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After spending a day in the hospital with baby Michael we get to take him home. I was pretty tired and really sore but really happy to be able to hold my kid in my arms and not in my stomach.

Once we get inside Anthony gets Addison to calm down and we take Michael to the nursery. He was so small compared to Mallory when she was born, but he was pretty precious. I missed the little sounds babies make and I miss being able to hold my baby in my arms. He fit in to our family so perfectly, everything fit with him.

I sit down in the nursing chair we had in there and I set him in his lap so he was facing me. He looks up at me with my big blue eyes and his dads head of hair and I couldn't help but smile.

"You have my whole heart" I whisper as he looks up at me. He couldn't really do much yet, he was just two days old after all. But he was stealing all my love so he had that going for him.

"Hey babe" Anthony says as he joins us in the nursery. "Do you need anything" he wonders.

"There's not a thing in this life that I don't already have" I say as I pick Michael up again.

"That's good. Hopefully I won't be fighting my own kid for your attention too much" he teases and I giggle.

"Don't worry, I know there's no him without us" I promise.

"Good. And I really want to show you something if you're not too busy" he says.

"Let me put him down for a nap then I'll be right there" I say.

"Can I do it" he questions and I smile. Anthony hasn't had to take care of a new born before but he was a natural. He's already changed about five diapers and gave him a bath at the hospital. He was really good at this whole dad thing. I softly hand him the baby who was sleeping peacefully all swaddled up.

Anthony carefully takes Michael from me and walks over to the crib. It was designed so that when we put him down he was being cradled and he wouldn't turn over and end up sleeping face down. Anthony softly kisses his head before setting him down and I feel my heart skip a beat as I watch them. He returns to my side before pulling me into a kiss.

"We made that" he says and I giggle.

"We did. And I think we did a pretty good job" I admit.

"He's perfect" he says and I nod my head.

"That he is."

Anthony ends up pulling me to our bedroom but he stops us at the door. I peak my head inside and I see Mallory at the wall of pictures we have. She was putting some up from the baby shower and my birthday and from when Michael was born. She puts them onto the strings with the clips as she sings to herself. I smile big as I watch her help our family grow.

"Hey kiddo, whatcha doing" I wonder as we walk over to her.

"I'm making the wall even more pretty" she claims.

"Well you're doing a amazing job. This looks great" I admit. And I really meant it, I wasn't just saying that because I'm her mom and to me everything she does is great. She really did do a good job with it.

"This one is my favorite" she says as she hands the piece of paper to me.

I see a picture of us with the horses and I smile. I was still pregnant and Mallory still had her hot pink cast signed by all the baseball boys. Now she has a purple one on until the doctors decide she's ready for a walking cast. She doesn't realize it now, but that hot pink cast sitting in her room might be the most valuable thing in all of Chicago right now. Jess took this pic when she was over because she wanted to see the animals and Anthony wanted Kris to come over because not soo deep down they are deeply in love. And Mallory was in the process of showing off the horses to Jess and Kris and Anthony and I was helping her. Anthony helped her up to touch Juniper's nose because she loved being petted there. I held her head straight so she doesn't freak and send Mallory flying. But we all had the biggest smile on our faces as we tried to make the best of a difficult situation. The crash meant nothing to us now, we had something better than the hardest times sleeping in the room next to us and Mallory was able to walk around a little in her new cast. It doesn't show her down, nothing does really.

"Why do you like this picture so much" I wonder.

"Because its all the things I love in one picture. It's you and daddy and Michael even though you can't see him" she says and I laugh.

"Are you excited that Michael is home" I question.

"Of course! I can't wait to show him all my favorite dolls and favorite movies and to bring him to the games" she lists off.

"Well he's still just a baby. It's going to be a while before he can play" I explain.

"That's okay. I still want to hang out with him" she insists.

"You're going to be a great older sister. Just like Tim was a great older brother to me" I explain.

"Is Michael ever going to meet uncle Tim" she questions.

"Not personally, but he will know things because of him. You and I can't tell him stories about his uncle, about how strong he is and why his middle name is Timothy. We can tell him about how he changed the lives of people who he had never even met, and some who hadn't even been born yet like him" I explain.

"If Uncle Tim was still here would he still live with us" she wonders and I laugh. Such a weird question, but I've learned that kids will literally ask anything.

"I sure hope so. But since he's not you and Michael are the dynamic duo. I really hope you can help him learn how important family is and why as long as we have each other we'll be okay" I explain and she nods.

"I'll try my best" she promises.

We help her finish up with the pictures before it was time to feed Mike. So I go in the nursery and find him wide awake. He just sat there swaddled looking up at me with his big eyes.

"Alright little man. It's milk time" I promise as I pick him up.

I feed him dinner before bringing him downstairs with me. Anthony attempts to make dinner for us before he leaves for the game.

"You don't have to do this" I say as I bring Michael in the kitchen with me to check up on Anthony.

"I wanted to" he insists and I smile.

"Well I appreciate that, we both do" I tease as I lift Michael's arm up.

"I will do anything for you guys. You know that right" he asks and I smirk.

"With all my heart."

Crazy In Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now