Staying or Going

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"Melissa can you calm down for a second" Timothy whispers so I don't wake my baby girl from her slumber.

"Calm down? Calm down? How in the hell am I supposed to calm down" I snap.

"Take deep breaths... just let me think for a second" he insists.

I stop pacing as the room falls silent. Music plays in my room so Mallory doesn't hear us and I hope it's working.

"I have to leave Timothy. I can't keep her here where he can find her" I insist.

"Where the hell are you going to go Mal? Back home? Mom and Dad would never let you" he reminds me.

"I don't know. I'll go anyplace that isn't where he is" I insist.

"You cannot leave" he claims.

"Well I can't stay either" I argue. "He's going to hurt her. He's going to say things to the media even though he hasn't been here for a meaningful second of our lives, anything for some money. He's going to turn her into some freak show, make a profit off of her as the little girl Anthony Rizzo is in love with. He's going to use her like click bait and I can't let that happen" I defend.

"That's not going to happen" he argues.

"You can't promise me that" I argue back.

"I can't. But I can promise you that if you leave you are going to break that boys heart. You can't do that to Anthony."

I stop in my spot because I knew he was right. I couldn't leave Anthony even if I wanted to. But he could get hurt because of me and that's exactly why I wanted to go.

"I don't want him getting mixed up in this. He shouldn't have to pay him off or be used for monetary gain. He's such a sweet guy and he has the kindest heart. He doesn't deserve this shit" I argue.

"And neither do you" Tim reminds me.

"This isn't his problem Tim, it's mine" I defend.

"And running away won't fix it" he yells.

I stop screaming and fall to my knees. All the tears I was holding in come out and I finally broke down. I feel Tim wrap his arms around me as I sob into my hands. I hated that this happened, I hated that it was happening now when I had so much to lose.

"I don't want to hurt him" I cry.

"Nothing would hurt him more than you and Mallory walking out of his life. Look at me" he demands as he grabs my hands. I look up into his eyes as he stares down at me. "I know you love him. I can see it in the way you look at him, how you always talk about him and joke about how much you need him, even though we both know you really do. You're scared to get attached and I get that. But if you run away and decide to come back you will never find this love you have again. Love is stronger than hate will ever be. That's why you need to stay here and fight. Fight for him and for your daughter" he insists.

"I don't know what to do. He's so mean and sneaky, I can't let him near my kid and I can't let him back in my life" I sniffle.

"You're not going to. I don't know what you're going to do but I know it's not going to be that.

Melissa you are the strongest person I know. And I know I don't give you enough credit but I'm your brother, I'm not supposed to. But don't think that I don't see everything you sacrifice to make me and your daughter happy.

I would have for sure been dead by now if it wasn't for you. I wouldn't have much of a reason for living if I didn't have you and Mal. I know this is hard, nothing ever seems to come easy around here. But you do it, I don't know how but you do.

And you're going to get through this too. Not by running away or fighting back. You're better than him and you're better than that. For what it is worth, Mallory looks up to you as her mom and her Dad. She doesn't need him because you're all she ever wants and needs" he says.

I let my head fall as I close my eyes. A million things run through my head as I try to piece together what is going on.

"What if he hurts me again? You didn't hear what he said. All the horrible things he said just to hurt me. Why does he want to hurt me" I ask.

"Because he's jealous. He's upset you have the jobs and Mallory and that you're happy and he's not. The only way for him to get on your level is for him to pull you down there. You can't let him do that" he insists.

"But he's not wrong. Anthony can find someone so much better than me... he deserves someone so much better than me" I sigh.

"You cannot possibly believe that shit he was feeding you" he gasps.

"I can. Because he's right, Anthony is the golden boy. Everyone loves him, so why is me loving him so special" I ask.

"Because he loves you too" he claims.

"And how do you know that for sure" he asks.

"Because sometimes I'm more than your stinky annoying big brother" he claims and I laugh a little. "Anthony is a great guy, he is the sweetest and funniest guy I know... I mean besides myself. And he talks about you the same way I do. He cares so much, always asking me how to make things easier for you since you're so against him helping out around here. He asks me what your favorite flowers are and which color goes best with your eyes. He asks me what Mallory's favorite Disney movie is then shows up with it and watches it with us. You should have heard how he talks about you to his friends, he sees you as some queen. And I have every reason in this world to believe that he loves you so much. And you love him too. You can't walk out on this, you can't take Mallory from him too. He needs you. Mel I need you" he begs.

"I love you so much" I admit.

"I love you too" he says as he wraps his arms around me again. I dig my face into his chest as the tears fall once more. He rubs my back as I hold on to him tight. He was so skinny but he was still my big brother I knew and loved.

"We're staying" I assure him and he sighs.

"Good. Now we need to figure out what to do" he claims. "And I think you should start by telling Anthony. I know you don't want to but this does involve him and he has the right to know. Maybe he can help" he shrugs.

"I guess so" I sigh.

"You got this Melissa. You always have."

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