In the News

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I sit at my desk in my cubical and type away on my computer. I label each file of pictures with the proper name and date and make sure they get sent off to the correct place.

I had a photo shoot here in the studio later then one at the pier. I don't make a lot of money doing this but it is nothing I can complain about. Until I finish college I won't have the big jobs and that's okay. Everyone's path is unique and my college one is just a bit longer than I would have liked.

I continue to type away on the computer until I hear whispering. I try to ignore it but I swear I heard my name multiple times so I had to say something.

"You know, if you're going to talk shit about me can you at least wait until I'm not in the same room" I tease as I look over my laptop to the congregation of my co-workers in the corner. Some with lighting and others photographers like myself. We were a pretty close group but I was the youngest by far.

"I'm sorry, I just read something this morning and wonder if it's really about you" Ryan says. He sat at the desk next to me and he was one of my favorite people ever. He was super funny and loved to gossip around the cubical, which is probably why he's the first person to actually say something to me.

"What did you hear" I wonder. I was no rookie to the rumor mill, I've been around it all my life. Though I did think it would lighten up just a little after college. Obviously I was wrong.

"That you and the first baseman of the Cubs are a thing" he claims and I stop. I slowly close the laptop and look over to him. "So it's true" he asks.

"I never said that" I defend.

"You didn't deny it, and that says enough" he claims.

"Where did you read that" I question.

"It's all over the Internet. There's pictures of you and him holding hands, him kissing you, you guys laughing. You guys with your kid..." he explains and my heart stops. This cannot be happening.

"They have picture of my kid" I whisper.

"Yeah. And I know this probably won't make you feel any better but you guys are a really cute family" he insists.

"That's sweet of you Ryan, but I really didn't want this out there" I admit.

"I kinda figured. This is the first I've heard of it but these pictures were over a span of time, someone's been watching you guys" he explains.

"Those are not the people I'm worried about" I whisper. I couldn't care less what they said, it was her dad I was worried about.

"Is it the ex" he grumbles.

"That's just the beginning of it" I sigh.

"I'm sorry to tell you this way, it's just that the pictures weren't the best quality but they used your name so I wanted to make sure it was you before I said anything" he defends.

"I'm not mad at you Ryan. Just a little shooken up, that's all" I insist.

"I'm sorry sweetie" he claims coming over to my desk. He wraps his arms around me and I lean into his chest. What was I supposed to do?

I finish the day and go home before I had to go to the bar. I decide to take a shower and stay in there for a long time so I could think.

I bet he already knows. I bet he is coming up with a way to ruin this for me right now. As soon as he sees those pictures of me and Mallory with Anthony he's going to get mad. I don't know if he's jealous that I'm doing good and he's not or if is going to want his name out there with mine so he can get the attention he so desperately wants, but whatever it is I'm tired of it constantly wearing me down. I don't want him to use Anthony, I know Anthony will do whatever to protect us but I don't want him pay Brady off or give him something he wants just to be quiet. This isn't Anthony's problem, it's not even Mallory's problem, it's mine. And that's why I have to fix it.

But I don't know how, he knows he can get money out of this someway. He's a sneaky no good shit bag that I had the dishonor of getting tangled up with. And while I deeply regret ever giving that guy a piece of mind I know I can't totally hate him. I just can't, I am equally at fault as he is for this mess. But I will not let him abuse me or my baby under any circumstances. Not anymore.

I get out of the shower and change into work clothes. I make dinner for Mallory and my brother before setting it all out. We eat dinner and I try not to get stuck in my head, but it was hard. I was so scared of him showing up and ruining everything, but I was also tired of hiding in the fear that he would hurt us.

Eventually it was time to leave and I tell my brother and daughter bye. It was a late night so I wouldn't see them until at least tomorrow. So I finish getting ready for the bar and drive across the city.

It was a packed crowd as there was a away game tonight for the Cubs. They were out in California taking on the Giants in a nine o'clock start, man I hate those. That means these people won't leave until 2 am the earliest.

I continue to do my job until I feel a pair of eyes burning through me. I look across the bar and nearly fall over once I realized who it was.

It was Brady and he was already drunk, I can just tell. He wobbled his way over to me and sits in front of me. I felt sick as he shamelessly checked me out. I had a bad feeling he would show up again and for once I'm mad that I was right.

"Man oh man, you keep getting sexier and sexier and sexier each time I see you. Are you doing one of those new cross fit workouts" he asks and I sigh.

"What do you want from me Brady" I snap and he smirks.

"Oh come on, don't play hard to get" he slurs.

"I'm not up for grabs" I assure him.

"What? You actually think that baseball player wants anything to do with you" he questions and I stop. I know better than to let him get into my head like that, but it's hard. "You're working at a bar Melissa. You didn't even finish college. That boy doesn't want anything to do with you" he insists. God he's such a ass when he drinks. Well in general, but especially when he drinks.

"You don't know a single thing about me and Anthony's relationship" I argue.

"Do I need to? Because I might not know him but I know you. I know that your dirty little past weighs on you and you think it's going to tear you two apart. You're afraid he's too good for you, that he's so far above you that you can't even see him anymore. You're afraid you're not cut out to be his girlfriend and that he's going to find someone better than you. I can see it in your eyes" he smiles. I feel tears start to rise up but I hold them back. Even though I know he is saying this to get to me, it's still working.

"Must I remind you of our agreement? You stay the hell away from me and everything in my life and I don't turn you into a judge for being a no good low life sad excuse of a father" I hiss.

"And while that agreement was nice, I have a few good ones of my own. As you can probably assume, I don't have a job" he admits.

"Good. Anyone in their right mind wouldn't hire you" I spit.

"That's not wrong. But I still need money, and that boyfriend of yours... he has money" he claims.

"You mean his money that he earned" I ask.

"Yup. And a few thousand dollars in my pocket means that I'll leave you be. I won't take you to court for custody of Mallory and I won't keep popping up to remind you of how worthless you truly are" he claims.

"I'm worth a hell of a lot more than you are" I assure him.

"Maybe so. But last time I checked you were the one serving me drinks" he smirks. God this guy is a prick.

"And what if I don't give you the money" I wonder.

"I'm going to make your life a living hell. You're never going to get rid of me Mel, I'm like your shadow. Always here to remind you that you're shit. You've never done shit and you will never do shit. Eventually this boy will realize that too and then what? Where does that leave you? A nobody. Just a pretty face lost in the crowd."

I throw my things down on the counter as I stare at him. Everyone stops and looks around as my grip on the bar tightens so I don't punch him in the face. He sips his drink as he watches me with a smirk.

"I'll be seeing you around Melissa" he promises before finishing off his drink. He slaps a twenty down then leaves me once again pissed off and confused.

Crazy In Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now