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My life has always been crazy. I had six siblings growing up in the south with parents who were controlling and had a one track mind. And luckily for me I got to be the wild child who never seemed to take life seriously. It wasn't easy, let me tell you. And a lot of the times I was kind of lost, I was some place between being who I wanted to be and being who my parents didn't want me to be. And unfortunately for me I ended up being what my parents didn't want me to be even though I didn't want to be those things either. I was so into being the only kid who defied my parents that I took it too far.

I've made many mistakes, so many that I've lost count a long time ago. And that doesn't make me a bad person, I wasn't hurting anyone besides myself. I mean I hurt my parents but we're closer than ever now. In the end everything works out but when you're going through it it doesn't seem like it will.

And getting pregnant when I was 20 then having Mallory when I was 21 wasn't how I should have fixed my wrongs. Having a kid shouldn't be for validation or to prove a point. I learned that when I was on my own raising a baby with nothing but a dream and a low paying photography job that barley got me by. And having to take in my ill brother because he was the only family member of mine crazy enough to openly be acquainted with me was going to create more problems that it solved. My parents still didn't want to talk to me and I was still a single parent. It made for some really tough times in my life where I felt like my life was finally breaking apart.

Then something crazy happened, I watched my daughter grow up and she didn't see me for my mistakes like I did. She didn't see me as a girl who ran off with her good for nothing boyfriend then had a unplanned pregnancy and ruined her life. She saw her mommy who would do anything her and a uncle who's only bright spot in his life was his sister and her daughter. For the first time in a really long time I felt loved, I felt like maybe I was wrong about life. Maybe I was being a bit condescending to myself and I gave up before I ever really had a chance to do what I wanted.

And usually I don't believe in second chances, you can't undo stuff or start all over. But you can start whenever you want and make a new ending. One where I learn that love isn't something you read or hear about, it's something you feel. Something you are. And often times it makes you feel crazy, like how a family can drive you crazy or how a man can make you feel crazy. But crazy is good, crazy is fun.

And that brings me to now, November 2nd 2016. After what can only be called one of the most insane game sevens in World Series history I just witnessed my husband and many of his friends do what hasn't been done in 108 years. I watched the Chicago Cubs win the World Series in the 10th inning after what is one of the biggest emotional roller coasters of my life. But a few moments ago Anthony caught the last out and slipped the ball into his back pocket like she's done a few times before. Mallory had jumped into my arms in excitement and Michael was passed out in his baby carrier. Although this was probably the most unconventional way of doing this, it finally happened and I couldn't wait to see my husband.

Eventually they let us down to find our people. Laurie has Michael now and uncle John had Mallory because John looked a lot like Anthony and she liked to mess around with both of them. Finally we find Anthony doing a interview on the field and we let them finish. But he meets eyes with me and smiles before excusing himself form the camera. He comes over to me and wraps his large arms around me. He spins me around before I land on my feet again. He quickly presses his lips to mine and I couldn't help but smile. He was sweaty and gross but I didn't care, not one bit. I was so proud that he could have been covered in anything and I would have let him kiss me.

"I'm so proud of you" I whisper as we break apart. He holds my face in his hands so I couldn't go anywhere.

"I couldn't have done it without you" he claims.

"I think you could have" I tease.

"Maybe so. But this crazy life we share, it made it all worth it" he claims.

"I couldn't agree more" I smile.

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