No Doubt About It

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"I don't get why these people want to interview me and not you" I insist as Anthony walks beside me, his hand in mine.

"Because the main theme this season is centered around your brother. They want to know who he was and what he was to this team. How this all came about and why he was so special. Plus I think a lot of people are very confused about our situation and they want to know what's happening from your perspective" he shrugs.

"Simple enough, but why didn't they do this interview with you" I question.

"Because they're heard me talk enough. They wanted a fresh face and there's no one I would rather have talk about me and this team than you" he claims.

"Alright. So do I just sit there and answer questions" I wonder.

"Pretty much" he says.

So they sit me down and do some hair and makeup. They had two chairs in front of a camera surrounded by lights ready for me. I sit there and think about what I'm gonna say, think about if I'm going to cry or if this is more than what Anthony explained to me. I mean I don't know of any of the other wives and girlfriends doing one on one interviews when their significant other does well. But I guess there's a first time for everything.

Eventually I take my seat and the interview lady takes a seat across from me. I recognize her from watching all the games last year and I think I might have spoken to her once or twice before. But we get reacquainted before jumping right in.

"Before we get started I want you to just give us some information about yourself. Who is Melissa Rizzo" she asks and I smile.

"That's a complicated question because I still don't know who I am, and I might never find out. My interests change and so do my dreams so to tie myself down and say I am just one thing, well that would be me sitting her lying to you. I am a daughter, a sister, a mother, a wife, a friend, a photographer and a lover of life. There's a lot of things I hold near and dear to my heart. They're not always the same things but they're all pretty great if I do say so myself" I insist.

"What do you hold nearest to your heart" she asks and I smile.

"This is about to be the most cliche thing you will ever hear but it's love. It's my love for taking pictures, for being around people that are important to my life, and helping them capture something that we can't hold in our hand but rather feel in our hearts. It's my love I have for my family even though things have been rough. It's my love for Anthony because that was the first time I ever fell in love with a man and felt loved by a man. It's my love for my daughter who was no mistake no matter what people say" I explain.

"How old is she" Kelly questions.

"She recently turned six" I nod.

"So you were fairly young when you had her" she says.

"I was. I had her when I was 21 years old" I explain.

"What was it like raising her by yourself" she asks and I let out a long sigh. I wasn't expecting to have to explain this all today.

"I'm not going to lie, it was rough. Her dad and I weren't on good terms for a while and having her didn't fix anything. But she wasn't here to fix my relationship with him, she was here to fix my relationship with myself. That little girl has taught me patience and kindness and curiosity and love. I always say she was a god sent gift to me to help me see that good people do bad things, and that doesn't make them a bad person. I had done some not so great things, some things that my family resented me for, but it's okay because they were just mistakes. Just a lesson waiting to be taught to me so I knew. And I defiantly learned my lesson, I learned that and so much more. But that girl made me a better person and for that I am so thankful" I smile.

"Your daughter has the heart of many Cubs fans, as did your brother. What is it going to be like this season without him being here" she asks.

"It's going to be hard. My brother was my best friend, he took care of my daughter when her father didn't and he fought cancer for five years. That's pretty great. I miss him like crazy and I wish he would have been here to see this team, they're so special. He would have loved it" I admit.

"Why do you think this team took such a liking to your brother" she wonders.

"He's just a great guy. He didn't care about much, when you're slowing dying you don't have time to worry about the little stuff that doesn't really matter in the end. He didn't shove his opinions down peoples throat and he could have a conversation about anything. Each of the guys had at least one thing in common with him and they loved that. Whenever he was around he was making sure he was putting a smile on their face. He loved baseball and loved the Cubs even with him being from Georgia. But he always had his heart set on this team, I don't know why. Probably because they represent so much hope and that's all he wanted" I explain.

"Well the Cubs are keeping his spot open in the dugout for him and are playing in his memory all this year. What does that mean to you" she asks and I smile.

"It means the world to me. When my family turned their back on me for leaving college early then getting pregnant he was always there for me, even before he got sick. He talked me through everything and he was there for us. He was my rock and losing him has been so hard. That was my daughters first father figure and her best friend. Anthony loved him like his own brother and would do everything he could to make him happy. And he was, he really was but he was no match for cancer. Luckily Anthony is doing a great job to try and make it so another family doesn't go through what we did" I say.

"And what does this season mean to you" she wonders.

"It means a lot, for so many people to be rooting on my brother and my husband and this team. I have been so blessed recently that I have nothing to complain about. As much as I wished Timothy was here, I'm happy he's no longer in pain. He was able to bring me back to our family and rally a whole entire city together, that's pretty special" I insist.

"Do you think he would be happy if he was still here" she asks and I smile big.

"No doubt about it."

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