Still Here

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"Alright kiddo, into the car" I say as we hop in my car. Melissa was out taking pictures in the city and I didn't have anywhere to be until the game tonight so I promised to take Mallory to the zoo. Mostly because she kept asking and partially because she loves the animals and I love watching her watch them.

"Wait! Where's my purse" she yells as I laugh. I got her a purse recently because she said she wanted to be like her mom and she won't leave without it now. It's honestly the cutest thing ever.

So I run inside and grab it before tossing it in the back with her. I get her into her car seat and all buckled up behind the passenger seat. She grabs her purse and I hop into the front where I start the car.

We take off this beautiful May day as we head to see the animals. She loved the zoo and I loved her so I figured we would pass the time until her mom got home.

"Can you turn the music up" she asks from the back seat and I turn it up a little. We sing along and I look in the back seat as I watch her sing. She had the biggest smile on her face like always as she puts on some chap stick. She was such a little diva.

I hear some honking and I realize it was me they were honking at. I hadn't realized that the light turned green and god forbid I'm a few seconds late pulling off. But I finally take off and turn the corner.

Suddenly I hear some more honking but it wasn't at me this time. It was for some dude going so fast that it was shaking the cars next to it. Chicago wasn't made to be fast with the traffic but this guy didn't seem to care. I pull into the next intersection because I had no stop light but the guy doesn't stop or even slow down a little bit. He pulls out into the same intersection I was in and I try to slam on the breaks and stop before he got to the middle of the intersection but I was too late. He blows the stop light and runs right into the passenger side of the car.

My car gets sent down the street as it flips a few times before stopping on its wheels. Everything goes black as the airbags deploy due to the sheer force of the crash. I was surrounded by darkness and silence as everything disappears from my consciousness. This wasn't like a sleep where you dream, there was nothing there. No people or things or lights. It was just... black. I sounded black and it looked black. I had never been this way before, not a single thought or anything to me. Just a bunch of nothingness.

Eventually I start to come to and the first thing I was able to do was feel. My shoulder hurt and my head hurt but that was about it. The car hit the other side so besides the flipping I wasn't really in the impact of the other car. Then my hearing started to come back and I hear a lot of people talking and some sirens that grow louder. The more I come to again the more I'm able to piece things together and worse I felt. Finally my eyes shoot open. I see that I was in my car but not how I remembered it. I was on the side of the road with glass everywhere and blood from something.

Finally I reach up with my good arm and feel a gash in my head. I let out a sharp gasp when I feel how deep it is. This certainly did not feel good.

"Sir, can you hear me" someone asks and I blink a few times. I see a police office standing outside my car trying to reach me.

"Yeah... I can hear you" I mumble.

"He's awake! Get a stretcher" the man yells. "Don't worry Sir. We'll get you out of here and to a hospital immediately" he says.

"Wait... I have a daughter in here. Where's my daughter" I ask.

"We don't see any kids" he tells me as he tries to look around. But I had tinted windows so it was hard to see from the outside.

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