Picture Wall

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After the house gets up to date we start to slowly move our things into it. By the beginning of February we move the last box in and started to make this house a home. I'm not gonna lie, this place was pretty amazing. It gave the home feel with the brick appearance and the open area concepts. Plus the fact that there was already stuff here ready for us to make our own didn't hurt either. Mallory was so excited to be able to design her room and to help out with the nursery too. She's already scoped out all the good hide and seek spots and took Addison for a run in the backyard which was huge, this was a farm after all.

"Melissa" Anthony calls out and I set down the box I was working on. Moving while pregnant might not be the best idea but it's not like I can leave it to Mallory and Anthony... it would never get finished.

"Coming" I yell as I walk up the stairs to where he was. I was finishing up the living room and he said he had to do something to our room before I can see it. So I'm guessing now is when he wanted to show me.

I get up the stairs and see Anthony standing in front of our door with a huge smile on his face. He comes over and grabs my hand before pulling me to the door.

"Why do I feel like you secretly got us a water bed and this is what you're so excited about" I say and he starts to laugh.

"I wish I would have thought of that" he admits and I roll my eyes.

"Great... now we're getting a water bed" I scoff.

"I mean if you're okay with it..." he trails off.

"I'll think about it" I say and he smirks at me.

"Fine, but that's not why we're here anyway" he claims.

"Then tell me my wonderful husband, what are we doing here" I ask and he smiles down at me.

"Because I've been working on getting this done for a while and it's finally done and now I can show you" he claims.

"Well show me" I beg.

He happily opens up the door and pulls me in behind him. He had our sheets down and some rugs put out to bring it all together. The drapes on the window was perfect for the room and the dresser looked really nice with the colors of the walls. Everything was calming colors and he added a really pretty chandelier to the middle of the room, but I know that's not what he wanted me to see.

"What am I supposed to be looking at" I question.

"That" he says pointing to the wall by Mallory's room. Originally there was a tv there but now it had been taken off and painted over. There was a few shelves with some of Anthony's great achievements so far in his career. But from top to bottom from wall to wall was strings hanging up and pictures hanging from them. I go and look closer and realize that it was a time line of our relationship. From start to just recently there were pictures of our journey together reminding me just how lucky I am.

"Oh... my.... god. Anthony... this is incredible. How did you get some of these pictures" I question.

"For once in my life the paparazzi was good for something. Then I went to a bunch of websites that follow the wives and girlfriends of athletes in Chicago and got some from there. You put a bunch in our computer and I might have gone to your work to get a few more" he explains.

"It's beautiful. How many pictures are on here" I ask as I take one off the wall.

"Over seven hundred pictures. A lot from our vacation or of Mallory you took when she joins you at work but I put them up because they're cute and I love them. You're a great photographer and I couldn't capture that in these pictures but I can try" he shrugs.

"I... I don't know what to say. This is the best thing ever seen" I say as I put the picture back and step back to see it all.

"I'm not gonna lie, it was a pain in the ass to figure out what order these all come in and where to put them. But I loved doing this, there's so many great memories in the past almost year of our lives. I got to fall in love with you all over again and remember all the reasons why my heart wants you so much while making this. I would do it all again in a heartbeat" he explains and I smile.

"I'm honestly speechless. Just... thank you. Thank you for everything" I say as I start to tear up.

"Don't you cry on me" he teases.

"I'm pregnant, forgive me" I tease.

"Fine. Only because you're the sexiest momma out there. But I do want a hug" he insists.

"I do too" I admit.

I walk into his arms and he gives me a good squeeze as I bury my face in his chest. He smelled like his cologne and I could feel his body heat as he comforted me. I close my eyes as the memories of us flash in my head like a movie. I can't believe how lucky I was to have found Anthony. Well, we kind of found each other I guess. Regardless of how it happened I'm so glad that it did.

"I know you are already emotional but I saved a spot on the trophy case for when you graduate where you can put your degree up" he says and I giggle.

"Alright, then we need to stay like this for a little while longer until I calm myself down" I admit and he laughs.

"Okay. But there's still plenty of space to put up new pictures and we haven't taken a "we just moved into a new house" picture yet" he reminds.

"We can go take one in a few more moments. I want to stay in your arms a little while longer" I say.

"Sure. Are you okay" he asks and I let out a long sigh.

"I'm great. I just don't ever want to forget this moment" I admit. "As much as I love photography, pictures can't capture things like this. The only was to remember is to be in this moment then when I need it most I can close my eyes and imagine being here in your arms and I know I'll be okay" I explain.

"You make loving you pretty easy. Especially when you say things like that" he admits.

I lift my head off his chest and look up into his deep brown eyes. He moves a loose wave from my face as I stare at him.

"It's always going to be like this, right" I ask as he smiles down at me.

"Always. I promise."

Crazy In Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now