A Season For the Ages

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As spring training rolls along there a bunch of people take notice of what we're doing here. They're saying this is the team to go all the way and I strongly agree with that. Of course I'm a little biased but I haven't seen a team more capable of breaking a 108 year drought than this one right here. We had something historical going on in this clubhouse, every guy here has a chance to be a super star and we couldn't wait to get started.

Eventually espn makes it to camp and starts to do interviews with the guys. Dexter and Jason do one together and they get Jake and Jon too. Of course Joe is a hot commodity with the stuff he has us doing and saying around here and Theo is on the brink of breaking his second curse and he's just getting started. Even I do a interview with Kris but then we also get a individual ones too. He did just win rookie of the year and was the projected MVP of this season now. He shows them how to field balls as a third baseman and I talk about power hitting. Like the left and right punch in a fight.

Eventually I sit down and talk to the guy who was here for the personal interviews. He asked the more in depth questions that I knew was going to come up since I haven't said much since the NLCS last year and I was more than happy to answer any questions he had.

"Why is this year different than the last 108 years" he asks and I smirk.

"Because we want it so bad, and we want to do it together. We know we can have it and the only thing that can stop us so ourselves. The numbers say it's our time so now we just need to put up those numbers and we're World Series champions" I explain.

"Why is it important to do that with this group of guys" he wonders.

"Because we're a family. Through thick and thin we have each other's backs and it's a long season, but it's not that bad when you're doing it with 39 of your brothers" I admit.

"Last year you guys went through a lot of ups and downs. You are still young and still finding your way through a season that lasts 182 games. What's a example when times were hard and you guys relied on each other for comfort in order to get over those bumps on the road" he asks.

"The biggest thing from last year that we as a team had to face together was when my wife's brother got diagnosed with a second cancer and it was obvious he wasn't going to make it much longer. He had been around the team for a while and they loved him, one day he told the boys he felt like he couldn't go on much longer and we all made sure he got to live out the rest of his life the way he planned. And he did, he was the honorary bat boy and even got to throw out the first pitch at a game. The guys really made sure he knew he was loved before he passed away" I explain.

"Wife? I didn't know you were married" he admits and I laugh.

"Up until just then I never outright said it. I mean there's pictures of her and I with her ring on and from our honeymoon but that could have been a really nice vacation really. It happened a few days before the season ended last year and it was a last minute court house thing. But we got married so her brother could be my best man and a part of the wedding. Both of our families made it and a lot of the guys were there too. We didn't want to turn it into this big thing because it was so we could get married before her brother passed away, but she changed her last name and we went on a honeymoon so we're defiantly married" I assure him.

"And she had a daughter before you guys met, correct" he wonders and I smile big.

"She did, and I'm so lucky that I get to be a father to such a incredible little girl. Mallory is the greatest little kid you will ever meet. She has the wildest imagination and the sweetest heart ever. You can't miss her even if she's in a room with a million people, you will know it's her. I love her like my own and she makes me so proud to be able to call her my daughter" I sigh.

"How old is she" he questions.

"She turned six not too long ago. We got to spend her birthday in Disney and it was one of my favorite days of my life. Right next to every other day I get to spend with those two" I admit.

"Was it hard walking into a situation like that" he wonders.

"Not at all. Falling in love with Melissa was the easiest thing I've ever done. She made sure of it. She is open about her mistakes and her past, she's learned and she's still learning. There's no one in this life I think is stronger or smarter than her, I love being able to be around her and see how she handles life no matter how dark it may seem. She's going to finish this semester and get her art degree and she already has a amazing daughter. We're expecting our first child together and although things might seem crazy from the outside, it's warm and calm on the inside" I say.

"Well first off let me tell you congrats on the baby, I can't wait to see the little Rizzo baby. And second of all let me say that you're a lucky man, you're married and having a kid and is about to embark on what's sure to be a season for the ages. Are you ready for all of this" he asks and I laugh.

"Of course not, this is baseball and anything can happen. All I know is that I want to do my best, keep working with the children's hospital and be the best husband and dad I can be. I know this isn't the most ideal of situations but I am so blessed. I'm happily married and even though the circumstances were not what you'd expect for a wedding, I plan on being married to Melissa for the rest of my life. It's a decision I make every time I get to the chance to marry her. That answers always yes. And I get to be a father to a little girl who I am convinced is going to change the world. She can be a politician or a advocate or a doctor, I don't know. Whatever she wants to be she'll be it and I'll be right there next to her cheering her on. Then by June I have my first baby in my arms and my girls by my side and I'll realize that baseball is a great game, but it's still just a game. This seasons going to be special for not only what's going on on the field but off it too. I'm lucky because everything seems to be working out for me and I don't see how it's going to end with anything other than a World Series championship" I insist.

"Well you got me and many others rooting for you. I can't wait to see what you and your team can do and to see your beautiful family soon" he says and I smile.

"Yeah, me neither"

Crazy In Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now