Just My Luck

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"Okay, so say you never ended up playing baseball, what would you do" Melissa asks me as she cleans out some glasses. The bar was pretty busy earlier but now it was calm like it usually was.

"Oh that's a hard question to answer. I would probably do belly dancing" I tease and she gasps.

"You're lying" she insists.

"Yeah I am" I smile. "I don't know. I have always wanted to play baseball" I admit.

"Dig deeper. There's got to be a little Anthony Rizzo in there somewhere not dreaming about one day being a baseball player" she insists.

"When I was real little I kinda want to be a DJ" I admit and her eyes go wide.

"Seriously" she asks.

"Yeah. I love music. All kinds of it too" I claim.

"I feel like you would be a great DJ. But you need a DJ name" she insists.

"Oh this can be fun. How about DJ First Base" I ask.

"That makes you sound like a guy that can't score" she claims.

"You're right, what was I thinking" I ask and she just rolls her eyes.

"What about The Rizz Kid" she asks and I smile.

"I love it. I should just quit playing baseball right now" I joke.

"Stick to your day job" she warns.

"Fair enough" I agree.

After a few minutes she closes up shop and it was time to go. I wait for her to finish up as I wait for her to get free.

"Can I tell you something" I ask.

"What's up" I wonder.

"I kind of hate when you leave" I admit.

"Only a little" she smirks.

"This much" I reply pinching my fingers together. She shakes her head letting the blonde waves fall.

"Well if you would like, you can come over to my place. I'm sure Tim could use some guy time" she insists.

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude" I say.

"Of course. Maybe you can help him out a little" she shrugs.

"I would love to" I smile and she nods.

She grabs my hand and pulls me outside to her car. I lean her against it as my body towers over hers. She wraps her arms around my waist as she pulls me close. I could feel her breath on my face as she studied me closely. She pulls me down as my lips hover over hers. I move in to finally kiss her but I hear a car horn.

We break apart but I keep my hand on her face.

"That was some pretty bad timing, huh" she asks. 

"Just my luck" I whisper. I open the door for her and she slides in. We drive over to her place before getting up to her apartment.

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