jumps around with Addison at her feet. Her giggles carry like the song they were dancing to making my heart beat harder. Anthony stomps his foot to the beat as Mallory continues to dance. She had changed into one of her many princess outfits and had a tiara in her crazy hair. It looked like Anthony pulled it up which I was impressed with because she always freaks out when he does her hair. She's a curly sue but a tender headed little girl and she doesn't let just anyone do her hair. But it looks like she finally let Anthony do it without me around.

"Mommy's up" Mallory says as she points at me. I wave at her as she rushes over to me. She pulls me into a big hug and I happily hug her back. She was such a sweet little girl, I'm so lucky.

"We're you having fun with Anthony" I ask.

"So much fun! We played dress up and daddy even did my hair! Lookie" she says pointing to it.

"It looks good" I say turning to Anthony. "How long have you been home?"

"About two hours. I found you guys passed out on the couch so I figured you should let you be after spending all day looking for things for the house. But not too long after I got here Mallory woke up and wanted to play. So I've been trying to make dinner while entertaining our little princess" he explains.

"What were you making" I wonder.

"Your favorite" he claims and I smile.

"Lasagna" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah. It was actually Mallory's idea. She wanted to make something for you" he says nodding his head towards my little girl who was sitting in my arms.

"Aww, thanks baby" I say giving her a good squeeze.

"Does the baby like lasagne too" she asks and I laugh. The concept of conception and pregnancy was very much not there for her, but I'll take these questions over "how does the baby come out of your tummy" any day.

"The baby loves lasagna" I tell her.

"I thought so" she claims and I laugh. I wonder how in the world she came to that conclusion.

She runs off and makes me a plate before bringing it to me. The dining room table and chairs were in the moving van so we had to eat dinner on the couch but I'm okay with that. We kept the tv off and enjoyed dinner while listening to Mallory talk about how she wanted to set her room up. She even left some room for when the baby gets older to come over and have sleepovers.

After dinner I help Anthony clean up the kitchen because he wrecked it in his attempt to make dinner.

"That was really good, thank you for making the food tonight" I say and he laughs at me.

"You don't have to thank me for doing things a husband should do. If you are you're going to be wasting a lot of your breath" he claims.

"I'm always thankful for the man you are, and I'm never going to miss a chance to let you know that I am" I insist as she sends a sweet smile my way.

"I'll do anything to hear you talk to me like that" he claims and I giggle.

"You're doing pretty good big man" I assure him. "You're doing good."

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