Room For One

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Once we get back to Chicago we don't even unpack our suitcases into the apartment. Mallory and I pack the rest of our things still in our apartment into boxes and it all gets shipped to Anthony's place. The apartment complex understood what was going on and that I simply couldn't live there anymore so they let me out of the contract for the rest of the year. Besides some crayon marks on the wall there wasn't any damage and we left the place almost exactly as we found it, maybe even better.

And so we start a new chapter of our lives as a family in Anthony's place. I turn in my two weeks at the bar and honestly they didn't even care. They still felt bad for the whole bar incident with Brady over the summer and just let me go. I told them if there's ever a emergency and I wasn't doing something else important that I have no problem coming down and giving a helping hand. But they wished me the best in my future and I thank them for helping me pave my path to everything I ever wanted.

And that was to love and do what I love with who I love. Although Tim isn't here anymore I still got two pretty amazing people hoping for the best for me. They believed in me and loved me and that's all I ever wanted. And now I have it.

"This is my room" Mallory asks as she stands in the doorway of the spare room Anthony had. Her whole life we always shared a room with me while Timothy had a room to himself. But for the first time she gets her own bed and her own closet and anything else that she wanted. Anthony had a real soft spot for her so all she had to do is ask and he'll get it for her. I didn't mind because he didn't spoil her but he gave her what she needed.

"This is a room all for yourself" I assure her.

"Then where are you sleeping" she wonders.

"I'm sleeping in bed with Anthony in his room" I explain.

"Why" she asks and I laugh.

"Because that's what you do when you're married. Even if this is the most backwards marriage I've ever heard of. But all the other marriages don't work out so I guess this means this one will" I shrug.

"Can you still sing me to sleep" she asks oh so innocently and I smile.

"Of course. I'll still tuck you in and make bows and have tea parties and watch Disney movies, none of that changes" I promise her.

"What about Uncle Tim? Is he still in the sky" she asks and I sigh. I bend down and pull her close to me so I could see eye to eye with her. I can tell she was about to cry and this wasn't about to get any easier for us.

"Tim's staying up there, forever" I explain slowly.

"Why can't he come back" she wonders.

"I don't know baby, that's just the way it has to be. Sometimes bad things happen and there's no good reason, it just happens. But that's just life, you can't control what happens to you. All you can do is take what you have and use the most of it" I insist.

"But I want Uncle Tim" she claims.

"I do too baby, I do too. But we can't have him, all we have is Anthony and this new home and I honestly don't think that's a bad thing. I think this can be very good for us" I insist.

"No matter what you'll be here for me, right" she asks and I smile.

"Always" I assure her and she smiles big.

We get her things into her room and she makes herself at home. All there was is a bed and a dresser and we put the rest of her clothes in the closet. She got to keep the sheets from the old apartment and she was already lining her toys up to the way she liked it. She even had the picture of her and Tim at the fair up on the wall and this place was already starting to feel like home.

I leave her to entertain herself and go in search for Anthony. He was siting on his laptop looking at something. I sit next to him and see him looking through our honeymoon pictures and videos with the biggest smile on his face. I rest my head on his shoulder and join him in admiring how great we were together.

"Why are you so sexy" he asks me and I giggle.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" I remind him.

"And sex appeal is in the pants of every man who has ever seen you" he assures me as I shake my head.

"We were a pretty good looking family, it's in our gene pool I guess" I shrug.

"Well I'm keeping these pictures forever and no one else gets to see them. But I do want to upload a few to Instagram if that's okay with you" he says.

"Of course it's okay with me. I don't really care about the attention anymore. Now that Brady is out of the picture it doesn't bother me at all" I insist.

"Really" he questions.

"Yeah. You're important to me but you're important to this city too. They want to know that you're happy and that you're doing good, and you want to upload those pictures to show them that you're both of those things" I say.

"I want to upload those pictures so that I can make every man out there jealous of me" he claims and I laugh.

"I don't think that's how it works" I insist.

"I'm jealous of myself" he insists.

"That's defiantly not how it works" I tease as he laughs at me.

"I know, I know. But I do want to show the world that I am the luckiest man alive because not only did I get to marry the most incredible woman ever, but I get to be a father to her daughter too" he claims.

"Then show them" I assure him.

He picks out some pretty great pictures and uploads them to his Instagram. He doesn't post a lot and when he does it's usually him messing around with the team or stuff for the Anthony Rizzo Family Foundation. I'm not sure who all knows we got married because it literally happened in one day and it was kinda on the DL. I'm sure people figured things out and I was wearing my ring in a few of the pictures he put up. But the marriage was so shocking it's still sinking in for us. I mean we got together earlier this year and now we're married. But I have to admit, it felt pretty good.

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