Call It What You Will

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It sucked starting the season on the road. It was exciting to be back in the game and have the chance to make some history, but not without being able to share these memories with the people we love. Luckily for me I had a great team and they never let me get too down. Even though it was Melissa and I's one year anniversary of the first time we met today and we are apart this day, it is still a special occasion to me, even if she's not here to celebrate it with me.

So I call to tell her happy anniversary but it goes straight to voicemail. We were texting earlier so I know her phone was working, I'm not really sure why she didn't answer. She always picks up her phone. I try again but the same thing happens.

I call into her work but they say she wasn't scheduled to come in today. She takes pictures so she's not always in her office when she works, sometimes there's nothing for her to do or she's out somewhere nice taking pictures. She could have been taking pictures somewhere with bad signal or just not have anything to do that requires her to be in.

Finally I decide to call the house phone and it rings for a while before someone picks up.

"Hello" I ask.

"Hello. This is the riz...Rizzo household" a small voice says and I smile.

"Mallory honey, it's daddy" I tell her.

"Daddy!? Are you coming home yet" she asks and I laugh.

"No. Not yet. But I need to speak to your mom" I insist.

"She's not here" she says and I raise a eyebrow.

"You're home alone" I question.

"No. Grandma and Grandpa are here. They brought mommy's horse over and they wanted to hang out with me" she tells me.

"That's awesome sweetie. But I need to know where your mom is" I insist.

"She's not here" she says again and I laugh.

"I got that. Where is she" I ask.

"I can't tell you" she claims.

"Why not" I question.

"If I tell you mommy said I can't get my own horsey" she explains.

"Can you at least tell me if she's okay" I ask.

"I think so" she replies and I let out a long sigh.

"Alright. Well I love you munchkin. I'll see you when I get home" I say.

"I love you. I miss you daddy" she says and I smile.

"I miss you too" I reply.

She quickly hangs up and I toss my phone onto the couch in the hotel. I fall down with my phone and as soon as I do there's a knock on the door.

"Room service" they say.

"I didn't order room service" I say.

"This is a anniversary gift" they claim and my eyes get big. I hop up and open the door quickly because only one person would have known about that.

There stood my beautiful wife with her hair all done up nice and a beautiful dress on. Her locket hung around her neck and her wedding ring on her finger. She smiled at me like I was the best thing she's ever seen in her life and I believe her.

"You!? What are you doing here" I ask as I wrap my arms around her. Her baby belly presses against my stomach making me smile even bigger.

"Did you really think I wouldn't come see you on our anniversary" she asks.

"Well I mean there's about a million other things you do besides love me" I admit.

"And none of them are more important" she assures me making me smile. I pull her into a much overdue kiss as I grab her hips. She tangles her fingers in my shirt and I was convinced there was no better feeling than this.

"You're crazy. You know that right" I ask.

"Just crazy in love" she promises.

I take her out to lunch and we have a great time. Even though she had to leave after the game I still appreciated that she came out in the first place. Just seeing her made me so happy.

"What made you want to come surprise me" I ask.

"Isn't that what we do for each other" she asks and I laugh.

"I guess so. But you have plenty to be worried about back home and you still came here to be with me, why" I wonder.

"Because Anthony, you're the best thing that I've ever had the blessing to call mine. Through all the highs in my life only Mallory is higher than you.

I know you're not into praying and all that religious stuff but I don't have a better idea as to why you ended up with me or why you're so good to me. There's no better way to explain how I got so lucky than it being fate or chance or some higher energy that brought me to you. Every night when I go to bed and I see you laying next to me I thank god that he didn't give up on me. I thank god for the life we have and this little family we made. Call it what you will, but you coming into my life at the time you did is nothing short of a miracle. Everything I prayed for for years for, I found it in you. Every ounce of hope, every dream of a better life, it's all you. And it might have only been a year we've known each other, but each day we've spent together has been the best days of my life. I am nothing without you and I just really needed to tell you that" she claims.

"I like the sound of that" I admit and she smirks.

"You got me pretty good" she admits.

"So you left Mallory with your parents in the house to tell me this" I say and her eyes go big.

"How did you know that" she gasps.

"I think you forgot to turn your phone off of airplane mode because I called you and it went straight to voicemail and I started to think something happened to you. I called your work but they said you weren't in today so I called the house phone. Mallory picked up but don't worry, she didn't tell me you were coming to surprise me. She really wants that horse" I tell her and she giggles.

"Yeah. My mom and dad stayed in Chicago a few days after you left and I told them that they could stay at our place and hang out with their granddaughter while I flew out here to surprise you" she explains.

"Well I'm really happy you did. It's always good to see you. I feel like such a better person when you're around" I admit.

"Yeah" she teases with that sexy smirk of hers and I nod.

"Yeah" I promise.

Crazy In Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now