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Hoseok gasped for air looking around he was still in his car parked in front of his company.

"Yoongi!" He started the vehicle pulling off and speeding back in the direction he came. Glancing in the rearview mirror he saw the young boy standing in the middle of the road before disappearing.


Yoongi stood on a busy street in confusion. Why was he here... How was her here. He scratched his head deciding to walk in some random direction it was just a normal street nothing too weird. He passed by a few shops an Icecream parlor catching his eye

SugaSweet...What kind of name is that?

He continued walking when he heard a voice he came to know very well.

"Sunshine hurry~." Yoongi spun around to see Eun holding out her hand a young Hosoek running to grab it tripping over his shoelaces a few times.

Eun looked at the spot where Yoongi had been standing, giving him a small nod before walking into the bank following behind at a distance Yoongi entered the building his eyes instantly landing on the boy who was kicking his legs back and forth as he bounced up and down in his chair looking around until their eyes met.

The younger pulling a face causing the other to chuckle slightly. the moment coming to an end when someone cleared their thought loudly behind him.

Yoongi turned to see he was blocking the path of a little old lady he swiftly bowed in apology before walking over to a new spot out of the way. he unconsciously started reading the thoughts of those around him he smiled hearing Eun's and the little Hoseok's conversation about ice cream.

Then he walked in.


Yoongi gulped as he watched the man's every move. he pulled out the gun releasing a single bullet into the air sending everyone on to the ground. Fear took over the boy his body shaking

This was that day...

The day everything changed...

The day Eun died at the hands of her own son.

SOPE | Psychic Lovers [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now