Crazy Little Thing Called Love

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"Honey! Where is Michael's socks" I yell into our room next to the nursery. There was a door between the two and it was open so I imagine she could at least hear me.

"They're all next to his shoes in the closet" Melissa yells back.

I leave Michael on the changing table and go to his shoes in his closet. I see little pairs of socks in the shoes and I nod my head. That makes sense. So I grab a pair of red and blue Nike's along with the the socks that were with it. I finish dressing Michael in his all cubs outfit before picking him up. I look into the same pair of bright blue eyes I've fallen in love with twice before and I smile to myself.

Today is the first day Michael was going to come to a Cubs game. He was well over a month old and he was doing good. He grows every day and he's kind of a perfect baby. Mallory has learned what she can and can't do with him but she helps out as much as possible. They nap together and she helps feed him, although she will not touch a dirty diaper. But she's always there for him and she promises to help Melissa with Mikey at the game today.

Eventually I bring him downstairs where my family now resides. Addison was in the kitchen with Melissa praying that she drops some food while Mallory was singing and dancing around her legs. I join Mallory in her fun as I dance with my son on my shoulder and my daughter in my hand. Eventually Melissa joins because she's not one to miss out on a dancing moment. So we skip around the kitchen and sing on the top of our lungs. The life I never knew I wanted was right here in front of me and I was thankful it was. Moments like this, I'll never have this again and that meant the world to me.

After we have our fun we go to the ball park. I wanted to take Michael around and Melissa wanted some pictures so I take them around with me. We get out to the ivy which looked really good and I was excited to bring my kid to such a place as this.

"Daddy doesn't play out here but he does like to mess with the ivy sometimes" I start to explain. Michael reaches out and grabs a handful of ivy making me laugh. I take the plant from him before he sticks it in his mouth and I toss it to the side. "Alright, and on that note I think we're done here" I say as Melissa giggles at me.

I set him down in the outfield and he plays with the freshly cut grass. Mallory sits next to him as she holds him up since he can't sit by himself. Melissa takes a bunch of photos and I let out a long sigh.

"Oh come on, you're not even that old yet" she teases.

"I did just have a birthday" I remind her.

"But you're not old enough to be letting out a sigh like that" she claims.

"That was a sigh of relief. Like my life has come full circle and I can look back and be so happy about how my life turned out. I no longer want more from this life I live, I'm no longer asking for more. In fact I don't want much to change, I want to keep living in these beautiful moments for the rest of my life" I claim.

"That's called living" she claims and I turn to her.

"I like living" I admit. "But only if I get to do it with you and those two little miracles over there" I say pointing to our kids.

"Do you ever think about how crazy life is? Like how we were once strangers and now I can't remember what life was like without you" she claims and I smile big.

"I remember you making me work my ass off to even know your name" I tease and she giggles.

"And now look at us. Even our bad times weren't so bad" she says and I smile.

"You're right. You're always right" I admit and she nods.

"You got that right" she smirks.

It comes time for me to do my job so she takes our kiddos and finds their seats behind the first baseline. I go and get changed before warming up in the clubhouse. I go around and say hi to everyone to pump them up. We take to the field with 40,000 of our friends and millions more on the tv and the radio. And throughout the crowd and the noise I find my family standing there and cheering for everyone, but specifically for me. I know that this wouldn't be possible without them and for that I am thankful.

The game comes and goes and we win because that's what we do. Ever since the allstar break we have been on fire. I'm pretty sure I've just been playing good because I just had a kid and I'm actually wedding planning for the first time in my life even though I'm already married. Everything seems to be falling together and I am so happy without any real reason besides the fact that my life is exactly what I want it to be.

I do my after game interviews and change and shower before heading to the family room. I find my clan talking to a bunch of different people and I join in the conversation.

"Daddy daddy! Can Naya and her family come over" Mallory asks.

"Yeah. How about we chill out around the bon fire and make some s'mores" I say and she lights up.

"Yay! Can uncle Kris and aunt Jess join us? And grandpa Rossy too" she asks and I smile.

"Of course sweetie" I assure her.

She runs off and invited literally everyone on the team and whoever was with them over to our house. And to my surprise most of them agree to come over, then again how do you pass up s'mores on a warm August night?

So we head back to the house and I start a fire. Melissa brings out the s'mores stuff on a tray and we make sure Addison stays inside. Everyone grabs a lawn chair and sits around the fire. We talk around and even though we just spent the whole night together we still had so much to talk about.

I look over to see Melissa with Michael in her arms. She had on my jersey and looked so freaking adorable. I love her so much it's crazy. Always crazy.

Crazy In Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now