Date Night

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The regular season comes to a end and the Cubs were going to the playoffs for the first time in forever to some people. And while that's going on and trying to help my brother out too it's hard for Anthony and I to have boyfriend and girlfriend time. But we get away for a date night, the first one in a really long time.

So I get all dressed up and put on some makeup and do my hair. I look at myself in the mirror and kind of laugh, I never thought I would be someone to put so much effort into a date. Like I already love this guy, I don't need to try so hard. But I love looking nice for him, I love the way he looks at me when he sees me for the first time any given day and he inhales deeply like he forgot how to breathe. I love how he immediately smiles when I get over to him and he looked me up and down. Every moment with him is special, but these ones are always my favorite.

I walk out of my room to go make sure everything we set for me to be gone tonight was in motion. I was leaving Mal with Tim but he's getting weak, soon enough he won't be able to watch her by himself. And while he does have doctors who regularly check in on him I still don't want something to happen and for Mallory have to call 911 again. But his doctors say a few hours of him and her won't hurt and as long as I leave him a list of instructions for him to ignore he and Mallory will be just fine.

Once I get out of my room that I share with Mallory I find Anthony sitting on the couch with her. He came over a few hours ago all ready just to hang out with her. He promised to take her out on a daddy daughter date once things calm down, but for now he's going to be stuck with me.

"Are you ready" I ask.

"Yeah I-" he starts but stops once his eyes meet mine. Immediately he smiles really big and it makes my heart do flips in my chest. He just stares at me as I stare back at him. I feel his eyes scan me making his lips pull tighter and tighter as the seconds pass. "Damn Mel. You look incredible" he gasps and I feel my face heat up.

He hasn't told me what we were doing tonight, all he said was "dress nice." But I don't have a whole lot of super nice things for the only time I dress up is when we go on these dates or I have a really nice event to take pictures at. But he makes me feel like I could wear anything and he would still tell me that I'm beautiful.

"Thanks" I finally reply as he gets up off the couch. He comes over to me and grabs my hands before holding them out in front of him. He looks me up and down with the biggest smile on his face and it made me feel so powerful.

"You're so beautiful" he claims and I avoid his eyes so I don't break under his spell.

"You make me feel beautiful" I admit.

"You ready to go" he wonders.

"I'm ready" I nod.

I give Mallory a goodbye kiss before Anthony drags me out of the apartment. We hop in his car and he drives a little outside of the city. We end up in one of those nice restaurants where they make the food in front of you and it was actually a lot of fun. It was interactive so we were allowed to do some things and we make our own meals. I enjoyed the dinner a little bit too much but I loved to cook so it was something fun him and I got to do together.

"Man... I haven't had this much fun in a while" I sigh.

"Well I'm glad I can make you smile" he claims.

"You always make me smile" I assure him. I grab his hand under the table and he grips me tight. He softly runs his thumb over my knuckles and it made me feel so safe.

"I hope you know you're a incredible human being" he claims and I turn my head to look at him weird.

"Why do you say that" I wonder.

"Because it's true, anyone who has ever met you would agree. Even the chef had a great time with you and you've never met him until today, you have that effect on people. And I've never met anyone like you, so acceptive of the problems and more optimistic of the future. It makes me feel good knowing that I have you in my life. I feel special because I get to love you and no one else does" he claims and I smile.

"Awh, you're so sweet" I coo and he smiles back. I pull him into a innocent kiss then a kiss not so innocent.

I break us apart before we start something we couldn't finish but I can see in his eyes that he wanted more. And I would be lying if I said I didn't want the same thing.

"Why don't we get out of here" he asks and I smirk.

"Where do you want to go" I wonder.

"Follow me and you'll see" he promises.

He pays for the meals and we go out to the car. He puts his lips on mine again as he pushes me against the car. His hands slip under the little dress I was wearing as he showed me how much he loved me.

"Anthony" I gasp as his lips move to my neck. My fingers get tangled in his curly hair as I hang on to him.

"Yeah baby" he whispers on my exposed skin leaving chills behind.

"We should go somewhere" I beg and he stops. He looks me in my eyes before smiling big. He opens the door for me and I slide in the car. Without saying a word he gets in too and takes off. He drives off to this little place outside the city that allowed you to see all of Chicago. He puts the car in park in the middle of the place before turning to me. I get unbuckled and he pulls me into his lap. I bite my lip as he starts to pull at my dress.

"Are we really doing this in your car right now" I ask and he nods.

"Yup" he claims as he tosses my dress into the back seat I was previously occupying. He smiles as he looks me over making sure he doesn't miss a inch of me. He grabs my wrist and looks at the tattoo there before finally asking. "What does this mean?"

I look at it and smile as I run my fingers over it.

"It's a cloud with the letters "TTSP" which means this too shall pass. It's a reminder that clouds can block the sunshine from reaching me but it can't stop the sun from shining. And a cloud might block the sun from me from time to time, but eventually this too shall pass and I'll be in the sun again" I explain.

"That's beautiful" he says as he looks at it. He softly placed his lips on my wrist making me feel so weak. I swear this guy drives me crazy.

"Are you gonna finish this or keep sweet talking me" I tease and he laughs.

"It would be my pleasure to finish this" he claims as he places his hands on my butt. He starts to run his fingers under my underwear making me squirm and he smiles at me.

And to think I thought my college days were behind me...

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