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Jung Hoseok - 12 years ago

"Sit here and I'll be finished in no time... Okay?" Nanny number 5 had said kneeling down fixing the young boy's jacket before making her way to the line for the bank teller.

Hoseok sat on his chair kicking his legs back and forth waiting for his new nanny to return from her business. Usually with other nannies he'd raise hell in such a boring place ready to leave but this one was...different... Maybe because her name was Eun (Silver) and matched her hair perfectly or maybe it was because she was special...like him.

Hoseok had been alone for most of his life... Always being pushed off on some random lady by his parents who would often say awful this behind his back.

That's why he'd always throw disastrous temper tantrums and scared them with his not so innocent pranks... Some lasted a few weeks others lasted a day or two before they'd quit too afraid of the child....but not Eun... the first day she arrived he knew something was different about her and they became stuck like glue ever since.

He didn't throw tantrums or prank her...he was very obedient and always smiled earning the nickname sunshine but only she could call him that.

It was a regular errand to the local bank. Eun would always take him out for ice cream afterwards if he was a good boy. The security guard walked around nodding to the other visitors as Hoseok watch him patiently waiting for his turn to be greeted he could hear women near him snickering about how cute he was.

He pursed his lips together causing the small dimples at the corners of his mouth to be revealed which only made the women squeal even more.

Trying to ignore the unwanted attention he began talking to his favorite person in the world.

"Hey...Eun...can you hear me" he said with his mouth closed. Eun smiled to herself as she could hear the boys thoughts loud and clear.

"Yes Sunshine...I can hear you." Hoseok giggled and continued to communicate with his nan- no his friend.

"What flavor ice cream do you want to get?" Eun hummed in her head slightly before replying.

"Well I don't know...my favorite is cookie dough but I might try something else today."

"Okay!" Hoseok's attention was taken by the security guard who was finally in front of him. He smiled holding out a lollipop to the boy who gladly accepted it. It was nothing new after his usual rounds the guard would always come to greet the young boy with a smile and a treat.

He quickly pocketed the goody as to not spoil his growing appetite for the creamy delicious soft serve that waited for him at the parlor down the road. After a few minutes Eun had returned.

"Ready to go?" She said this time moving her lips and holding out her hand. Hoseok eagerly nodded taking the soft hand in his own as the made their way to the door when suddenly Eun stopped in her tracks almost yanking the boy's arm back as he continued walking. Startled Hoseok looked back at his friend who had terror across her face... At the very moment a man who looked like he'd just been hit by a truck stormed in. The scent of alcohol swarmed around the room burning the boy's nose.

The man looked around and grinned before taking out a gun and letting one bullet out in the air. There were loud gasps and scream of panick as everyone hit the floor. The security guard rushed to the doorway to see what all the commotion was. When he realized the situation it began to reach for his gun. The robber quickly grabbed the first person he could which was Eun. He pulled her up by her hair and she gasped in pain.

"Don't move." He yelled pointing the gun to Eun's head. The guard held his hands up.

"Come close....Slowly" the robber commanded and the guard did so following his instructions as to not agitate him... when he was finally standing almost beside Hoseok the criminal switched his gun's position and without hesitation shot another round this time hitting the guard in chest. Blood decorated the boy's face as the guard fell to his knees a pool of the red liquid rushing out surrounding Hoseok's feet.

He threw Eun against the nearby wall as he had no more use for. Her body hitting the floor with a thud. The gunman quickly turned his attention to the tellers behind the counter who were shaking with fear throwing a bag at the he demanded the fill the bag with money.

They moved and started filling the bag. Hoseok stood staring at the his once pure white shoes dyed with red....he was scared and the only person he need he couldn't get to and that's when he heard it.

Damn... they're takin too long!

It was that villain's thoughts he could hear them clearly...every word... feeling his emotions....but why now? Why in a situation like this was he able to feel such things.

"HURRY UP DAMNNIT!" His voice rang out bringing Hoseok back from his trance. He looked at the man pointing his weapon at the tellers his hand visibly shaking. That's when he heard it again.

"Fuck this...I'm killin everyone."

His hand squeezed the trigger... a loud bang echoed throughout the small space.

The criminal blinked a few times not comprehending what had happened releasing the gun his lifeless body dropped to the floor his blood mixing with the guards. A silence filled the room as the tellers turned their attention in th direction where the bullet pierced the robber's body.

Standing there was the little sunshine holding the gun he had grabbed laying by the now dead guard his finger still on the trigger. He looked over at Eun who wore an expression of horror as she looked at the boy... he looked down at the bodies and the down at himself begins to shake he dropped the gun grabbing his head and screaming as he fell to his knees.

[ Wow...that was intense even for me. Let me know what you guys think. And please let me know if there's any errors.

I also want to shout out JinBananaWindowWiper for creating this amazing cover it made me shed tears that's how happy I was/Am

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I also want to shout out JinBananaWindowWiper for creating this amazing cover it made me shed tears that's how happy I was/Am...like I still can't get over how perfect it is.

Thanks for reading! 💙💛💜]

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