Denying Help

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I sit on Melissa's couch with her brother as I watch her try to get Mallory down for bed. She could have easily had her five different times but she lets her go so she could play for just a little bit longer, maybe tire her out some.

Finally she catches her and throws Mallory in the air. Melissa catches her before showering her with kisses.

"I wish she kissed me like that" I joke to her brother and he starts to laugh. She gives me a side eye before heading down the hallway.

"It's bath time" Melissa claims and Mallory starts to fuss. "Keep that up and you're getting no bubbles" she threatens and Mallory covers her mouth with her hands. "That's what I thought" Melissa smirks as they disappear into the bathroom.

"Man I love those two" Tim shakes his head as he gets up from the couch. "You want a beer" he asks as he opens the fridge.

"No thanks, I have a game later so I probably shouldn't" I insist. "But I do have a question for you" I admit.

"I thought Melissa told you everything" he insists as he grabs a beer out of the fridge.

"She did, at least I think she did. But I offered to help her and she told me no, I don't know why" I admit and he starts to laugh. He pops the top off the beer bottle and leans against the counter. "What's so funny" I ask.

"You" he claims.

"Me" I question.

"Yes you.

My sister is the most capable and head strong person you will ever meet. If you make her happy she has it in her ahead that she has to make you happier. That's just the way she works. She is the only person in our family that would defy our parents and has a lot of pride about the things she's accomplished or been through. She doesn't accept hand outs" he explains.

"I just want to help her" I insist.

"No offense, but she doesn't want your help. Could she use it? Most likely. But there is not a thing in this world she can't handle. She just wants someone who looks at her the way she looks at her daughter. And you look at both of them that way, like they're the best thing you've ever seen" he explains.

"Because they are. They are incredible girls. Mallory is everything I wish my own daughter could be like. And Melissa... she's so amazing. Every time I'm away I wonder how she's doing, every time I'm here she's still on my mind. And all I want to do is help her" I defend.

"And she will never accept it" he insists.

"I can pay for your bills. I can get you guys a place where everyone has their own room. I'll make sure that low life piece of shit doesn't come within 100 miles of you guys. I can try and make a mends with your parents. There's so much I can do" I beg.

"She won't let you help dude" he claims and I sigh.

"Then what do I do" I ask.

"Love them. Give them something money cannot buy. Be everything that piece of shit was supposed to be and more" he explains. I let out a sigh and run my fingers through my hair. "I know it's hard. I want to help out too but she won't accept it. There's not much I can do, I'm not allowed to have a job and I'm usually too weak to do most everything. But the most she'll let me do is watch Mallory while she's at work and that's more of a blessing than a punishment. I love that kid so much and I love her mom. All she wants from you is the same" he explains and I nod.

"Alright I guess" I sigh.

"Don't sweat it. I know it doesn't seem like it, but she really doesn't need much. She can do this all on her own. But I know she's not mad that you're here beside her" he insists.

A second later the door of the bathroom opens and I hear little wet feet hitting the ground. Mallory had changed into a princess outfit but was still soaking wet from her bath.

"Mallory Mae get your ass back here" Melissa calls out as she too emerges from the bathroom.

"Never" Malory screams and I laugh.

I run in front of her making her stop and pick her up. I toss her legs over my shoulders and she had her belly up towards the sky. Her mom comes over and starts to tickle her tummy. She giggles uncontrollably and I hold her tight so she doesn't fall or get away.

"Mommy stop" Mallory laughs but Melissa never does stop.

"As you just said... never" Mel cheers.

Eventually I set her down on the couch and she calms down. She sits herself up and turns to me.

"You were supposed to help me" she whines.

"Says who" I ask.

"Says me" she argues and I laugh.

"Alrighty princess. Time for your nap, come on" Melissa says grabbing her hands and pulling her off the couch. She jumps off and lands safely to her feet.

"Can Anthony help" she asks.

"Why don't you ask him" Melissa encourages.

Mallory walks over to me and looks up to me with her soft blue eyes. It was in that moment I realized I would do anything for this little girl.

"Anthony, will you please help tuck me in" she asks in her sweet little voice.

"Of course Mal Pal. Come on" I say sticking my hand out. She sneaks her hand in there and I hold on. Her mom grabs her other hand as she looks between us two.

"Awww you guys are so cute" Timothy coos.

"Way to ruin the moment Tim" Melissa scoffs.

"Anything for you my lady" he says bowing down.

"Idiot" she mumbles causing me and Mallory to laugh.

We walk over to her room and she jumps in her bed. I pull the covers over her little frame and she snuggles into bed.

"Goodnight Mallory" I say and she smiles up at me. She reaches up and kisses my cheek before laying back down. I couldn't help but let the smile form on my face.

"I love you Anthony" she whispers and I feel chills go over my whole body. I've never had that happen before.

"I love you too" I reply softly.

I stand up and let Melissa give her a kiss then we leave her be. We retreat and she turns to me with a smile.

"It's a good feeling, isn't it" she asks.

"It's a great feeling. That little girl, she means the world to me. And I struggled to understand why you don't want me to help, but now I see why" I admit.

"Because everything I will ever need is right there" she claims pointing her head to her door.

"Thank you for sharing that with me. I didn't know I could ever feel this good" I insist.

"I don't want to be selfish" she smirks.

I pull her into a kiss and she grabs my face. Although this apartment might not be the biggest and they don't have a lot in here, it was a beautiful place to call home. And I know she's hated that she has to work so much because she misses out on moments like this. But she was right, she doesn't need me to fix a damn thing.

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