The Harder It Is To Let Go

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The Fourth of July rolls around and like always the Cubs were planning to celebrate. They decided to have a firework display at the field and give a place for the guys and their family to hang out and eat some hot dogs and chill.

We had a afternoon game with some cool jerseys and a lot of fun. I always enjoyed the day games, especially at Wrigley. The crowd is always good and we always seem to do better then.

After we take home another win I go into the locker room where they were doing interviews. I sit at my stall and let them ask questions.

"What are your plans for the fourth after a convincing win" one asks.

"Take a shower and take a nap for sure" I say and everyone laughs. "But the organization is great and always treats us right and has something fun set up for us today. So I'll grab my girlfriend and her daughter and brother and head back over here for the fireworks later on tonight" I explain.

"Have you taken the father role to your girlfriends daughter" another asks.

"Yeah. I mean it just feels natural, I don't feel like I have to be a father to her, I just am. She's such a ray of sunshine, just like her mother. I love them all so much and I'm excited to make some more memories with them tonight" I admit.

"That's great to hear. We can't wait to hear more about them" they say.

"She's not a easy one to get anything out of, I'll tell you that much" I laugh.

"She made you work huh" they joke.

"Let's just say it was easier to make it to the mlb than to get her to agree to go out with me" I tease.

"Those are the best girls" a guy assures me.

"That's the truth" I agree.

We finish up with interviews and I head back to my place. I take a shower and take a nap, because I was being totally serious earlier, before changing for the party tonight.

I pull on a pair of jeans and American flag tank top. Just to be annoying I put a red white and blue bandana around my head before calling it a day. I drive over to Melissa's apartment and walk up to the third floor, I really need to talk to the apartment people about fixing the elevator.

I knock on her door before I hear a bunch of commotion behind it. The door flies open and Mallory appears inside he door.

"Hide me" she screams as she runs behind me. I see Melissa pop up and try to grab Mallory but I grab her first.

I lift her over my shoulder and walk into her apartment as Mallory follows behind me.

"Put me down" Melissa squeals.

"You must let the child be" I insist.

"No! She's mine" Melissa claims causing Mallory to run away. I set her down and Mel looks up at me. She stands on her toes and places a kiss on my lips.

"Mmmm, someone's in a good mood" I smile.

"Someone is finally letting herself be happy for once" she smiles.

"I love it" I smile back. She kisses me again but a little bit longer this time around.

"Ew, get your own place" Timothy jokes and we break apart.

"You're in my house you dweeb" Melissa argues back.

"We're in a aparatment" he smirks.

"Why are you so terrible" she asks him and he laughs.

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