Back to Work

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After a month and a few days of absense I return to my photography job. But I don't return the same as I left. For now I was the newly appointed head photographer of this here photography business. That means I can do whatever shots I want and help other people with theirs too. I have people who edit the pictures for me and I even got my own desk in a office in the building, I just had to make sure Ryan was right outside so he could keep me in tune with the hot gossip around the workplace.

And the first shoot I did on the job was some of Michael. My family was begging for pictures since most of them couldn't make it up to Chicago any time soon. So I get him some cute outfits and a bunch of props before bringing him into a shooting room. This one has a white backdrop which I always preferred, it went with everything and it made colors pop in contrast.

The first shoot I do is of him in a basket completely naked. I knew it was the mater of moments before he peed himself so I make sure he was in position and snap the pictures. Then I swaddle him in a blanket and put him back in the basket before adding a matching hat. Once I was done with the cute pictures I'll do the baseball ones. The organization has been asking for some picks in a Rizzo jersey to show to the fans and we just haven't gotten around to it until now. So he gets a jersey and cute little shorts on. I place him inside of one of Anthony's gloves I brought from home before putting a ball next to him. Michael just sleeps as he lets me do what I will with him. He was a very chill baby considering how much kicking around he did when he was in my stomach. But I get some great pictures and even a few with his eyes open.

The last thing I had planned for him was something special. I had a picture of Timothy at a Bama-Georgia game in a frame and I set it next to Michael. I start to take some pictures but I noticed something. I noticed that Michael was looking at the picture and was reaching out for it. Now he's not even a month old, he shouldn't be doing that yet. But here he was having some sort of connection with this picture of my brother. That had to mean something, right?

Once I was done I get him back into his normal clothes before putting the pictures onto my laptop. I send them to the organization and my boss and my family and Anthony and anyone else who wanted them. Once I was finished I call it a day and go home where Michael can cry his heart out and I won't be starred at.

"Awh yay, mommy's home" Mallory cheers as I walk into the front door. She started pre school next month and I was going to miss seeing her all the time, so much, but she was growing up. No matter how much I fight it she was becoming a big girl and I had to let her grow.

"Did you miss me" I ask her as I pick her up. Anthony grabs Michael and takes him to get changed and put down for a nap.

"I did. I wanted to come with you to work" she admits.

"I know baby, I'll bring you tomorrow" I promise. I had to go to the pier to get some pictures and next to Disney that was her most favorite place on earth.

"Yay" she cheers as she wiggles in my arms. "What are we doing for the rest of the day" she wonders.

"What do you want to do" I wonder.

"I want to hang out with Michael" she claims and I smile. She was a over protective older sister and always told me to be careful with the baby and whenever Anthony is away and he calls he tells Mallory to give Michael some love for him and she gives him a kiss. I really was lucky to be given such a incredible daughter even though I probably don't deserve her.

"Your dad just put him down for a nap so he'll have to be in the nursery for a while. But in the mean time we can go ride horses" I say and she perks up.

Anthony promises to stay in and watch over the baby while I took my girl out to ride. It's been a while since we got to ride together and I'm really trying to make sure I give her as much of my attention as she needs. I don't want her to think that I love her any less because her brother is here. So I make sure at least once a week we can come out here and ride around.

I get her up on Juniper and I climb on behind her. Juney was getting old but she was still my little girl. I raised her form the time she was born all the way until the last day I was home. She was my girl before Mallory got her and now I got both my baby girls at home with me.

We take out into the land and just walk around. Mallory plays with Junipers mane and I hold her so she doesn't fall off. Her leg has gotten a lot better and she's been doing good with physical therapy. She was still in a walking boot but as long as she wasn't on it she didn't have to wear it.

After riding for about a hour we head back before jumping down. Mallory feeds Juney for being a good horsey and we head back inside.

I find Anthony in the couch sleeping with Michael passed out on his chest. Addison was laying right in front of them because she's a guard dog and is the self appointed guardian of Michael. I thought it was cute how much she warmed up to the baby but I'm happy she did.

I snap a few pictures before waking my lovely husband. He smiles once he sees the baby asleep on his chest.

"Man. I swear we were just watching Sesame Street a second ago. I even had a dream about the Cookie Monster" he claims and I laugh.

"And this is why you shouldn't nap with the tv on" I tease.

"I know. But he's so darn comfortable and he's so peaceful when he sleeps. It's contagious" Anthony claims.

"Well I'm gonna take the little man and you need to get ready for your game" I say picking Michael up off his chest.

"Yes mam" Anthony teases as he gets up off the couch. He pulls me into a quick kiss before looking into my eyes.

"I love you Melissa Rae" he says and I smile big.

"I love you most."

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