Never Let Her Go

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"Okay, what about this bow" I ask my pretentious daughter.

"Not enough sparkles..." she trails off. Never enough sparkles for her.

"Fair enough. What's about this one" I ask holding up a more sparkly bow.

"I want a blue one" she claims and I let out a exhausted huff.

"You don't have a blue sparkly bow" I remind her.

"But I want one" she argues.

"Okay then. How about we make one" I ask and Mallory finally agreed with me. I wish I would have said that forever ago.

We make her a blue sparkly bow to go with her jersey Anthony got her when we went to the game last time. She changed into her outfit and I pull her hair into a ballerina bun. I add the bow and she was finally set.

Timothy and I finish getting ready then drive over to Wrigley to meet Anthony. We get there and we find him at the gate waiting for us. He calls us over and Mallory runs over and into his arms. Always in his arms.

"Hi Anthony" she yells and he laughs.

"Hey Mal Pal. Have you been a good girl today" he asks.

"Always" she assures him.

I walk over and he grabs my hand. I look at our hands then back to him as he smiles at me.

"Are you ready" he asks.

"To meet the people who have to deal with you all the time? Heck yeah" I joke and he laughs. Tim follows close behind us as we go inside the clubhouse.

It wasn't much right now, Anthony explained how they were undergoing renovations but as of now it was pretty bland. But I was used to not having much so I didn't mind any.

We walk around and meet people and my brother makes himself at home. He loved Lester and knew he had cancer so he went over and talked to him. They seemed to hit off and that made me happy.

"There's someone I really want you to meet" Anthony claims snapping out of my disassociated state and I nod. He pulls me along side of him until we reach a really really tall guy.

"Okay. So Kris this is my girlfriend Melissa. Mel this is my best friend Kris" he introduces. We hug it out and I return to Anthony's side.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too" I say.

"You too. I really thought he had made you up just to brag to the guys in the room" he claims and I laugh.

"I'm as real as they come" I assure him.

"And this is your daughter" he asks as Mallory was attached to Anthony's side still. She was just a little nervous.

"It is. This is Mallory. Can you say hi to Kris" I ask as I cup her cheek. She gives a little wave and I call that progress.

We continue to walk around and meet everyone. Eventually Mallory peels from Anthony and goes off with my brother and a few of the guys to play catch.

I sit with Anthony and Kris and a few other guys I've met today. We sat around and talked for a while and I actually enjoyed my time. I was never into the athlete type as much as they were into me. But these guys were genuine and I really enjoyed their company.

"So Mel, how did Tony over here trick you into dating him" the man I know as Jake asks.

"Well he came to my work three days in a row" I start.

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