A Little Message

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Since the Cubs is a world class organization, after they found out Tim was close to the end and a big Cubs fan they let him sit in the dugout before games and even get to be a bat boy sometimes, if he's feeling up to it. It's cool that my best friend gets to come to games with me and he gets to experience this. His health had been going down pretty quickly and I don't know how much longer he'll be able to sit down here, but the guys are doing the most to make it worth while. They were all rooting for him and wanted him to have fun for as long as he could. The season is almost over and maybe we can even get him to a post season game. That would be awesome.

"Hey Tim, nice jersey" I tease as he ended up wearing one of mine instead of the one the Cubs got made for him with his own name on it.

"Mallory spilled a blue icee on my other one on the way in so I'm wearing Melissa's and she's wearing mine" he explains and I laugh.

"She has had like five icee's during these games and for some reason none of it makes it into her mouth" I shake my head.

"So she has one flaw" he jokes.

"I didn't know that Mallory and Melissa were coming today" I admit.

"I asked them to come. I uh... I don't know how many more games I can be down here at so I wanted them to at least come to this one since I'll be in the dugout" he explains.

"How are you feeling" I ask and he lets out a long sigh.

"I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty tired. The guys you hired to look after me, they're amazing. But I have two different types of cancers and stopped my treatment, I don't see me making it very much further" he admits and I let out a sigh.

I could kinda tell that it was nearing the end. He's so small that he fits in his sisters clothes and doesn't do much if he doesn't need to. And I felt awful that he wasn't going to be with us much longer and we were the only reason he was hanging on so long in the first place. And I don't want to be part of the reason he's in pain but I also don't want to lose him either.

"How do you think we're going to do today" I ask trying to change the subject.

"With Jake the Snake on the mound, I think you'll all be just fine" he insists.

"I have to agree with you" I admit.

We get the game started and it goes by pretty quickly. It usually does with Jake on the mound, not a lot of players get on base with him pitching. He's been unreal the past few months and I'm lucky he's on my team so I don't have to face him.

In between the third and fourth inning there was a video that I haven't seen before cued up on the Jumbotron. But I see a video of Mallory and Melissa wearing my jersey sitting down in the clubhouse and my eyes go big. Melissa hates the attention and doesn't do a lot of the things that a lot of the wives and girlfriends do. She doesn't have a super popular Instagram and she doesn't even have a Twitter. She liked doing the charity stuff and hanging out with them but she just want into the whole "I'm nothing other than a significant other to a player" type of life. She wanted to be her own and she is, but she's usually pretty DL about it and doesn't do these kinds of videos. But it looks like they made a video of some sort to show to the world and I couldn't wait to see what it was.

"Hello everyone, my name is Melissa and this is my daughter Mallory. We were asked to make a video to celebrate Anthony and what amazing things he's done this season and I couldn't turn that down. He makes my life better just as he does for all the Chicago Cubs fans and I'm so lucky I get to be a part of his life just like everyone else. Between what he's done for me and my family and at the children's hospital it's easy to see why he's a fan favorite. But I'm going to let Mal Pal take over explaining what makes Anthony so special because she always says it best" she explains and the camera turns to Mallory. She had on her Rizzo jersey and a big bow her mom made her as she smiles big at the camera. The girl is never shy and I love that about her. Melissa encourages her to start and she looks into the camera with the cutest little smile.

"I love Anthony because he is really nice and really funny. He's the bestest baseball player ever and the bestest daddy ever. He lets me stay up late when mommy isn't home and he makes me Mac and cheese because he doesn't know how to make anything else" she says and I smile. She's not wrong.

"Thank you Anthony for all you've done for us and this city. We're so happy you're a Chicago Cub and keep doing great things. We love going to the children's hospital with you and everything you've done for my brother and the kids at the hospital. We love you so much" Melissa says and I smile. I turn to Tim who was smiling at me. He nods his head to the big board again and I see him there with a few of the guys on the team. He starts to talk and I thought I was going to cry right there.

"Hey buddy, your friends and I wanted to make you a video to thank you for all you do. You're better than anyone can even comprehend and for that I am grateful. Thanks for making my bucket list a to do list and being pretty good at that baseball thing too" he says and I laugh.

"Keep up the good work buddy" Jon adds on.

"Stop eating all my food" Dexter continues and I shake my head.

The video ends and "thank you Anthony Rizzo" is put up across the board. I turn back to Tim who was smiling at me. I walk over to him and without a word I pull him into a huge hug. It felt like he was going to break in my arms but I didn't care. He starts to laugh as he pats my back.

"Alright big man, don't embarrass yourself" he teases.

"I really want to cry" I admit.

"That wasn't the point. We just wanted to remind you that you're special to us and that we appreciate you" he claims.

"Well I loved it. Thanks" I say.

We go and take the field and I am met with a big round of applause. They show me on the screen and I tip my cap to the crowd. They usually do little videos that for the video board but that one was more special.

I've never felt so right at home in a place than I do right here and right now. I find my girls in the stands cheering for me and I smile real big. Melissa had on a jersey with a big blue stain and I laugh to myself. How lucky am I?

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