Big News

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I find myself in a very familiar situation as I sit on the side of the tub in the bathroom in Anthony's apartment. There was three pregnancy tests that sat on the counter all ready to tell me my fate but I wasn't ready. This is almost exactly how it started when I was pregnant with Mallory and I was expecting the same result this time around too.

I didn't tell anyone that I thought I was pregnant. I've kept to myself as I try to put things together and see what's really happening here. When I missed my period earlier this month I just kind of pushed it off thinking that it was late. But it hasn't come yet and I don't think it's going to happen at this point.

I hear a knock on the bathroom door and I quickly lift my head.

"Hey babe, you okay in there" Anthony asks and I sigh.

"You can come in" I say and he opens the door. He had a scared expression on his face as he doesn't even look at the counter with the tests and stares straight at me. I had been in here a while without saying anything so I'm sure he's jumping to some dramatic conclusion.

"You didn't answer my question and now I'm getting scared" he admits.

My eyes move to the counter and he follows my glance. He gasps once he realizes what they were and what they were doing here. He quickly turns back to me as he smiles big.

"Are you pregnant" he whispers like he's telling me a secret.

"I don't know... I haven't got the balls to go look at it yet" I admit.

He rushes over to the sink and looks down at the tests. I got the ones that were most expensive so it should say pregnant or not pregnant on it so it should be obvious whether or not I am.

The next second he starts to shout saying "yes" and every so often a "hell yes" and I smile because it was pretty cute how excited he was. He continues to dance around me, quite awfully might I add, before he turns to me. He comes over to where I was sitting before grabbing my waist and picking me up high above his head. I smile as he spins me around before setting me onto my feet. He suddenly grabs my face and pulls me into a kiss and quockly all my worries were gone.

"So I'm guessing it said that I was pregnant" I whisper on his lips.

"You are... and I'm so glad that you are" he sighs as he cups my cheeks with his hands.

"Really" I ask.

"Of course baby. You already gave me one incredible kid, but to have a kid together and to be able to raise it. Well nothing in this world makes me happier" he claims and I smile.

"You're not just saying that to make me feel better" I ask and he shakes his head.

"No. I'm happy... I'm really really happy" he promises.

"Okay. Now what" I ask.

"You're the one who's been through this before, shouldn't I be asking you" he teases.

"True enough, but I don't know if we should tell my family when we get to Georgia or tell Mallory first. Should we tell anyone" I ask.

"We are defiantly telling people because there's no way I can keep this in and I'm just going to apologize right now for what's going to happen in the next few weeks because I am just that excited" he claims.

"Alright. But let's tell Mallory first because she's gonna hate us if we don't" I insist.

He suddenly and excitedly grabs my hand and drags me out of the bathroom. We find Mallory where we left her in the living room surrounded by her dolls as they all watched TV with her. Anthony moves us so we were standing in front of the TV as Mallory starts to pout.

"Hey! I was watching spongebob" she whines and I stop.

"You're not supposed to be watching spongebob anyway" I remind her.

"But dad said I can" she claims and I turn to Anthony.

"I said you could when your mother isn't around" he mumbles and I shake my head.

"You let her watch spongebob when I'm not around" I ask.

"Well I don't let her do it when you're here" he claims and I playfully hit his side. He laughs as he catches my hands and returns them to my side.

"Move" Mallory demands and I suddenly remember there was a reason we wanted to talk to her.

"We need to talk to you first" I say as I turn around and turn of the tv. We walk over to her on the couch and sit on either side of her making sure we don't sit on her dolls that we're keeping her company. She didn't like that.

"Am I in trouble" she asks and I laugh.

"No baby, you're not. But I gotta tell you something" I admit.

"As long as I'm not in trouble, that's okay" she claims and I laugh.

"This isn't about you... per say. It's about me and Anthony and our baby" I say as she looks at me weird.

"You guys had a baby" she asks.

"Not exactly, we're having a baby" I explain and she stops. Suddenly her eyes get big as she smiles at me.

"I'm going to be a big sister" she finally connects and I smile at her excitement. I can see in her big blue eyes how excited she was to have a little sibling.

"You are. I don't know when but you're going to have a little brother or sister" I explain and she jumps up in her spot. She launches herself into my arms and I catch her as she pulls me into a hug.

"Oh mommy I'm so excited. When can I meet it" she questions.

"The baby has to grow in mommy's tummy first. Then when it's ready we can meet it" I say.

"Why is it in your tummy" she asks and I hear Anthony start to snicker from the other side of the couch.

"I'm not doing this" I insist and he starts to laugh at me.

After explaining to Mallory that I was not telling her the process of growing and having a baby she lets it go. I turn the tv back on but change it from spongebob because even though I watch it I don't like it when she does.

I go into Anthony and I's bathroom and clean up the pregnant tests. I smile really big when I see them all say pregnant. I throw them all away except for one so I could remember this day forever. I go into our bedroom to store it someplace and I find him sitting on the bed by himself. He was just smiling off into the distance and it made my heart happy.

"Hey you, what are you doing" I wonder as I walk over to him.

"I'm doing everything in my power to always remember this moment in my life" he claims and I feel my heart rate speed up.

"You promise you're not upset" I ask as he shakes my head.

"I haven't been happier in my entire life" he claims. I set myself in his lap and he wraps his arms around me. We were leaving in a few days for home for Thanksgiving and all of our stuff was ready. I wanted to try and get in to see my doctor to see how far along I am before we leave although I'm sure I know when I conceived. But there was a lot of big steps I needed to take in my life and I just hope I'm ready for it.

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