Present and Future

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I woke up early this morning with a big smile on my face. I decided to go to Wrigley for a little morning workout since I was feeling it. I say hi to the guys who were there before pumping the iron to warm up.

I lay on the bench and do some chest presses. I curl a little and even hit the treadmill for some cardio. A bunch of stuff I usually don't do but I was in a great mood this morning so I did it.

"What's got you all smiles" Kris asks, his tall frame towering over me.

Kris got called up the other day which has been awesome. He's been one of my better friends since spring training last year. We naturally hit it off and we've been best friends since then. He's the stud and I'm the power, and together we had big plans with this ball club, all starting with a World Series.

"I'm just feeling good" I smile.

"Does this have anything to do with your lady friend" he smirks.

"She's my girlfriend now, actually" I correct and he gasps.

"Well pardon my misinterpretation. Sorry you haven't told me" he scoffs.

"It slipped my mind" I shrug.

"That's kind of a big deal to be slipping your mind" he claims.

"Its a little difficult to explain" I defend.

"How so" he asks and I sigh.

"I doubt she wants me to go around telling her life to everyone. It took me a week for her to trust me enough to take her on a date and two weeks to trust me enough to let me in. I really don't want to mess this up" I insist.

"She sounds important" he nods.

"She's incredible" I smile.

"Have you two even kissed yet" he asks.

"Well... no" I admit.

I didn't know if she wanted me to kiss her, I want to take it slow but not molasses.

"Well I can't wait to meet her" he claims.

"Soon" I assure him.

I take a shower at the field and change into some chill clothes. I decide to walk around the city since it was such a nice day and just walk around. There was always something happening and I love that about this place.

I head over to the park and decide to let my feet take me where they wanted to go. There was a concert there today and I decided to go check it out since I head nothing better to do. I walk around and blend in pretty easily. I stand in the back and tap my feet to the beat of the song. I look around the crowd but stop when I see someone familiar.

A pretty girl stands in the back taking pictures and looking for something. I swear it looked just like Melissa so I start I slowly move closer and closer. As I get closer I realize how stunningly beautiful this woman was and it was no one other than my girlfriend.

I make it over there and put my hands over her eyes. She gasps a little before letting her camera hang around her neck.

"Who is this" she asks.

"A cute baseball player" I smirk.

"Kris" she asks and I gasp.

"That's so mean" I pout and she giggles.

"I know it's you Anthony" she insists and I take my hands down. She turns around and smiles up at me.

"What are you doing here" I wonder.

"I was hired to take pictures of this band and it's fans here today" she explains.

"That's awesome! How is it going" I question.

"I have pictures of a bunch of drunk girls who think this is lalapolooza" she smirks and I laugh.

"That's better than nothing I guess" I shrug.

"Is it really" she asks and I shake my head.

"I don't know" I admit. "What do you want to take pictures of" I wonder and she stops taking pictures. She turns to me with a nice smile and drops her camera.

"There's two things really. One is I want to go to the hospital and take pictures of patients. But not just any pictures, pictures of whatever they want to be. Dress them up like athletes or superhero's and edit them to make them look real. Make their dream come true even if it's not real" she explains.

"That sounds amazing. I know a lot of kids would love that" I admit.

"I do it with Mallory sometimes. She was tinkerbell for Halloween last year and I made it so it looked like she was flying with Peter Pan. She loved it" she smiles.

"And what's the second one" I wonder.

"I want to travel to places that aren't always photographed. Get the pictures that are hard to get. And I'm not talking about ones of big foot or the lochness monster. Something that is real and wonderful and unknown. Something I can discover and show for the whole world to see" she claims.

"You have some big dreams... I love it" I admit.

"I've had it rough these past few years, those dreams and my daughter is what keeps me going" she admits.

"Those are some really good reasons" I admit. "How is your brother doing?"

"He's tired but he is still breathing. If he doesn't get better soon they will admit him to the hospital but I'm hoping this new chemotherapy they have him on does the trick" she nods.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do that can help" I ask.

"Can you cure cancer" she asks and I shake my head.

"No, but I sure wish I could" I admit.

"A word to the wise Anthony, don't come in my life trying to fix things. Everyone has a chapter of their story that they don't want to read out loud. I have three of them and there's a good reason I don't bring them up. I don't want you to try and fix me, I couldn't stand the chance of letting another person down" she claims.

"I'm here because I really like you Melissa. I think the world of your daughter and there is few stronger than your brother. When I look at you I see someone I can put my faith in. I see someone I could spend forever with and never get tired. I see a present and a future, and as far as I am concerned there's no need to dig up the past. I can tell you've been hurt, I can hear it in your voice and see it in your eyes. But I'm not here to try and take the pain away, I'm here to give you new reasons to smile. To look forward to the future instead of being hurt by the past" I explain.

"I would like that a lot" she smiles.

"Then if you're up to it, I would love to go on another date" I admit.

"I'm free Saturday night" she claims.

"Awesome. I'll pick you up after the game" I say.

"It's a date."

Crazy In Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now