If Your Friend Jumps Out A Plane...

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"This is crazy" I admit as I watch people strap a bunch of thing to my brother. Anthony was almost giddy next to him as people hooked him up too.

One of the things on his bucket list was that he wanted to go sky diving, and since he was strong enough right now he wanted to get this out of the way. We've done a few other things like went to six flags and he got to take Mallory on a boat ride. But this is by far the most dangerous thing he wanted to do.

And my idiot boyfriend is insistent that he too jumps out of a plane into some deserted place in Illinois because that's his best friend and Anthony insists he has to do it with him.

"You say crazy... I say awesome" Tim claims.

"You're delusional" I assure him.

"Hey, at least I'm already dying. What's his excuse" he asks pointing to Anthony.

"Hey, I said we were in this together" Anthony defends.

"This whole "if your friend jumps off a bridge would you jump too" metaphor has gone way too far" I insist.

"This is nothing like that" Anthony claims.

"Yeah! We're in a plane" Tim jokes and I shake my head. What a idiot?

They get ready to go as Mallory and I wait on the ground, where it is safe. Once they were on the plane they took off to go do one of the most ridiculous things I heard of.

"Why does uncle tim want to jump off a plane" Mallory asks and I sigh.

She doesn't understand the concept of death. She doesn't get that one day soon she will be here and her uncle will be gone. I don't want to explain it to her, Tim is her best friend. I can't try and get her to wrap her head around the fact that he's about to die, or that he is doing a bunch of things he wants to do before he does.

"Because he's an idiot" I say and she nods.

"That's what I was thinking too" she claims.

We watch as the plane turns back around and the two men I love more than anything jumps out of the plane. They both make it to the ground safely and I felt less like throwing up once I see that they're okay and nothing bad happened to them.

"That was incredible" Anthony cheers as he makes it over to us.

"That was awful" Tim claims and I roll my eyes.

"You don't even like heights, why did you think this would be something you wanted to do" I ask.

"I don't know, this is what people put on their bucket lists and I figured I would give it a go" he shrugs.

"I want a bucket list" Mallory claims and I nearly choke on the air.

"No... no you don't" I say.

"Yes I do" she argues.

"If you love me then you don't" I say and she lets out a huff.

"Not fair" she pouts.

"Very fair" I promise her.

After the boys get their heart rates back down we decide to stop off for dinner on the way home. We find this really nice restaurant with a outdoor seating that we happily take a part of. We order drinks and get a nice view of the sun setting behind us.

"What was it like jumping out of the plane" I ask Anthony and he smiles.

"It's kinda like how I feel when I kiss you. I felt powerful and free, like I couldn't be contained. It almost feels like everything around you freezes and you're stuck in that moment" he explains.

"That's what you feel like when we kiss" I question and he start to blush.

"I mean... yeah" he admits and I smile.

"Well aren't you the sweetest thing" I ask. 

"I'm happy I haven't eaten yet because you guys make me want to throe up" Timothy claims and I send him a glare.

"I'm sorry you never found love" I accuse.

"I did. Just not the romantic kind" he defends.

"And for that I am sorry" I insist.

"I'm okay with it. I don't know what I would do when it was my time to go and I had to say goodbye to another person I care about. Like imagine trying to get you to say goodbye to Anthony" he claims and I stop. I turn to Anthony as he looks down at me. I realized that the worst part of this all wasn't me saying goodbye to him but him having to say goodbye to everyone else.

"I couldn't imagine having to say goodbye to Anthony, I don't think I would be able to do it" I admit.

"It's already hard enough leaving you and Mal Pal, I don't want to have to leave another girl I love a lot" he claims.

"Where are you going" Mallory asks him and he shakes his head. The only time he ever gets sad when he talks about dying is when he's talking to Mallory, that really was his best friend and she doesn't know a life without her uncle Tim in it. He hates the idea of leaving her.

"I'm going someplace where I won't be sick anymore" he explains.

"That's good! When do you come back" she asks and he sighs.

"I don't come back. The only way I feel better is by going somewhere where I can't come back. And I don't want to leave you, you have to know that. But I can't go on like this much longer" he tries to explain.

"That's okay. I want you to feel better" Mallory insists and I smile. What a strong girl I have.

After we finish our meal we all head to the apartment. Timothy was pretty tired, you know, he did jump out of a plane and all. So he takes his medicine and goes to bed and Anthony helps me pick up all of Mallory's toys.

"So what's next on his bucket list" I ask Anthony since he was the keeper of all this stuff.

"It's pretty simple things now. He's already thrown out the first pitch at the game and met all the Cubs players and jumped out a plane and driven a boat out to Lake Michigan. Now he wants to do some paintings and take Mallory to the aquarium to touch a shark and hang out with you some more" he explains.

"Hang out with me" I ask.

"Yeah. Technically you're the girl in his life. And he loves his other sisters too, but you're his favorite. Always have been" he insists.

"I am pretty cool" I smirk.

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