Lucky To Have You

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After soaking up the sun in sunny Mesa, Arizona for a month and a few days we were back in overcast Chicago, Illinois. Our house was just how we left it and we were all pretty happy to be back. It's April 2nd now and the season was right around the corner. Anthony was about to leave to start the season off on the road and I was close to finishing my degree this month. I couldn't wait to see what the future held for us, I'm sure it's going to be great.

Today just so happened to be my birthday so on top of that we were going to find out the gender of the baby. So a really good birthday if you ask me. We get to the hospital pretty early and really excited to find out what I would be having.

"Well, everything looks good so far. The baby is growing at the right pace and your body is carrying it well. It helps that you've been through this before but you're doing a really great job taking care of yourself and your baby" my doctor says and I smile.

"Thanks. That actually means a lot to me" I admit.

"As it should. Now let's see what we have here" she says as she helps me lay down. I roll my shirt up and expose the baby bump that was where my abs used to be.

She spreads the gel over my stomach before finding my little baby. The heartbeat was strong and it sure did like to move around in there. But she gets it down before trying to see what we were having.

"Congratulations you two. It looks like you've having a baby boy" she says and I gasp.

"I knew it" I claim and Anthony laughs at me.

"Man is Mallory going to be upset she won't have a little sister this time" he says and I laugh with him.

"Please. I'll tell her that means that her and the baby can be like me and my brother was and she'll get over it in a second" I explain as he nods.

"Alright, you got me there" he agrees.

We get some pictures of the baby before we head home where Jess and Kris we're watching over Addison and Mallory while we were out. This way Jess and I can figure some things out for the baby shower and Anthony and Kris can spend time together although they already do that enough.

Once we get there I see a lot more cars in the driveway than when we left and I turn to Anthony. He smiles at me as he parks behind everyone in the circle drive and turns to me.

"What did you do" I accuse.

"I might have had everyone come over to celebrate your birthday. Even some of your family is here" he says and I start to shake my head.

"Why" I ask. I hated celebrating my birthday.

"Because even though you're still working things out with yourself, you are so loved. By our friends, by our family and even the fans. You are a great person and even though you won't say it I won't ever stop saying it. And all these people on there feel the same way" he claims. I couldn't fight the smile off my face as I let out a long breath.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood" I tease as he laughs at me.

"I am lucky. Just lucky to have you" he says with a cheesy smile.

"Alright. I think you deserve a kiss for that one" I admit.

"I was hoping" he agrees.

I lean across the center consul and pull him into a kiss. I hear him start to moan so I break it off before he gets any smart ideas.

He grabs my hand and we walk into the house. When I do I see a bunch of my friends and family sitting around talking. There were balloons and streamers and other party things up and around.

"Happy birthday" rings out as I make my way inside and I smile to myself. I wasn't one to celebrate my own birthday but I am one to want to be around the people I love so this was pretty sweet. I'm happy Anthony did this no matter how scared he was thinking I would be upset with him.

I go around and say hi to everyone. I see my mom waving to me to come over to her and I almost felt like crying. Partially because my horomornes were crazy but mostly because I haven't seen her in a while and I missed her.

"Oh wow, Lissa you look beautiful" she claims and I smile.

"Thanks momma. Guess what" I ask.

"What is it sugar" she questions.

"We're having a boy" I smile and she gasps.

"Oh well I am so blasted happy for you guys. I'm sure he's going to turn out to be a great man. Just look at his father" she claims and I laugh.

"I don't know if I would ever be so lucky to have three men in my life who is better than the rest" I insist.

"Well just look at Mallory. She's already turning into this courageous and intelligent version of you. I expect nothing lest from my grandson" she claims.

"Are you going to be around when he's born" I wonder and she smiles.

"Of course sweetie" she promises and I smile big.


After thanking everyone for wishing me a happy birthday we all gather around the cake we had in the living room. It said "happy birthday sexy momma" on it and I secretly liked it, I just couldn't let Anthony know that. I couldn't let him know he was right twice in one day, I would never hear the end of it. Once they were finished singing happy birthday to me I blow out the candles and I help Mallory cut the cake. We hand out pieces to everyone and I share one with Anthony. He feeds me a forkful of delicious cake and I let out a long groan.

"This is soooo good" I admit. I feel the baby kick before letting out a little laugh. "And it looks like our little boy thinks so too" I admit.

"Did he kick" Anthony gasps.

"I think he did" I admit.

"Make him do it again! I want to feel" he insists as he grabs my stomach.

"Alright. Give me another bite of cake" I say. He feeds me another piece before I grab his other hand and move it to where the baby kicked. The back kicks again and Anthony lets out a loud gasp.

"Oh my god" he cheers.

"What" Kris asks.

"I felt the baby kick" Anthony nearly yells and I laugh. He gets so excited, it was so cute.

"I wanna feel I wanna feel" Mallory jumps up and down at my feet. Anthony grabs her hand and puts it under his. He feeds me another fork full of the cake and he baby kicks again.

"He likes cake just like me" she says and I laugh.

"Glad we all got that in common" I tease.

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