Time for Family

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"I'm not saying that Thor can't be defeated, but a fight between him and Captain America wouldn't be that much of a fight at all. Had Tony Stark just called Thor there would be no civil war" my brother argues.

"Exactly, so there would be no movie if Thor was a part of it" Anthony responds.

"But how is it a Avengers movie without Thor" my brother counters.

"Okay, I guess you have a point" Anthony admits.

"I can't believe your spending your birthday in the hospital arguing with my brother about marvel movies" I shake my head.

"Are you really that surprised" Anthony asks.

"I guess not" I laugh.

My brother had been in the hospital for a few days but he was close to being released. They were going to give him home care so he can live the rest of his life as he chooses. He was in the bucket list phase which is weird for a 36 year old but he had some pretty cool things. I hope he gets to do all of them, except for maybe the sky diving, I'm not so sure about that.

"Okay, the first thing on my bucket list is actually something you have to do" my brother says turning to me from his hospital bed. I raise my eyebrow as I look at him questionably.

"Be careful what you wish for" I warn.

"I want you to make up with mom and Dad" he claims and I stop. I stare into his big green eyes as he tries to read my reaction but I felt like I was frozen in my place and I couldn't move. "They really want to meet Mallory and to see you again, they're not mad anymore. I swear it" he claims.

"They have made zero effort to tell me that" I defend.

"Because you are the only kid in the family to defy them, they don't know what they're doing with you" he laughs.

"I'm the only one in that family that knows their life isn't made out for them" I insist.

"And I realized that too late. Now I'm asking that you guys make amends before I'm gone so I can have my family together once again" he claims and I sigh.

"I don't know Tim..." I trail off.

"Please, for me" he begs.

"Don't do that to me. That's not fair" I claim.

"Life's not fair" he smirks and I shake my head.

"Fine! I'll at least talk to them, but don't push it" I warn and he smirks big.

"That's why you're my favorite person" he claims and I roll my eyes.

"You like Mallory better" I insist.

"You're so right" he agrees and we all laugh.

We let him be so he can rest then I pick my kid up from the kids area they had here for families. We go to lunch with Anthony's parents who was a lot more accepting and loving than my own.

"How is your brother doing" his dad John asks.

"He's fine I guess. He's accepted that the end was near a lot better than I did. He's kind of is at peace with what's happening right now" I shrug.

"And how are you" he asks and I sigh.

"I'm struggling. Out of everyone in my family I am closest to him. He's been living with me for almost five years now and he's helped raise Mallory and keep me sane. I don't know a life without him and I really don't want to" I admit.

"I get it. When I thought I was going to lose Anthony I was so lost. I can only imagine what you're going through. But if you want here is my number, call any time you need someone to talk to and for whatever reason Anthony can't. Or if you need a baby sitter" he teases and I laugh.

"Thanks John. You know, I have a lot to learn from you and you're wife. You raised a amazing kid" I admit.

"Thank you, I'm quite proud of him. And not even as a player, but as a person" he admits.

"You should be. He is a amazing human being. He makes one hell of a father and I'm sure he's learned from the best" I smile.

"I don't mean to toot my own horn" John jokes. "What about you, are you in touch with your parents" he asks.

"Not really. They don't really like that I got pregnant to a guy I shouldn't have, but I have a feeling that things are about to change" I admit.

"A change of heart" he asks.

"A change of the future. For I know it is not promised to me and I realized that I can't expect the future to be there waiting for me and for them to be a part of it without fixing some things first. My brother made me realize that I should put aside what happened in the past to make a better future.

People change, I know I have. And I know my parents are probably still upset but if they knew Mallory they would know she is no mistake. She is a gift sent to me to help me see the world through new eyes" I explain.

"You have something special going on here. Mallory is a amazing kid, she's so smart and so kind. I heard that she called the police when your brother got sick, probably saved his life.

There is no better feeling in this world than knowing your kid loves you. And she does, just as you will always love your mother" he explains.

"It's been so long" I admit.

"How long" he asks.

"Six years, almost seven. We just stoped trying to make things work out" I shrug.

"It's never too late for family" he claims.

"I see that now" I nod.

While I talked to John, Anthony and his mom joined Mallory in making him a birthday cake. They help her up and she draws a terrible but really cute picture of all of us on the top of the cake. Even Tim was in it, she had to squeeze him on, but he was there.

We put candles in the cake and sing to Anthony happily. He smiles big before blowing the candles out. We leave a piece for Tim before delivering it to him in the hospital. We all enjoy Anthony's birthday not how we expected to but how it mattered. We had each other because one day we won't be able to do this anymore and that would be a shame. So while my brother is still here I plan on my best to make it worth while.

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