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I know this trip was last minute and it was more about us needing a little time away from Chicago, but I was actually really excited to be in Hawaii. I've never got to travel before and I haven't been on a beach that wasn't full of college students and beer. But this... this was nice. I never imagined having my honeymoon eight months after meeting my husband and having to bring my kid I had with another man along, but I'm happy with how things work out. Although the circumstances are less than ideal I was more than excited to be here.

"Lets go to the beach" Mallory begs as she pulls on my arm. We had just gotten into the condo we were staying in and hadn't even settled in yet.

"We gotta get food first, then we can go" I assure her. She was already in her bathing suit with a Cubs towel thrown over her shoulder. Her new sunglasses Anthony got her sat somewhere in her blonde curls as she waited for me to go to the fridge.

I pull out some fruit Anthony had gotten earlier and pour it into plastic bags. I grab a bag of chips and make us all a sandwich before packing it into a lunch box. Once lunch was ready all we needed was my wonderful husband who was nowhere to be seen.

"Go find your dad and tell him its time to go" I tell Mallory and she jumps up off her seat. She takes off to the bedroom down the hall and I hear her start to giggle. She comes back in Anthony's arms laughing uncontrollably as he tickled her. He had on his sunglasses on and a towel over his other shoulder letting me know he was ready to go.

We walk the short distance front the house to the beach and find a place to set up. It was late November and a lot of people wouldn't be out here quite yet. The holidays weren't for another few weeks and it wasn't summer vacation either so we had almost the whole beach to ourselves. So we set out our towels and shed the extra clothing we wore on the way over. I get Mallory covered in sun screen before she takes off to play on the shore. I get all the areas I can covered before turning to Anthony. He was already looking at making me smile really big as he calls me over with his finger. I wrap my arms around his neck as he softly kisses my jaw.

"Careful there buddy, you're asking for a kid of your own with those lips" I tease.

"I wouldn't mind" he smirks.

"Sure. Because you don't have to carry it around in your stomach for nine months" I tease.

"Do you not want another kid" he asks.

"I do. I want Mallory to have someone to have the same relationship I had with Timothy. He was my best friend growing up and I knew that no matter how bad I fucked up he would be there for me. I think Mallory would love to have someone like that" I admit.

"Then let's get started" he mumbles as he moves his hands from my hips to my butt.

"Maybe you shouldn't have invited my daughter with us on our honeymoon if these were you're intentions" I say as I remove his hands so Mallory doesn't start to ask questions.

"Or maybe we just need to find something to do with her for a few hours" he claims.

"Hours" I ask with a smirk.

"I really love you and I really want to show it right now" he claims.

"And what are we going to do with Mallory" I ask.

"How about we play in the ocean some then when she gets tired take her to the condo and put her down for a nap then pray she doesn't get up" he claims.

"That's a big if" I say.

"I don't care" he claims as he moves his hands down again. This time I let him do as he pleases because I quite enjoyed it and I needed to stop worrying so much.

"Well then we should go tire our little girl out then" I insist.

We finish putting on sun screen and join Mallory in the water. She wouldn't go that far in unless she was on Anthony's back and I was okay with that. I didn't want to lose her in the ocean plus I got some really cute pictures of them playing in the water. He helps her build sand castles and buried her in the sand. For a while there it really did feel like we were a little family on vacation. No one can tell Anthony that Mallory isn't his daughter and no one can convince me that life's sick and twisted ways of bringing us together wasn't for the betterment of both of us. As I watch him play with Mal Pal I know for a fact I was right where we needed to be.

We spent five hours out on the beach, we splashed around and ate lunch and I took at least two hundred pictures. Finally we head back to the condo where I make Mallory take a bath to get all of the sand off of her. Finally she crawls out of the bathroom in her PJ's even though it was barley 5 o' clock. But she goes to the couch and I put in a movie I brought because I wasn't sure what they showed out here. She quickly passes out on the couch and I smile to myself. She had beach hair that was like a nest on top of her head and a little tan going she, it was so cute.

"Oh Mel" Anthony calls out and I shake my head. He has been waiting for this moment since we got here and if I don't get to where he is soon I'm afraid to know what will happen.

I follow the sound of his voice into the bathroom in the main bedroom and find him standing there with nothing but a towel around his waist. I was still in my bathing suit because I will always make sure Mallory is taken care of before I take care of me.

"I've been wanting to get you out of this swim suit all day" he tells me as he wraps his large hands around my hips. His fingers start to pull at the string on my bikini as he pulls me closer.

"Then what are you waiting for" I ask and he smirks.

"Is Mallory asleep" he asks and I nod.

"Shes out like a light. But we should still try to keep quiet" I insist.

"I'm not making that promise" he smirks and I smile at him. For such a kind soul he sure has a dirty mind.

He suddenly crashes his lips to mine and I smile. I wrap my fingers in the towel around his waist as I pull myself closer to him. We move into the shower which had glass doors and water coming from every direction waiting for us. I toss his towel to the side and push him into the shower because we really did need to clean up. I guess you can say we were multi tasking. He takes off my swim suit and tosses it out of the shower before closing us in. The steam starts to make the glass foggy which makes me feel better because even if Mallory came in here she couldn't see anything she shouldn't.

Anthony quickly picks me up and wraps my legs around him making me smile so big. He removes a wet piece of hair from my face and takes a good look at me.

"I love you Melissa" he says and I feel my heart skip a beat.

"I love you too Tony"

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