Big Sister

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After a long wait after making these plans back in the summer we finally make it to Disney World for Mallory's birthday. She woke up this morning and decided she wanted to be dressed as Elsa and Melissa braided her hair so she looked like our fearless ice queen. We had big plans for the day to celebrate my favorite little girl in the whole world, but first we needed breakfast.

So we order room service and get our Mickey shaped pancakes and scrambled eggs. We try really hard to keep the birthday girl clean but she was getting pretty reckless with the syrup. She obviously couldn't contain her excitement but could you blame her? We finally get her cleaned up before any damage is done and we were off to the races.

The first place we went to today was Magic Kingdom, which was Mallory's favorite place to go. We've been here since the day after Christmas and we've been everywhere, and naturally the castle is where she wants to be. She could here all day to see the princesses and Disney characters come out to preform, but I had something a little better planned.

She runs up to the gates that were closed for the time being but there was a man there waiting for her. She look up at him as he smiles down at her.

"Are you Princess Mallory" he asks her and she gasps.

"Yes! How did you know" she questions. As far as she knows this guy has never seen before but he was actually from Chicago and turns out to be a pretty big Cubs fan and he hooked us up on a last minute Disney castle experience for the birthday girl.

"A little birdy told me you were turning six today and wanted to come here for your birthday. And we all at the magic castle would love to have you hang out here and meet the princess" he explains. You can feel the excited energy seeping off of Mallory as she jumps around. She turns to her mother and I waiting for permission to embark on this magical journey that's presented itself to her.

"Oh daddy can we go!? Please" she begs.

"Go right along. We're right behind you" I assure her.

The guard takes her inside and we follow close behind. They take her to a room where the princess' get ready, it looked like something out of a Disney movie too. There was a big mirror like in sleeping beauty and Cinderella's dress in the corner. It was actually pretty cool to se the behind the scenes things for most kids favorite movies. For all of it to be in one spot was actually pretty amazing.

"Stay right here. We have someone who wants to meet you" the man tells her and she nods her head. She takes the time to look around and see where she was at. We've been at Disney for a few days now and we've spent a lot of time at magic kingdom, but never in here. I know we didn't have to do this but it was offered and seeing her reaction to being in a real life castle and not one we've made out of blankets... well it made it feel like it was my birthday.

Eventually the guy comes back into the room but he's not alone. The girl dressed as Elsa comes out and walks right over to Mallory. I thought she was going to fall over when she saw her. But she stays strong and only smiles like a idiot as Elsa tries to introduce herself to her.

"I heard you are a very special girl who is celebrating a birthday today" Elsa says.

"I'm going to be six" Mallory rolls her.

"Wow! That's such a great number! And what did you ask for your birthday" Elsa questions.

"I want to be a great big sister like you. My mommy is pregnant and I can't wait to have a baby around. I can help mommy take care of it and love it. I wish for my baby brother or sister to be here right now" she says and my eyes go big.

"Well I don't think we can make that happen. But I do think we can do something for you and your baby brother or sister" she claims.

She waves someone over and a someone dressed like Olaf enters the picture. And if I thought she was excited before she's elated now. He hands something to Elsa before pulling Mallory into a hug and waddling away. They couldn't move much in the costume and it looked uncomfortable so they probably wanted to get out. Elsa hands her the thing Olaf has just handed to her and I try to see what it is.

I see a baby onesie that said "I have the coolest big sister in the world" with Elsa making ice crystals on the front. I smile because that was both cute and accurate.

"If I'm not mistaken it looks like you already have a sister" Elsa says as she looks at Melissa and I laugh.

"That's my mommy. But I do get that a lot" Mallory explains and I try my best to control myself.

Melissa could easily pass for 20 if she wanted to. She hates that she looks so young sometimes because she tells people Mallory was about to turn six and they're like "no she's not. Aren't you like 20 or something" and she has to explain that she's actually almost 27. I think it's cute when people think she's Mallory's sister, her, not so much.

"Well you're very lucky, you have a very beautiful family" Elsa smiles.

We get some pictures taken and Elsa and Mallory sing let it go about five times before she had to go do the hourly show. So I pick Mallory up and we head to the front of the castle to watch the show. When Elsa comes out she looks for Mallory in the crowd. It wasn't too hard to find her because she was sitting on my hip. Elsa gives her a little wave and she excitedly waves back. She then brings her hands to her mouth to hide her smile but I still saw it, I loved her smile.

After a magical time in the magic kingdom we go to animal kingdom before calling it a day. We fly home tomorrow so we can be home for the New Years and start things off on the right foot.

We get back to the hotel and try to pack everything into our suitcases. We had to go back home to Parkland to pick up Addison before we could go home, but we were well on our way to the new year.

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